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(story continued) The big shiny elevator door opened to reveal a middle aged naked man on his hands and knees, wearing nothing but a d!aper, leashed by his impressive dominatrix - fully latex clad and adorned with a tight waist cincher, long justice red fingernails, and fabulously chunky black necklaces of gems and stones around her neck. 

“Holy fuck” I thought to myself. Her d!aper sub scooted into the elevator and she strutted in between our tight crowd. The 5 of us slowly eyeballed each other in amazement as we floated to the main floor of the convention hall. 

I had only been sober for two years by this point in my life, and I was still trying to re-discover how to socialize and participate in networking events and such… the kryptonite for a struggling alcoholic with introverted tendencies and unresolved childhood trauma. 

This experience in the elevator was eye opening for me though… I began to realize something that had never occurred to me… 

To be continued 





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