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You may be wondering: Where's the other breast expansion step?

Well! This is a work in progress update! But the base image is complete enough to show off. There will be some more steps added to it, but it may be asymetrical in nature
(IE: more growth steps on some body parts than there are others)






I hope this includes hyper vag. :D

Straw (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:52:58 The base looks sweet, definitely looking forward to the edits. :>
2019-10-24 00:43:42 The base looks sweet, definitely looking forward to the edits. :>

The base looks sweet, definitely looking forward to the edits. :>


Honestly one of the best pictures I've seen from you in all these years. The linework, the colors, the shading, the pose, all of it.


I really like the sparkles/light/iridescence on the wing fabric and on the pink material of her clothing. The lipstick/eyeshadow and dark blue bodysuit material also look very pleasing: the bodysuit really is remarkable with its colours, texture and lighting . Very nice glossy hair! In addition, I particularly like the window ghosts, and the lighting and colours on them.


The Sturdiest Peg. Bless these custom-fitted Rouge suits of yours, SNAO!

Liquid Potato

DAmn that shading and texture work tho, so soft! Looks great~ bigg hype for them edits too


Yahh, they're taking a while, but will be done before the month is through at least


Yahhh I really wanted to make it more poppin than usual and those rim lights really help with that