1st Photoshoot story (ending!) (Photo by Matthew Cousins) (Patreon)
Continuing this story from where I left off the day before yesterday! If you missed the first two segments, scroll back on my posts a little :)
“Um… No thanks…” I politely declined, while listening to the familiar dial tone of his AOL connection booting... he then started showing me videos of women s*cking his d*ck.
“This girl is only 18 and makes $10,000 a month! You’re just as pretty as her, you could be making the same if you make a website like this with me!”
I had never seen p*rn intentionally before. I had accidentally seen a flash here or there when typing in the wrong URL… but I would quickly click away… I only ever s*cked my boyfriend’s d*ck a couple times by that point in my life… and it was a really nerve wracking experience for me to do that with someone I dated… “I… I did that with my boyfriend a couple times…” I stammered, afraid to set this boundary… but even more afraid to be f0rced into s*cking this guy’s d*ck… “but… I don’t want to do that with you…”
“All right MISSY if you’re not going to play fair, I need you to sign this non disclosure agreement!” Hyde came back ever so suddenly… I was back into the deer in the headlights mode again… and did as I was told. My hand trembling while he continued to hover over me and rant… “You look REALLY young so I am going to need ANOTHER photo of your driver’s license, next to your FACE this time, I don’t want any legal trouble because of you!”
I signed whatever he handed me, page after page, and obediently offered my driver’s license… “NEVER tell anyone about this photo shoot! Never mention my name to ANYONE! Understand?” I politely nodded. He basically ran me off the property after that. I exited in one piece.
And that was my first ever photo shoot! A bit traumatic….
Reflecting on this experience, it’s clear to me that I was reacting based on how I was raised. I was not told about s3x, boundries, consent etc.