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Here's the finished page 24.

Hope you like it ^^




I absolutely love this story


not to put a blemish on your amazing art, but how does the necklace wrap around her neck? is the hood detatched from it?


Ugly? I mean sure it’s no doubt common but ugly that’s unfair haha


Her hood ataches to the back of her head, and to her back; her neck should be free :) But it's pretty cartoony anyway :D


Zaphira, use your words: "This necklace was given to my by my betrothed, and it is worth more to me than anything else. If you continue to insist it is unacceptable, then you are insisting that my betrothed is unacceptable - think carefully before you continue."


I have a pretty, sparkly piece of white granite I found beach combing with my Mom that I wouldn't trade for any number of jewels. Something doesn't need to be exotic to be beautiful.


Mind your own business, ibis lady. You have no concept of what's worth or even beauty.

Michael Michael

Cool Dress. Good for Zaphira for defend herself.


You are one of exactly two artists I know of who have ever asked the question "how to clothe a hooded anthropomorphic snake. The Other is Cody Baier of 'Cloudscratcher'. Who is also a contender for "how cute can I draw snakes"


I am currently on team peasant rock, I like the more vibrant and natural discoloration of the stone a tad more than the over embellished Lunar marble tied with 24k chains, Zaphira in this moment has my support^^


To be fair, a cobra's hood is it's neck and ribcage, and is actually below the head. See https://phys.org/news/2010-04-cobras-hood-flares.html It also takes continuous effort to keep the hood out, and as soon as the perceived threat is gone the cobra will cease to keep the hood out. BUT: All that is for real-world cobras, which as far as I know don't have arms, legs, breasts, or speech.


Man that dress looks beautiful on her! 💙


I'm with Team Zaphira on this one—that gold necklace *is* kinda ugly. 😕


Good that she defends herself. This is why we love her so much!

Viro Veteruscy

Dress looks great, let her keep her stone! Or wear both the other stuff and her stone >w<

Alex Bordo

I think the Stardrop Amber suits her far more than that other necklace.

Michael Spoto

She needs something personal, it's her wedding after all.

Revan Delmore

OMG who is that cute cat[?] girl?

pj wolf

...As with most people here, I'm with Zaphira. Sure, the expensive thing is pretty, but the commoner necklace was a gift from her future husband, showing her that the more ordinary things can be lovely, too. It would mean a lot more to her than any other item steeped in luxury, especially since she doesn't get out much.