Grateful for YOU (Patreon)
Since it’s thanksgiving season I want to celebrate some moments in my life that I am most grateful for! Obviously, I wouldn’t be able to do any of the traveling, co-creating, and art involving other time and money without YOUR help here on Patreon!! For YOU I am eternally grateful! Every renewed subscription and every little tip to show your appreciation for me helps me pay off my debts and put food on the table. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your support! When I look back to the beginning of this Patreon account, I remember being so unsure if the time and effort to post here would ever amount to anything. And now I have been able to shift to the next level of my life because of it! It’s just another example of how recognizing my own self doubt, and conquering it despite all the negative nancies telling me it it too competitive, or I don’t belong on this platform, has changed my life!
Photo by Raven Lynette <3