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Above is a screenshot of the intro for the "Rebel Against the Light" video professionally shot by Black Label Magazine. The bonus gallery I shared the other day show some of the looks that this video has too, only a little more!

I LOVE high quality, engaging, creative, and sensual cinematography! Black Label Mag does a great job of keeping their videos interesting and still sexy! It's really exciting for me to be on video, the motion of posing for moving frames inspires me in a different way from stills- as I am not "holding a pose" for a shot, I am actively engaged in movement. I LOVE doing stuff like this!

Please click on the link for the tier at which you pledge: 

$5, $10, & $16 "Playful" tier (6 min video)   

**Same password I sent you for entire month** 

$29, $36 "Extra Sexy" tier (6 min video)   

**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**

$49, $56, & $99 "Smokin Hott" tier (10 min super risque extended video)   

**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**

(these links will expire in 30 days, the PLAYFUL versions will be available for an extended time to those who pledge at least $10 at  the end of the month)


*Vanlife Musings*

I am learning a lot about the realities of society over the course of time that I have lived in my van so far. People who live in houses and apartments (like...98% of people in the USA probably...?) seem to share the same fears about not having the security of traditional walls, windows, ceilings and a front door with an address and all that. Most people are afraid I am going to get attacked... or something I suppose...?

Well, my windows are just as thick as most people's, I can pull all my curtains just like most people probably do, and I even have a security alarm system that's super sensitive and high tech. I do have wasp spray on hand in case I need to ward off a "badguy" ...but no one has even knocked on my door to bother me about anything whatsoever!

I can cook, shower, vacuum, do my makeup and hair, sleep, edit, write, read and more in my van! It's my mini apartment on wheels. If I drive a long distance to a shoot or concert, I don't have to "drive home" tired if I don't want to! I can just find a nice safe place to park! It's FREAKING AWESOME!

Want to see my van? I did a FULL ON tour of the inside and talked about the backstory of why and how I ended up in this lifestyle in this popular youtuber's interview! CLICK HERE to watch the video! 

Thanks so very much for following along and being my rock throughout this crazy life! Without Patreon and you here pledging, this whole thing would not be possible! I am constantly amazed at the power of the internet to connect us... and so so so grateful!

Thanks a million!

Peace and Love, 






Loved it.


New here used the password for my level and cannot access, help