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Interstellar ignited the a few of the most distraught, lonely feelings in my mind within the past few weeks.

This was the warmup before doing tedious painting I'll always feel too slow at.

There isn't much to say on this image. The vehicle is a hovercraft that was inspired by the world's typical Infantry Fighting Vehicle shapes. Vehicles like the American military's IAV "Stryker" and if I recall correctly, it was a piece of a shit, its predecessors sucked and the newest series mostly still is.
The shape though, suggests a more hardy, even amphibious purpose.



Actual Bastard

love the concept, hope you are doing well, too ♥️


Really liking the designs here the character, vehicle and the surroundings. :3


It’s a pretty cool concept! Also love the design of the character and the vheicle, too