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Updated: Hyper Dick Growth Sequence + Condom filling

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Happy 2016 :) It's forever this year forever.

Anyway it's 2022 in physical time, as opposed to mental time.

It's Naoki, as a Tiger-Bunny Hybrid. Because it's the Year of the Tiger in February, which is when the Chinese New Year actually starts. So I'm technically not an hour late, I'm actually a month early.

I like tigerbunny...




I love him! Here's to 2022, and more Tiger(bunny)s!


happy new years!

Straw (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 12:06:27 Happy year of the tiger early! Tigerbunny Naoki looks great. <3
2022-01-01 06:22:18 Happy year of the tiger early! Tigerbunny Naoki looks great. <3

Happy year of the tiger early! Tigerbunny Naoki looks great. <3


That is a pretty cool design.


I've loved Naoki for almost 10 years now. Here's to 10 more!

Reiku Yin

Happy new years dear. Lovely work as always. here's to many more years of your work. Please stay safe.


Oranginal teh character, dew naht steel


Make Naoki more, especially since it's the year of the tiger) Happy new year)

Kai Masamune

This tiger/bunny can ravage me any day and happy new year’s!


Yess i was expecting a tiger theme counting last year's awesome Rat :3


Happy New Year, Snao!

Nemecia G

Very good boi!!!!! Would smooch

Mecha Kaiju X

Happy New Year Snao! ^^ /


Happy New Year, we approve of tiger bunny


naranja :9

Snao (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 12:06:24 Yarrrrornge :&gt;
2022-01-02 16:23:22 Yarrrrornge :>

Yarrrrornge :>


I wonder if that fruit he's holding is what's causing such a "great expansion"~ Glad to see more versions of this, the base picture was good enough. NOW THERE'S MORE! :D

Iridium Wolf (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 12:06:17 mmmff!! &lt;3
2022-01-02 23:51:51 mmmff!! <3

mmmff!! <3


Ahh that explain the dark decal, it has a comdom. A really impressive sequence Snao, I hope this help you to start this year BIG.^^

Straw (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 12:06:17 Loving the penis expansion pack. &lt;3
2022-01-03 00:36:09 Loving the penis expansion pack. <3

Loving the penis expansion pack. <3

Kai Masamune

excuse me while I take that condom and drink all it’s contents and go for the tap after

Sinji Thewp (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 12:06:17 you're on a roll with these extra larger than normal sizes man, keep the size cominnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
2022-01-03 01:02:41 you're on a roll with these extra larger than normal sizes man, keep the size cominnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

you're on a roll with these extra larger than normal sizes man, keep the size cominnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Holy hell this is awesome~


Mmm, thanks Happy new year)))


Glad you like the Tigerbunny unleashing his power!


I appreciate the juice squirting out of the orange in the condom filling pics.


It always tastes better when someone else makes the juice

Khora Themsby

The art that you do man, it's just so gods damned gorgeous. You're also incredibly masterful with all the background you draw for your sequences too!!


Thanks! I'll try to keep up some kind of satisfactory pace! 8)