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Hi thanks please and thank you

Wow Toriel WIP. You can see how much a sketch changes over a time for sure lol.

Someone mentioned Carbine randomly, and I liked her tough look. Also I gave her a big bepis.

Rouge the cat returns, ready for farming that milk.

And a new original character with no real backstory I crassly named Tammi Broodmare. Guess what she's good at surprise it's champion monster breeding.

Thanks for reading and hopefully this content is stimulating.




These are cool. I look forward to Toriel the most owo

willowbinder (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:52:23 You've been so busy lately!!! Totally loving the all this content, hope you had a happy holiday and have a warm December <3
2019-12-01 02:09:33 You've been so busy lately!!! Totally loving the all this content, hope you had a happy holiday and have a warm December <3

You've been so busy lately!!! Totally loving the all this content, hope you had a happy holiday and have a warm December <3


Gosh Tammi sure is well equipped for the job


That mouse looks great! But what if... Hyper mice from Mars?

aabsurdity (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:52:22 Love your style, your imagination and your taste (for the most part :P ). So good to see you putting out so much art &lt;3
2019-12-01 02:32:35 Love your style, your imagination and your taste (for the most part :P ). So good to see you putting out so much art <3

Love your style, your imagination and your taste (for the most part :P ). So good to see you putting out so much art <3


I hope to see more of Tammi and her mega vag. :D


Like no byeah I've ever seen... but that's not a bad thing


Mebbe! I kinda think she's cute so mebbe she'll return!!!


hahaha. I guess I was just laughing at all the "B" words.


Yah, she is a Martian General. So mebbe she knows about some super serums


Yah! Who knows what treatments she signed up for to prepare for it


Thanks! December will be fine I think. Enjoy some hot chocolant :0


Such lovely variations on all that size and lankiness! I know, I know. I shouldn't comment on such. But I do appreciate it.


I like that cat Rouge has four arms for optimal breast and penis milking at the same time.


You can comment on it :0 ... That's what it's here for. Gladja still like my balloon animals

Snao (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:52:22 Yis. &lt;3 Gotta keep production optimized
2019-12-01 05:58:34 Yis. <3 Gotta keep production optimized

Yis. <3 Gotta keep production optimized


Many, *many* more hits than misses, which is good enough for me.


I'm sure she'd want to test any serums herself first before issuing them to the troops. Just to ensure they're safe.


Monster breeding or making a bit of a splashy mess!


I love how bad ass you made Toriel, that's some top tier badass milf there. ;p