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Greetings Papsikels!

Coming Next Month, the Praetorians are coming!

also known as the Royal Guards, each model will have unique bases.

more to be revealed!

stay tuned





Are these based on the old Prodos sculpts? They seem to have the same stunted look to them


These look fantastic! The hive grows larger...


I see, I've personally never been fond of the Prodos look for the Praetorian. The one in fireteam elite looks better in my opinion as it has a sleeker and more aggresive look to it. I will just have to wait and see if that version will appear one day


And I will be looking forward to seeing it as it should look better alongside your versions of the Drone, Warrior and Runner which are way better designs than the Prodos ones.


What size are the bases for these beautiful hive additions?

Nicolas Mallet

The details of the Xenomorphs are really superb !


They look so great. I also love the Combat Medics/ Switzerland Space Guard. ;) This is the first time that a designer has got me to support them three months in a row. Unfortunately, I can only afford two Tribes/Patreon memberships a month, so I always have to see how I distribute them. But here it's already clear.


Amazing design!!! I love it almost looks like the player skins of the preatoreans from AVP 2010 multiplayer.