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remember when tiot, zerobase, one pact, and evnne performed together



Shanelly Faust

Minseong was already really baked in BP era, sang well, rapped well and danced really well. But I think he got eliminated that soon cause he didn't got a story line, and he seems a little more private. I hope we get a little more variety from tiot, so we get to know him better.

Shanelly Faust

Also Minseoung is the leader of tiot 🫡


Yechan really is an all rounder. Just watch some of their stages. So curious where they found him because it doesn't seem like he was a Redstart trainee 🤔

Alex Lim

A powerful enough of a 0 can di-vers-ify a fellow 0 into a 0.5 iykyk but not in the direction the straight korean girls think lol. A more dominant/ colder personality equals a 1 in their minds because all they know is heteronormative stereotypes. Hasn’t the chronic waist-holder / lap-sitter dynamic been enough of a giveaway? The unprompted commercial-shooting stethoscope mpreg fantasy??! Sorry but mah gurl CHT ain’t topping anything but the charts hunny. Fiction is fiction but this still being a debate is really redundant especially after the two G-s aired out their business at ISAC by revealing the reason for his back pain with the flustered culprit profusely shushing them (still the no 1 craziest thing this group has done btw). PS: no-one can sue me for 0 crude words, only reciting facts and mentioning no names, if anyone gets what I’m saying that’s strictly on YOU lmao.

Diego B

Crazy seeing BP performances, especially knowing where most of the previous contestants are rn. As a suggestion, would y'all be down to rewatch some BP performances as a BP anniversary special?

Elin Gissen

Aaaarrgh, it is so clear that you were not on A03 while Boys Planet was still unfolding. Kum Junheyon was Kim Taerae's first ship, even before people caught on to the Park Hanbin of it all. I think it's from the week they did Backdoor, the two of them were being very cozy and Kim Taerae was laughing and giggling at absolutely everything Junhyeon said. They were clearly close all through the rest of the show, there was even lowkey tea that Taerae was jealous when Junhyeon got close with Gunwook. I'm gagged that you don't remember this. Apparently the korean author girlies very much do. And about the tea, I wouldn't know what the story is with why they added another member, but I do know that not a single boy group of any kind of relevance has debuted with just four members, going all the way back to the 90s. It is just not done. I was shocked when it looked like TIOT was about to, so this made sense to me. I don't know why this is, girl groups do four members all the time, and it sure worked for Blackpink, aespa and Kiss of Life. Might have to do with choreography, boy groups lean more on formation, I truly don't know, but it is just the way of kpop.


Wracking my brain but can't place the initials CHT- help! 🙀