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The machines were designed to make machines, which made more machines. Rouge has to smash em up. They cause too many problems in the area, rooting factory structures throughout the desert like angular tree roots.


Uh, should I keep going with this whole theme in the future? It'll center only on Rouge, to be clear. 

These have been kinda rushed, but they still take a few hours each to do on average. (kinda funny kinda sad, that timescale)

On the plus side, it's fun and kind of a low key turn on to doll her up like this??? so uh. Yeah. Let me know.




I would be sad if you retired this theme, I loved it


I like it; its like a Philip k Dick story but sexy (instead of just sexist). I love my futures bleak, confusing and populated with overly endowed anthropomorphic bats

Jayme Mueller

I think it's fun! I like it. :)


For the amount of detail you put into the drawings, I'm impressed!


Draw whatever you want. I subscribed because your art is great, not to tell you what to do.


Any series with Rouge is great. :D I hope you keep doing more.


Woah! Is she really smashing them with her tits? :D And I like the theme, would be fun to see her relaxing in a rare oasis (artificial one or not) in the desert. :3


rouge is always lovely in my eyes how ever she is with penis or without good job snao


I enjoy this, I do hope you do keep going with the theme.


Please do. I love it. I like the not quite so overstated womancock now. It has grown on me, whereas before I was like EVERYTHING MUST BE BIG


Story! I love it!


I'm really liking this desert bat series!

Reiku Yin

If you enjoy it, keep up with it. I have been enjoying it as well as just the minimal colour on it. makes it feel very much like a old debriefed recording


I have to say I am rather liking it especially how she is starting to fatigue her fatigues. See how much those tanks can hold on those long missions.


Yah, a limit-pushing type idea is in order at some point


Yah! At some point I'll have to do a more leaned up version I spose! Not sure how long people will stand the rougher look


Yah! That appendage will get juiced up at sooome point, if only temporarily. And tbh it's pretty god damn huge lol


I think it will! People seem pretty positive on it.


Thanks! A little extra detail sometimes helps make it feel a bit more real. Even with bikini mercenaries.


Haha, well let's not get too high minded. This is still porn. It's fun at least tho! So that's good.


I finally noticed she used her breasts to destroy that.


Always good to see more of her! I also like how there's a reference to an actual Sonic enemy in that one, more in-universe references would be great


More rouge is always welcome, especially breast centric antics, I could live between them, I'm confident I could make it work ^^


It'll be a little bit abstract, but obvious enough, if more appear


Certainly looks like a few hours of detailing work to me. I don't really see anything to complain about.


her tits go full auto or burst?

Sinji Thewp (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:54:39 Im really lovin these! However the last pic made me think she was macro or something next to that water tank trailer thing (like it was a full size tanker truck) 🤔 wat if some macro merc roaming the desert👀
2019-06-10 15:32:38 Im really lovin these! However the last pic made me think she was macro or something next to that water tank trailer thing (like it was a full size tanker truck) 🤔 wat if some macro merc roaming the desert👀

Im really lovin these! However the last pic made me think she was macro or something next to that water tank trailer thing (like it was a full size tanker truck) 🤔 wat if some macro merc roaming the desert👀


Nawr, she's not macro. She's pretty large though, and my sense of scale is awful


Looks like Rouge tanned up quite a bit. Love it~