Recherie Yacht by Art of Women + Public Speaking (Patreon)
In April if you followed my instagram story you might have seen a bunch of snippets of me modeling on the Marbella Yacht in Marina Del Rey for Art of Women - that's right! The same photographer from Hawaii with whom I love shooting sensual content ;)
He got a new gig as the captain for this yacht, his deal with the owner is that he gets one day a week where he can shoot hot content with models if he wants. The owner is in the film industry down in LA and has a production company where they shoot everything from commercials to porn, so he is really laid back and non-judgemental of nude modeling and such.
SIDE NOTE STORY (LOL) when we were down here shooting, we forgot that our scheduled shoot date happened to be EASTER and the boat owner had his whole extended family invited for lunch and a day cruise on this massive yacht, I was in for the ride! Bob (the photographer) and I were the only ones not blood related. We did this shoot super early in the morning, before the family members started showing up around 10:30am.
So in the morning I was "super sexy hot babe" then the rest of the day I was Bob's tagalong/ the one weird chick no one in the family knew.... lol... They were all friendly though. I did my best to socialize, drank LOTS of coffee.... haha anyway I bet you're dying to see the rest of the photos!!
Please click on the link for the tier at which you pledge:
$5, $10, & $16 "Playful" tier (31 photos)
**Same password I sent you for entire month**
$29, $36 "Extra Sexy" tier (48 photos INCL risque shots!)
**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**
$49, $56, & $99 "Smokin Hott" tier (48 photos INCL riqsue shots)
**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**
(these links will expire in 30 days, the PLAYFUL versions will be availablefor an extended time to those who pledge at least $10at the end of themonth)
And a quickie explanation for those of you who are new:
Playful pics/ Playful Vids = $5, $10, $16 pledgers NAUGHTY Pics/ Playful vids= $29, $36, NAUGHTY pics/ NAUGHTY vids= $49, $56, $99
***Public Speaking!***
Today I am making a presentation at the Seattle Transmedia Independent Film Festival's Filmmaker Boot Camp - it's about the creation and marketing of my film Bring Something Sexy: A Documentary about Freelance Modeling :)
I am not really nervous... except my dad will be there!!! lol I hope I don't clam up! Whatever it will be fine.... I have spoken in front of crowds before so hopefully the audience won't spook me LOL... My only thing is I didn't go to film school and I was not formally trained in anything, so hopefully they don't kick me out while I am making my "how I broke all the rules and did it the backdooor/ garage project way" LOL just kidding I am sure I'll be fine... haha
Anyway please send positive vibes, obviously I am at least slightly nervous!
Thanks so much!
OH and PS: the NEXT post will be the VIDEO from this sexy shoot ;) you'll enjoy it!