Designer Bikini Dressing Room Selfies + The Private Screening Went GREAT! (Patreon)
These particular selfies were snapped while the photographer was preparing his lighting equipment by the pool. He told me to go kill some time so I thought "What a perfect opportunity to create a set for my sponsors!" With you in mind, I snapped 25 pics stripping out of this Beach Bunny designer bikini.
Dropbox links to the Designer Bikini Dressing Room Selfies Set:
$5, $10, & $16 "Playful" images, 16 total
**Same password I sent you for entire month of OCT** (this link will expire in 30 days, will be available for an extended time to those who pledge at least $10 at the end of the month)
$29, $36 "Extra Sexy" 25 Images total
**Same PW I sent you for entire month of OCT!**
$49, $56, & $99 "Smokin Hott" Folder, 25 images
**Same PW I sent you for entire month of OCT!**
The explicit content ($29-99+ pledgers) will expire after 30 days, no extended access available for these sets. Get in while it's hott!
And a quickie explanation for those of you who are new:
Playful pics/ Playful Vids = $5, $10, $16 pledgers
NAUGHTY Pics/ Playful vids= $29, $36,
NAUGHTY pics/ NAUGHTY vids= $49, $56, $99
**** The Private Screening Sunday ***
This past Sunday I showed my film "Bring Something Sexy: A Documentary about Freelance Modeling" privately to a crowd of friends, family, people who are in the film, and other industry people for the FIRST TIME EVER!!! About 40 people showed up.
I was really nervous! I had never seen my film on a big screen before, only on my laptop so far... I am my own biggest critic, and leading up to the screening I felt like a half-ass wannabe film maker who didn't take any college course or class of any kind in film-making.
Below I have attached a few photos from the event: Me standing next to my banner, me on stage at the theatre, and the group of some of us who went to dinner after the viewing (including my sisters, my dad, my brother in law, boyfriend, and some other photographer and model friends)
Alex, the film's editor, and I have been skyping once a week to communicate on how to edit the film over the last two years. He is a 26 year old star wars junkie who specializes in zombie films and digital effects. Neither of us have experience in full length feature films, and we learned how to construct a story-line into this documentary together!
I should know not to compare myself or my work to "Hollywood" standards, as that's how I have succeeded as a freelance model... films are a new territory for me. Your love and support through sponsorship on Patreon, reaching out, commenting on my posts here on on my social media, has also helped me move past these insecurities!
Alex and I talked again over skype last night. We went over some of the constructive criticism and praise on our comment cards, and are taking action to tweak the film even a bit more to make it the best it can possibly be. We will be submitting the current version to some upcoming film festivals as a work in progress :)