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Something I def wanna revisit more at some point ! !

Toriel x Robo Toriel stuff that https://twitter.com/ss2sonic def got the ball rolling on. 

He does a wide variety of pornographic cartoon fanart and is fun, too.




Your a madman!


you're doing god's work, son!

Snao (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:58:11 I kinda feel like I should draw Asriel's sister at some point >_>;
2018-06-01 05:37:25 I kinda feel like I should draw Asriel's sister at some point >_>;

I kinda feel like I should draw Asriel's sister at some point >_>;

Mecha Kaiju X

This would look great as an inked/colored pic! ^^


Dear lord below! That's hot ❤️

Straw (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:58:10 Such heavy things in motion. And Toriel's expression is just pure gold. <3
2018-06-01 13:03:18 Such heavy things in motion. And Toriel's expression is just pure gold. <3

Such heavy things in motion. And Toriel's expression is just pure gold. <3


Yea I spose that's what it is! Genres are so confusing.

Fenoxo Fenfen

Enjoying the hell out of the amounts of sketches you're putting out, though I still wish you didn't put that filter over the images. Keep it up, dude!


I suppose the traditional sketches gots to go then. The scanner's just glitchy and looks like that. :(

Fenoxo Fenfen

Really? I thought you were putting it through some kind of stylistic PS filter! I'd rather keep seeing them than have you stop!


I am adjusting them (hilariously for clarity) but the scanner is making that effect, it'd just be in greyscale otherwise.

Eddie Ronan

Are little snao is all grown up and drawing people fuck'n 😭 lol