Blackjack w/ Indigo Images + Personal BS + Charity Receipt! (Patreon)
Anyway this was a fun concept to shoot, and you will get to see the behind the scened footage from this shooting in the next post, yippee!!!!
Please click on the link for the tier at which you pledge:
$5, $10, & $16 "Playful" tier (17 photos)
**Same password I sent you for entire month**
$29, $36 "Extra Sexy" tier (26 photos INCL super risque poses)
**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**
$49, $56, & $99 "Smokin Hott" tier (26 photos INCL super risquet\ poses)
**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**
(these links will expire in 30 days, the PLAYFUL versions will be available for an extended time to those who pledge at least $10 at the end of the month)
And a quickie explanation for those of you who are new:
Playful pics/ Playful Vids = $5, $10, $16 pledgers
NAUGHTY Pics/ Playful vids= $29, $36,
NAUGHTY pics/ NAUGHTY vids= $49, $56, $99
***Personal BS***
Well this sounds kinda dumb to me now since I have been mulling over it... but I just have to get it off my chest. If you've read this far into my post then you deserve to know my struggle, thank you for caring so much that you actually read my little Patreon blog!
Anyway... some past romance drama has been uprooted and subsequently has reminded me of ALL the shitty ex boyfriends I have had :( It's not just bad memories, it's triggering shit I have emotionally and physiologically swept under the carpet for years and years.
Let me preface this by stating that I am currently in a safe & happy relationship with my partner of about 6 years now.
SO when I was younger I dated some crappy people, drug dealers, homeless guys, people who used me for whatever they could. There was always some majorly dramatic breakup and I would be all freaked out for a while.
Well one of the dudes I dated when I was 19 decided to clean up his life and join the Navy. We were the same age. We were going out for a year, and over half of it was partying before he left for training in TX and then was stationed in Guam. I visited him in both locations on money I saved from working in fast food. We were head over heels at the time, or at least I was :/ then he stopped returning emails... the last few he said he had been living in a tent in the desert in Afghanistan. His job was to check for bombs ahead of the troops.
So then I didn't hear from him for 10 years. Abandoned... well after a year I figured he was dead, that would have been an honorable excuse for ghosting...
He finally decided to contact me the other day to chit-chat....Turns out he has been secretly checking up on my facebook here and there over the last few years, now he might move back to my city and wants to "be friends"... (fuck that btw) I was shocked, then angry, then I just realized he had used me just like all the other guys I dated. It made me feel like shit :(
My emotions are all curled up in a ball now and it's a big load of bullshit, and I know it's petty and I am being a little sissy pansy... and this isn't really a major problem and it's over. I am happy in my current relationship, so this isn't regret, but it feels more like I have been totally disgraced, made a fool of, like garbage. a spit in the face.
The silver lining here is that I can really be grateful for what I DO have! Not only do I have a roof over my head, a super loving secret club of followers (YOU!) on Patreon, heat in my home through the winter, a family that accepts me... this little aggravation will subside... I just need to express it instead of what I used to always do: sweep it under the rug.
That is what I am doing with you all now! You are my friends and I know you love me :) I have some girl-friend dates set up too, and I have been calling other friends and family like crazy dealing with my emotions (especially on top of dealing with the death of my Grandma just a few weeks ago... BLAH!)
(Um btw this post is set to "Patrons Only" because I don't want strangers or ex-boyfriends to read this... LOL that would be awkward AF!!! )
***Charity Receipt***
Again thank you all for contributing to my success! Like always, 10% of your support for me goes to charity, and my favorite charity is Futures Without Violence!
One of my favorite programs (among many others) this organization does is called "Coaching Boys into Men" - which mentors youth to become respectful, nonviolent adults! If this kind of work could expand into all neighborhoods, there would be less pain for people like me! hoorayy!
^^Here is the receipt!
Again thank you all so much for your support, I truly appreciate you all! Sorry this post was kind of long!
Peace & Love