Dannie Haas is here to party (Patreon)
She's seen as slutty, but that's ok. People need comfort as much as she does and the well of love is as bottomless as it is topless.
She's easy to identify of course, but there's no harm in being known.
Aryt is pronounced "arrite"
Oya is pronounced "oh yeah"
Im not sure about her background beyond that. Her live wasn't particularly difficult, but it was supported through hard labor, fortunate enough to be working for someone who paid fairly until their spoiled son took over and cut everyone's hours.
One of her side hobbies is attempting to organize unions, but the movement hasn't existed for decades in a country where the liquor flows freely enough make it all feel alright. She also works to open up abandoned buildings with friends when she can, and leave them behind as livable spaces after partying.
Ticket and merch sales help out with furnishing and feeding people there, but there's always someone else who needs help, and they hope one day that the work can end in comfort, without the worry about staying hidden in the cold.
"Doesn't your body make it hard to take you seriously?"
She just laughs and pumps her fist at the heckler, jerking off the air.
Plus, she attended the Trance War Memorial, something I'll never get to do.