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if it's up then it's stuck 🍑



Jaime Blanchard

I love the Taehwan commercial breaks 😭🤣


i know thats right


wasn't expecting you all to react to this. such a fun time. and well, that taehwan video lol.


LEE TAEHWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻🤸🏻


Alfred Kinsey, the creator of the Kinsey scale, is known as "the father of the sexual revolution." The Kinsey scale was created in order to demonstrate that sexuality does not fit into two strict categories: homosexual and heterosexual. Instead, Kinsey believed that sexuality is fluid and subject to change over time.


Actually if you pay attention to Sungkook, there's definitely a certain... attitude in the way he holds himself 🤭


so happy to see vanner


your kinsey scale scale should have the slider be a photocard holder lol


Yayyy Vanner content! After Peak Time (and after his red hair in the latest comeback) I am fully delu over Gon so it's nice to see their content. Also that Taewhan vid was a great discovery

Exekyute (Kyu)

Was so excited when I saw this in my notifications! Finally got time to sit down and watch~

Exekyute (Kyu)

Oh gosh. I relate so much to the dentist distress/dislike while also trying to not be difficult. I always have so much anxiety/stress when I have to go in for an appointment. :<

Kyle Mest

Sure that wasn’t a nice photo, but rays and skates are so majestic in the water. Up there with sea turtles and octopus in terms of very cool things you see swimming around when snorkeling. I’ve gone swimming with them over a dozen times at stingray city; when I was a kid multiple would suck up my back at once, it was so fun.

Kyle Mest

Vanner’s is the variety content I’ve watched more than any other group because of its high Kiki levels


I’ve rewatched Picnic Time and Vanner For You sooooo many times


I've been hesitant to get into Vanner content, because I fear I'll be obsessed with them. And I was right. Few groups make me laugh like this.... oh no.... I might finally have to stan them


Oooo I’m loving Vanner! Will prob need to deep dive!


🌀 join us in the vanner thread 🌀