One Piece Trio: Robin, Nami and Vivi (Patreon)
Vivi: I-I... gasp... think it w-w... moan softly... was such a g-g... huff... good idea to g-g... yelp... get those m-m... groan... male c-courtesans of m-m... sigh... mine to c-c... throb... come over.
Nami: Y-y... hiss... yes, it w-w... grunt... was. I-I... gurgle... I'm so g-g... moan loudly... glad we d-d... whimper... did this. Oh, the way he's moving... scream softly... it's like he knows exactly what I need.
Robin: I-I... growl softly... know, r-r... thrum... right? It's like they k-k... huff... know exactly what we w-w... moan... want. Every t-t... grunt... touch, every m-m... yelp... movement is a m-m... sigh... message of d-d... groan... desire.
Vivi: H-h... gasp... how do you l-l... moan... like it when they... when they u-u... yelp... use your b-b... throb... butthole? I-I... huff... was a little s-s... whimper... skeptical at first, but n-n... sigh... now... it's the only way I l-l... groan... let them use me.
Nami: I-I... hiss... love it. It's so... so.. intense. The way they m-m... grunt... move, it's like they're d-d... thrum... dancing inside me. Oh, yes... moan...
Robin: Y-y... yes, it's like our b-b... huff... bodies are s-s... yelp... speaking their own l-l... sigh... language. Every t-t... grunt... touch, every m-m... moan loudly... movement is a m-m... throb... message of d-d... groan... desire.
Vivi: I-I... gasp... feel so f-f... moan softly... full... so c-c... huff... complete. It's like my b-b... throb... body is m-m... sigh... melting into his. Gasp... Whimper...Nami: (her voice filled with a mix of pain and pleasure) I'm s-s... yelp... so close... hiss... I c-c... can feel it b-b... throb... building up inside me. Moan...
Robin: Y-y... growl softly... yes, I c-c... huff... can feel it too. It's like the e-e... thrum... entire room is c-c... grunt... charged with e-e... sigh... energy. We're all c-c... moan... connected in this m-m... groan... moment.