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i don't trust a single one of them behind the wheel of a car




Zbtv zbtv WHERE YOU AT


taerae was stimming the FUCK out

eva ^_^

I forgot how fun these episodes were I was laughing so much my cheeks hurt now >_<


this was so funny my stomach hurts from laughing


GOSH I LOVE UR REACTIONS TO ZB1 SM Y’ALL SO RELATABLE, I rly be giving them the sus eyes whenever those 3 pop up. Meanwhile haobin yeah WE KNOW 😭


yay my dragon ass is so ready for FUN im so fcking tired of corporate job save me jebewon and my fav husbandz


have not seen taerae flappy hands in a long time 🥲


You guys keep joking about the notes tier, but I think the joke is so much more funny knowing the fact that people (likely me 😵‍💫😂) would pay for it and be happy


Zang How, I love you Zang How <3


lets hear it for the zero's in the baaaaack


AHHHHHHHHH this episode always makes me laugh i love them

Chuchu Online

Lotte World was so fun for them ;v; Also shoutout to the rockwork, cmon THEMING


Idc what anyone says I’m a gyubrik truther

Shanelly Faust

I miss pink haired hanbin soooo much! He looks so cute in here. Also it's so fulfilling to see them having fun together like this.


i feel like the secrets of the universe are on those notecards please show it to me rachel please


new patreon tier idea: letting us see what’s on those damn cards

Clara V.P

the way I cried actual tears when I first watched this back then, the last carousel shots of them ended me, looking at them laughing so carefree and with their whole chest I had to go touch grass after it fr


“ricky and i will play boyfriend and girlfriend” and ricky didn’t even bat an eye oh i’m sick

Carol Almeida

Who did Tae Rea go to an amusement Park with durante boys planet?

Allesha Davis

Tea Rea did a ZB1 cam video at Lotte World and I know he went with Park Hanbin, Munjung, and another guy from Boys Planet but I'm not sure who it is. The video is on the zb1 YouTube channel.

Carol Almeida

Thank you for the answer. I hope it´s Park Hanbin. He is so fine. Our Tae Rea deserves a hot man.


not they broke up… phaerae are alive and thriving in my mind palace


my mom wanted to go to six flags on mother's day one year and it was almost completely empty. my sister and i rode the log ride 3 times in a row without getting off. you're right that it was a very strange experience to be in a place that's supposed to be exciting when it's totally dead lol.


Literally same, I had to re-watch it right after as I was too busy bawling my eyes out than actually watching it. And the worst thing, I'm still sobbing whenever I watch it again. There's just no escape.