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Now more backstory about how I have separated from the domination of patriarchy. 

     What has changed that has allowed me to step into my own feminine power? I have eradicated any religious influence or controlling men from my life. It’s taken decades after escaping the organized religion I was born into, to finally free the mental chains they had ingrained in me. 

     A male pastor excommunicated my mother when I was only 10 years old, after my father threw her under the bus (perverbially). This harsh action was supposed to set an example for our community that divorce was unacceptable. According to the Bible, the woman is the property and servant of her husband, and divorce is not allowed.

      But I was happy my mom and dad separated. It was a household full of scolding, strict rules, and my mom caught the brunt of it often. I saw her cry a few times when I was very young, I didn’t understand it back then, but I do now. 







Timothy Knox

The cult I was in never excommunicated anyone (as far as I know, anyway), but I was exorcized at the age of 10.