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A couple toned up linearts for your feed. Sketches are included. Those things sure do change a lot from start to finish god damn.

Funny enough, the spots weren't the difficult part. The full revision to the image was the hard part.

There's Julie there, too! That definitely was motivated by Teer's Julie Bruin art jam thing.It's nice to revisit older toons cuz it reminds me to do more stuff like Winger and just do whatever with the tittys.

As usual, simply save-as. 

Thank you for hanging around and whatnot!




More Julie, love her style! Also I appreciate that your sketches are so different from final versions, a lot of the time they have their own charm and feel like an alternate take!

Reiku Yin

There is nothing I don't love about that cat. Everything is just in those lovely acceptable range and she looks like she'd be capable no mater where she is.


I like that you can go from such distinct styles. I adore the sharpness of the final image, but live those soft bendy curves... Thank you for sharing and i hope you had fun with these 83c


These are some good stuff.

Straw (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:50:35 That's an amazing upgrade on the cat! Also loving the Julie Bruin. <3
2020-05-08 02:42:14 That's an amazing upgrade on the cat! Also loving the Julie Bruin. <3

That's an amazing upgrade on the cat! Also loving the Julie Bruin. <3


Good gravy, the legs! Go ahead, kick away. My body is ready.

Ghostflame (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:50:35 So strong... she must be an absolute terror under the sheets &gt;:D
2020-05-08 04:58:38 So strong... she must be an absolute terror under the sheets >:D

So strong... she must be an absolute terror under the sheets >:D


Beleau is absolutely gorgeous, from teh toned body to her pretty face and her nice tits, you did a wonderful job with that cat!

Mecha Kaiju X (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:50:35 YES! Julie Bruin is perfection &lt;3 &lt;3
2020-05-08 16:22:11 YES! Julie Bruin is perfection <3 <3

YES! Julie Bruin is perfection <3 <3


oh no i now have developed a huge crush on beleau oh god oh fuck


Yah they're pretty fun! Sometimes they're frustrating like anything, but Im definitely in it for the long haul