Glad I didn't end up like this... (pic by Thomas Och) (Patreon)
2022-10-04 13:30:02
This photoshoot kindof reminded me of who I was worried I would become back when I got fired from my restaurant job, lost my relationship, got a second dui... I hadn't quit drinking yet at that time, and I was in "the pit of despair" (my rock bottom). I thought I might end up like a washed up cr@ck Wh0re lying in a ditch, relying on "johns" to help me pay my bills. I thought I would die young. The makeup, the downturned eye, the fishnet bodysuit, the lack of color... all give me that vibe. I like seeing how it looks in my minds eye, but I am glad I chose the harder path, the path where I found my personal success, the path that required sobriety!