Little Black Dress on the Yacht! by Art of Women (Patreon)
Oh the fantastic tantalization of a little black dress... this one is actually VERY little! So little, it might fall under the "nightwear" category, but for fantasy's sake let's call it a dress, shall we?
So funny thing about this set, we shot part of it in the evening, and part of it in the morning! Why? Well, Art of Women, the photographer, is the Captain of this yacht, but the OWNER likes to invite guests over to hang out whenever he pleases... of course! It's HIS yacht! So the owner's son, wife, and kids were arriving just as the shoot was getting spicey... so I had to cover up and go get "dressed" to be around a family setting until we could finish shooting later.
I guess it's my fault for accidentally scheduling this shoot on EASTER SUNDAY, HA! Yeah actually, my bad... well fortunately I didn't have to do any church/ crucifiction reenactment shenanigans... lol! Yeah it was quite an interesting easter with some interesting family folks that I had no connection to whatsoever... I was just the Captain's tagalong model! lol good times... Enjoy!
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$5, $10, & $16 "Playful" tier (19 photos)
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$29, $36 "Extra Sexy" tier (44 photos INCL risque shots!)
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(these links will expire in 30 days, the PLAYFUL versions will be availablefor an extended time to those who pledge at least $10at the end of themonth)
And a quickie explanation for those of you who are new:
Playful pics/ Playful Vids = $5, $10, $16 pledgers NAUGHTY Pics/ Playful vids= $29, $36, NAUGHTY pics/ NAUGHTY vids= $49, $56, $99
***The hard parts are over***
So if you have been reading my past posts and stuff, you may have learned I have been going through a massive shift - exited a 7.5 year relationship, purged most of my belongings, sold my prized car, bought a campervan, and I am going to ditch the apartment lifestyle all together to be a full on materializer for vicarious dreams!
Yeah so most of the hard stuff is over, one thing I wanted to bring up which I havent in any of my more public social media... is the memories I have combed through while picking into every nook and cranny of this apartment. I have found pictures and love letters from most of my exes, videos of when I used to binge drink in my other past life, and dark DARK poetry from when i was a teenager actively engaging in self harm.
ALL the deepest roots that contribute to my current day emotional pains have been reignited - and mostly silently - because it's "negative" and I don't want to post "negative" stuff on my IG or FB, that never goes over well.
But I have seen all the bloodstained poems and I have put them back in their boxes, I went with a few friends and put a bunch of things into storage. The hardest part is over. Now I will be traveling to Portland today and I have a bunch of shoots while in town, and I get to hang out with my Bestie Lillias! When I get back I just have a week to install solar panels, finish moving out of my apartment, and convert into a full time van person!! OMG it's happening!
Thank you so much for your support OMG!