Blue Dress (and *no* dress) at Canyonlands ;) (Patreon)
This was shot at sunrise. A time of day spared either for those who forged the full night awake, or dedicated to the early alarm clock. For me, it's the latter. I do this for YOU. I do this for the beautiful images I know come from morning light, and the solitude this earliness promises- for not many humans here want to be awake so damn early.
I could not do this without my sobriety. I would not be able to get nude at this location, for there would be passerbys. I would not have this beautiful light by noon, it would be creating harsh shadows on me.
If you appreciate what goes on behind the scenes of my creative life: the 4:30AM alarm clock, sacrificing a social life, baring the 35 degree (fahrenheit) early morning weather in the desert, please let me know in the comments <3 Thank you <3 Photos by Travis, edited by me :)
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