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It had been at least 4 maybe 5 years since I had been to the Salton Sea, and it has changed a lot! The last time I was there, there were dead fish skeletons and half rotton fish in piles lining the entire lakeshore... over the years the lake has receded quite a bit and most of the skeletons are reduced to fragments. It still smells bad, but not nearly as bad as the last time I went there (I think it was 2015?)

We found a dark dried lake-bed textured area sugarcoated with the white salt, and snapped these photos at sunset. Travis and I make a great team! The sun set much earlier than we expected due to the time predicted online versus the mountain range that was blocking the horizon, so we actually had to drive back to this location the following day in order to make this shoot happen! The first attempt we just had time to whip out a few pink sunset selfies, we returned to the area more prepared the next day, with a pinpoint on the map for a secluded area we found in advance. It was awesome!

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***Seattle #VANLIFE Poem***


It's been a long time since I have been inspired to write any poetry!! Here is something that just exploded out of my lil brain ;) 

Today it’s raining- thick enough sheets .

My sweat beaded today but did not run

Down my back. 

I appreciate my body’s temperature. 

Today it’s raining- slick blacktop…

Parking lot sweet nothings 

Whispers and warmth

I am grateful for our touches.

Today it’s raining- cafe wifi holds

My attention in otherworlds.

For a strip mall of conveniences

I thank the city. 

Today it rains- thumping

Splashes flirt with rubber tires.

Rocking and rolling-

I love this path! 

...I hope you like it! it's got a few sexual innuendos in it ;)

Peace and love my friends! Hope you really loved the photos! <3





Alex Cordova

Plan on watching the Seahawks game? Awesome set btw.

Luc Van Damme

Another of your many talents xo