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Susie helps Noelle rapidly powerlevel through you know. Empowering her. And then Susie gets to take a very cleansing shower.. 


Thank you so much for your continued support and enduring patience!



Samuel Albert Mell

Oh wow, I REALLY like this concept. Yes please.


I'd grind all day for that reward 💯 💪😤


Holy hot damn. Every time I think your Noelle stuff can’t get better, somehow it does. Love the role reversal from the usual dom Susie stuff, this dear deer is delightful Lovely work Snao 👌💜

Fennec Wolfox

Just thinking about this Noelle being like "Maybe if you get me another 10 levels, I'll let you keep 1 or 2 XP points."


Xp and/or size theft from Snao? Yes, please! And Susie/Noelle? hhhhhhhHOT damn.


I love her spots and her little hooves.


welp, time to power level

Jumpin' Jeff

The world is in turmoil, and people are in pain. Even still, we can take comfort in knowing there is Beeg Reindeer Cock, grins. Seriously this is fucking immaculate. A++ work man; I loved the sketch and was stoked to see it got so close to the top spot in the vote. In particular I absolutely adore normal sized Suzie's normal sized cock being so dramatically dwarfed by Noelle's. Adds that extra spicy kick that puts it over the edge.


I like to imagine that there's a part of Noelle that's loving this closeness with Susie


This Holiday just won't stop coming




Not sure I vibe with Dom Noelle but hoo boi is that size dynamic top-shelf stuff


Lucky Susie!

Samuel Albert Mell

Less the evil and more the "doing stuff to make someone else grow" and "getting growth from doing certain tasks" thing. The evil is actually a little bit of a turnoff if I'm completely honest.

Fennec Wolfox

Susie's never gonna reach Level 2 at this rate! Time for her to get into Alphys' GRO stash and cheat the system.

Actual Bastard

I've been enjoying all the Noelle artwork! Really love how ye draw her.

John Lobdell (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-03 20:25:53 Those are some massive balls! :D
2023-10-03 20:25:53 Those are some massive balls! :D
2023-10-01 18:11:51 Those are some massive balls! :D

Those are some massive balls! :D


I very much like this; its a fun take on a character (I probably should know more about, but is an fun new alternative to a vast amount of other portrayals). It's also some fun to have level drain and weird meta/gaming mechanics factor into lewds. Always love it :)


Yaaaa! Video gamey nonsense is one of my faaaavorite things to play with