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Peg dressed in Rouge Bat's bodysuit! Multiple versions: Breast Expansion (2 stages), Penis Expansion(4 stages), Pussy Expansion(4 stages) + lips(3 stages) / condom filling(2 stages)

Well there she is! It is a bit asymmetrically arranged, but I think there's plenty there to enjoy!!  Happy Halloween! I'm probably going to celebrate by getting sleep back on track! :V

Like comment and sssspoooooooooky  ? ?? 




Hot damn, all this expansion. And so many alternate versions! You spoil us.


Ah, the lips, excellent

Jacob Ransom

Danka, Happy Halloween.


Glorious hyper vag stretching that bodysuit to the limits :D


Big production Peg bringing the sauce


Wow, with all these alternates, the image is really customizable. Of course, I'll always love everything at maximum size, especially with how much care it all has put into it


Seconding (thirding) the lip compliments. Thank you for upsizing them, I'm fairly sure your art was what got me started on that kink to begin with! Always enjoy seeing how far you can push them (and the rest as well!)

Mecha Kaiju X

Excellent! I'm impressed you included so many modifications as well ^^


Happy Halloweens and awesome work on her! :D


Wow, great pic and edits to finish off the month :D


Love it!


Yup! And still soft enough, at maximum size, to squeeeze through the front door


Well! They can be pushed infinitely, but yeah, finding a way to make it appealing at larger sizes is the challenge :0


This has me 110% spooked out of my pants.

Liquid Potato (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:52:48 w o w w, the way that suit < s t r e t c c h > around all that squish<3. Love the edits, lotta variety there. Awesome stuff~
2019-11-01 14:22:56 w o w w, the way that suit < s t r e t c c h > around all that squish<3. Love the edits, lotta variety there. Awesome stuff~

w o w w, the way that suit < s t r e t c c h > around all that squish<3. Love the edits, lotta variety there. Awesome stuff~