I was "bound" by religion... (Pic: Fotoarcade) (Patreon)
It might be a bit odd for me to be writing about this here on Patreon... but I truly hope to get a closer connection with you here. I encourage you to reply in the comments below...
I grew up just like any other kid... not allowed to watch public TV... put to work for my dad... sheltered and strictly controlled... that's normal, right? There were a lot of rules in the house: what not to say, how to reject a marketing call on the phone, how to perform our morning routines in sequence with a good attitude (rewarded with money or candy, or punished with paycheck ‘dings’, spankings with a rubber spatula, or pinches… after spanking was deemed abusive)… but above all else, JESUS was always brought up to warn us that we better behave like little angels. “What would Jesus do?” I went through the motions and did as I was told, to the best of my ability, to prevent any parental outbursts of anger.
(Photo selected because I definitely felt "bound" to my responsibilities and lifestyle in my youth, before rebelling...)
What was your childhood like?