Film Photos by Justine Marie in Roufe (Patreon)
Ok I showed you the selfies I snapped here in the last post, but now I want to share with you the beautiful images shot on film by the awesome Justine Marie! She let me stay at her house when I traveled to NYC and we had the joy of photographing each other :)
Justine is also one of the models featured in my documentary about freelance modeling! She used to live in Seattle back then, now she is back in NYC :) Anyway she shot some of these kick ass images including some tasteful erotika, I feel like looking at sensual teasing images now I can see more of a glint in my eye... I've been getting loved on a lot lately with my new partner - soul and body, and I have been channeling this energy when I am modeling :) I dunno... can you tell a difference? I sure can!
Please click on the link for the tier at which you pledge:
$5, $10, & $16 "Playful" tier (16 photos)
**Same password I sent you for entire month**
$29, $36 "Extra Sexy" tier (28 photos INCL risque shots!)
**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**
$49, $56, & $99 "Smokin Hott" tier (28 photos INCL riqsue shots)
**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**
(these links will expire in 30 days, the PLAYFUL versions will be available for an extended time to those who pledge at least $10at the end of the month)
And a quickie explanation for those of you who are new:
Playful pics/ Playful Vids = $5, $10, $16 pledgers NAUGHTY Pics/ Playful vids= $29, $36, NAUGHTY pics/ NAUGHTY vids= $49, $56, $99
***A Long Day of Travel with a Happy Ending!***
Oh airplanes, I have a love/hate relationship! The schlepping through TSA lines, dragging my body weight in luggage everywhere, and the recycled cabin air are not my fav things, however I DO LOVE the fact that humans have created this amazing way to zip accross the planet like this! It allows me more time at my destination rather than chugging away on wheels, which of course has its perks too... anyway... today I fly from Mexico back home to Seattle, there's a change of planes partway of course.
I will arrive back in Seattle at about 1am... which sounds crummy but I am actually really excited for it..... can you guess why?! Yeah, my lover is going to meet me there, then we are going to shake the van around a bit before I have to turn it into the shop at 10am the following morning!
BTW just throwing this out there... no guarantees but... what do you all think about *tasteful* couples soft erotica? like black and white sensual/romantic stuff? Just curious as I was experimenting with my partner recently and wondering if any of you would like to see that sort of thing...?
Anyway, thanks a million for carrying me through these trials and tribulations, into more creativity and success! You are the reason any of these adventures are possible! I appreciate you from the top of the sky to the bottom of the sea!! <3
Peace & Love,