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Fan-Art Poll: January - tier 1

  • Kefla 253
  • Cinderella 104
  • Chel 443
  • Himeno 199
  • Panty 142
  • Maya 97
  • Vivi 176
  • Hulkenberg 207
  • Justice 136
  • Carmine 233
  • Princess Bubblegum 136
  • Citlali 77
  • 2025-01-12
  • —2025-01-20
  • 2203 votes
{'title': 'Fan-Art Poll: January - tier 1', 'choices': [{'text': 'Kefla', 'votes': 253}, {'text': 'Cinderella', 'votes': 104}, {'text': 'Chel', 'votes': 443}, {'text': 'Himeno', 'votes': 199}, {'text': 'Panty', 'votes': 142}, {'text': 'Maya', 'votes': 97}, {'text': 'Vivi', 'votes': 176}, {'text': 'Hulkenberg', 'votes': 207}, {'text': 'Justice', 'votes': 136}, {'text': 'Carmine', 'votes': 233}, {'text': 'Princess Bubblegum', 'votes': 136}, {'text': 'Citlali', 'votes': 77}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 20, 4, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 12, 1, 50, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 2203}


 First poll of the new year! Marvel characters seem a little too hot right now so I left them out of this one, didn't seem fair lol (plus squirrel girl just won). Still got a lot of fun picks! Thanks for all the suggestions as usual, I don't say that enough.

Let's vote!





Damn pb dosent stand a chance 😢


Bruh, the moment I saw Chel I knew it was over~😔


I was happy when I saw you say that Marvel characters were going to be excluded on this one...Then I saw Chel and knew I'm throwing my vote away to vote for Carmine


I was happy when I saw you say that Marvel characters were going to be excluded on this one...Then I saw Chel and knew I'm throwing my vote away to vote for Carmine


I was happy when I saw you say that Marvel characters were going to be excluded on this one...Then I saw Chel and knew I'm throwing my vote away to vote for Carmine

Last Light

Carmine my beloved


There is only one choice that is JUSTIFIED, and her name says it all…

Perry Bains

futa chel 😵‍💫🥰


Would love some Citlali (esp if with Lumine...) but... Chel is hard to pass up XD

Froot Cake

Carmine my icon pls


Team Justice, here we go! 💖


I just want to pay for Kefla, she always loses polls


I think the outcome of this one was obvious


We need Hulkenberg

Flame Cayenne

No Minthara. Day ruined


Chel is going to dominate lmao


so many characters ive been waiting for just to get put in a poll with chel 😭 heartbreaking

Joe shmoe

So burnt out on seeing Chel. That’s all anyone ever draws it feels like. Shame the other characters didn’t even stand a chance lol