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She doesnt like being called Cocoa, much less Cocoa Kola.

She manages the machinery that keeps a local spaceport active. New parts are hard to come by, so in her frustration, she's used most of them to enhance herself to make the scattershot work a little tolerable.


"Why? What? Isn't this?"

So this character started as a Coco Bandicoot character, and this is the last time she will be tagged as such. I received several comments that she doesn't even look like her anymore.

So. She's an OC now. This is just how these things go sometimes.



Reiku Yin

Nothing wrong with wearing your inspiration on your sleeve after all. With new OC status you can go much further too. Very nice proportions all around.

Ellie Heartfelt

It be like that sometimes. Lord knows I've taken licensed characters and just changed them so much that they became OCs. What if Cream but evil? :v


I'm fine with this development of character. :D


oh gosh, robotic joints are my biggest weakness... i w a n t m o r e .


I like her lots either way. I absolutely adore sexy cyborgs 💜


hehehe she looks lovely. I do believe it give you a way to personalize more this kind of caracter. A small question Nao: how those enhance caracters interact with GroPro+? nevertheless great job as always Nao. ^^


I enjoy this change


Thank you for approving of this update to Kola. Woo woo.


Synthetics interact with a different type of Gro. More bionic types like these are, themselves, modelled on a human form and its function. However, more mechanical parts simply do not interact with the drug.


Same. It's fun to try and guess how they interlock.