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Here it is guys, the finished group picture with all the snake sisters :)

I think I can safely say that this was one of the most chalanging pictures I've ever made... It took a ton of time, but it was wort it :) Hope you guys like it too :)




Ruby (second) best girl.

Parker Trotter

So worth the wait. One of my favorite pieces ever. This is awesome.

Lord Chaos

And a fun time was had by most.


Topaz <3


These are all so well designed! I love 'em all!


Love shen in the back!


Honestly, like I said in the stream. This feels like a whole new level of quality from you. The colors with the shading is so vibrant it's honestly just amazing looking. The designs from the sneks and the background are so clean. The way you've implemented each design from the original sketches are great. There's so much life in image as well how each snek is doing their own thing, it show's you've thought this through. Maybe it's because there's a lot going on in the picture. But this REALLY feels like a whole new level of quality from you. Most challenging? I bet, but you came out of it with flying colors. Keep it up <3


Of course I do! I sure love the quality that's done to this. SUPERb piece of work. ;)


Much love for Ruby!


Beautiful * - *

Alexey Belovolsky

So many sweet girls, so many beautiful breasts and so many happy smiles! It was really worth it! This is a rather complicated work with many details and characters. I'm afraid to imagine how many hours it took to create this wonderful picture! Well, I am sure that now you have plenty of characters to start your own sitcom about the life of the serpent royal dynasty.))