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We took so many amazing photos in this location! It was a Yoga, Glamour,  & Erotic combination all until sunset. Bob of Art of Women is dedicated to the quality of his photography, but he also kinda teases me at the same time. Playfully of course, all in good spirit. When you watch the BTS videos you'll know what I mean LOL. You can also see my outdoor nude yogi skills, since this video was shot in late september, I have already made great progress!!! New videos in the near future will reveal this :)

The behind the scenes video will be available to those who pledge at least $5, and the extended version which includes the explicit/ penthouse style poses will only be available to those who pledge at least $49 or higher. 

Click on the link for the pledge tier you currently pledge at:

Playful 5 min Video = $5, $10, $16 pledgers
Playful 5 min video = $29, $36, pledgers
NAUGHTY 12.5 min video= $49, $56, $99 pledgers


(these link will expire in 30 days, the PLAYFUL content will automatically be available for an extended time to those who pledge at least $10 at the end of the month)

I am already manifesting my next EPIC trips! Looking forward to my upcoming adventure to Australia (Sydney & Brisbane) Jan 19-Feb 3. I am planning to attend a model event in Mexico in May (info TBD), going to Romania and Croatia in June, and crossing my fingers for my acceptance to a modeling event in France in September 2017! 

*****LIFE UPDATE****

I have a lengthy post prepared to describe my experiences over the weekend at the Arizona Shootout! It was very intense in a lot of ways... stay tuned for my next post for that! I will say it was a rollercoaster ride, in a nutshell... more juicy details to come soon, and a special surprise too 

Right now I am in Las Vegas area being hosted by pro wrestler & fetish model/producer  Tomiko . Tomorrow I am going to be eaten by her giant tube worm monster for her fun website! And I will also get mauled and devoured by a giant costco bear... HAHA. I love Tomiko, I interviewed her for my Youtube Channel recently, and here is the link to her 2 minutes of fame there: "Tomiko's Most Awkward Nude and Fetish Shoot Stories" 

I enjoy her presence, and her home is very comfy, a great place to reset my serenity after such a hard-working weekend!!!

Peace and Love, and Enjoy the BTS video from Mercury!!

*Kristy XoXo



Jin N Tonic

omg - i didn't even notice - you look so tan!!


Very brave!