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Drawing him up doing a different GRO+ training regimen. I am so bad at remembering the proportions of these characters. I mean beneath their hyper enhancements.

I know that it gets genderfucky with characters like these? Like with androgyny and huge proportions, when the expectation is sort of male-leaning female appearance? .. But roll with it.

Maple's a guy. He just loves to indulge in transformation, too. He's basically Naoki with a different body.

I did write a little bit of backstory for him, and it's this in short: 

He works at a restaurant normally, and he approaches these transformations as sort of a chemical-based drag queen sort of thing? That's sort of an important distinction to make, but not really? It isn't too high stakes. 

* * It's a world where shapeshifting is commonplace, but there are still some problems with how a large body interacts with the architecture designed around less robust body types.

Why am I writing all of this!!!! It's just for fun!


With Naoki, it's sliiightly different. Nao just doesn't want to commit to a single body, and that's as far as their thought process goes. Sometimes he's he, sometimes she is she. It.. varies.. Like M-Nao, and Original Nao? Maybe they're too accommodating or patient, but they just dont wanna fuss too much.


Here's the other Maple Salt set, where he's getting involved with the Erotic-Sport that's like the XFL, but horny.




Straw (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:55:30 He's been training that cock hard. :>
2019-02-24 03:28:17 He's been training that cock hard. :>

He's been training that cock hard. :>


I'm not sure why but every time you do the little "+5 bits" part in your artwork it makes my brain squee.


I would like to try some blue flavor


Wonderful sizes and proportions, gimme some gro!~


Those kicks are pretty rad too tbh

Norman A. Letterman

I like it, I like it a lot. Dude's got some good gains


I mean. I worry my character who works on the same premise is too much like Naoki, but it might just be inherent writer shame on both our parts. Everything looks like something else.


"chemical-based drag queen" I love this concept so much, and I love Mr. Salt. I love whenever we get to see him!