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I have been experiencing troubles over my next creative Adobe Premiere Elements 13 project, without going too much into detail, the video wouldn't playback in the software, and I tried rendering but it was queuing like 58 hours or some crap! I finally figured out it was the "shadowing" effects I used... too much data to render I guess?? Anyway I figured it out and will be working on it in my spare time so I can share it with you all ASAP!!! I LOVE learning new things about video editing, sometimes it is a challenge though.

Right now I am in Miami, if you follow me on IG I have been posting to my timeline (they have a new feature similar to snapchat) so you can see my travel life more intimately!  I had 2 shoots after getting off a red-eye flight, and a workshop today with Focus Factory. 

As for these selfies, I snapped them while in the studio, the photographer left for 5-10 minutes because he had to move his car to a new spot (avoiding a ticket in downtown seattle) So i used the opportunity for natural light and this pretty hat to snap some BTS selfies for you to enjoy... if you're a $5 pledger or higher you can access the sets below (use same password I sent you the other day!):

Dropbox links to the Selfie Pic Set BTS in the Hat:

$5, $10, & $16 "Playful" images, 15 total

**Check inbox for password reminder for entire month of Aug!** (this link will expire in 30 days, will be available for an extended time to those who pledge at least $10 at the end of the month)

$29, $36 "Extra Sexy" 21 Images total

**Check inbox for password reminder for entire month of Aug!**

$49, $56, & $99 "Smokin Hott" Folder, 21 images 

**Check inbox for password reminder for entire month of Aug!**

The erotique content ($29+ pledgers) will expire after 30 days, no extended access available for these sets. Get in while it's hott!

Thanks for your support!! I really appreciate having you to share my goals and successes with!! I am hopping on a flight to Miami today, gotta finish my laundry and packing now, TTYL!





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