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Heh heh I think the term "soul snatcher" is mostly used by tiktok and reddit users... I take it as a compliment, though I am not intending to snatch anyone's souls, merely to entertain your souls... or even to just feel connected. 

Some say that the act of taking a photo of someone is taking a piece of their soul... have you heard of that? I suppose a soul must be infinite, if that is the case... my soul does not feel depleted even after having my photo taken millions of times over the years...

Photo by art of women ;) 





Most Loyal Fan

Native cultures believe that capturing your image robs your soul. I think of it mote as an extension of your soul. As you have shared millions of images, your contribution to mankind is immeasurable. Indeed you are heaven's greatest gift to all mankind! So beautiful! 💖💖💖💖💖