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Here's the finished page 42.

Enjoy :)



Media Droid

Jade and Lavender are already my favorite sisters


NO ONE. Has a pregnancy radar better than a sister. It’s a deeply ingrained programming instinct, and a world known fact! 🧐 Jade knows, and doesn’t even “know” it. 😁 As for Lavender, Zaph doesn’t need those romance books anymore, because she’s writing(and LIVING) her own now! 😍

Viro Veteruscy

These are fun. Also, big THICC Jade... woof!~ >w>


9 down, 4 to go!

Steven Almogabar

Loving all these nice snake ladies. Can't wait for the family bath to see them all in a more revealing way.


They're all so cute!


Always love the variety of shapes and colors of Zaphira's sisters. I can't wait to see Cornelia again!

Michael Michael

Jade, Lavender ♥ So cute both of them.


"Delightfully plump" is a perfect description for Zaphira.


Lets go! the girls from that one image is here!


Thicc Gal and Smol Gal!!


Love lavender’s outfit!


Glad these two are the normal ones XD

Alex Bordo

Jade is so adorable!


Been thinking about that the whole time. Love to a little more to their own stereotypical dimensions. Contradictory as that sounds.


What is Shen grasping in the last panel? Do not recognize those white lines on her blue skin.

Joseph Purves

I don't think Shen is grasping at anything. I think those white lines are Zaphira's dress.


Omg yes! Jade! I’d love to see her in action

Abbie Hunt

Based on the blue bracelet, nails, and scales I think that's Venus's hand grasping the back of Amber's hood and that the bottom of the page is a single panel.

Abbie Hunt

Awwww....unbearably cute little nerd girl in glasses.

Joseph Purves

I think that's Neptune wearing a hood. I say that because Venus is with Neptune like she is in the Super Zodiac Sisters picture.

pj wolf

Finally, the book pusher reveals herself

Abby Davis

Been thinking about this page ever since it was posted. As much as I ADORE Jade, I wonder if she's meant to be more of a joke than being any kind of positive representation. :( Which would seriously suck. We have enough fatphobia/fat-people-only-think-about-food "jokes" in this world... Can I get any clarifications on this?


Because there are a lot of new characters, I decided to give them one defining personality trait each, so they would stand out. One of them is very horny all the time, one of them is afraid all the time, one of them is depressed all the time, and so on. Jade is like that too: she's kind, carefree, and likes to eat. There were no bad intentions behind her; I came up with her personality just like I did with the others.

Abby Davis

That is something I do know. It absolutely makes sense to give a defining trait that's simple to understand when this many characters are being introduced at once. Definitely! But the reason I grew concerned is that, well... Skinny people can like food a lot. And fat people can obviously be any of those other things you listed. Add that on top of all her sisters being either thin, fit, or hourglasses that are nowhere near her body type... It's just hard to not interpret that she got stereotyped super hard. Especially when mentioning anything about pigs or throwing around words like "plump". As a fat person myself, it feels... Demeaning. Does that make sense? I'm not here to rock the boat or anything. It's just the observation and critique of a trap a lot of people fall into when making fat characters. People too often forget that fat people aren't obsessed with food nearly as often as media wants one to believe. It's not our main personality trait by a long shot, and there are many reasons why people turn out fat (for me, it's genetics and crappy thyroid/depression). We're just like anyone else, feel things like anyone else. And I think it's something important to pay attention to so that the stereotype doesn't continue to perpetuate. I'm aware that these sisters are, you know... Not supposed to be thought about that deeply. And I'm happy to know anything bad wasn't intentional. But I think this is important to consider for the future. You know?