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Finally we see the man who passed on an OLYMPIAN


hana シ

I was refreshing the page omgg so excited to watch these new eps with you guys!

Juan Mireles

Adammmm when you said she pegged him i screamed. He’s been saying that he likes someone who’s in control & since then i always imagine him getting pegged LMAOOOOO


Thank you for turning the light down ✨


Ha! The reason I really like him even though he went around there being a mess.


@adam try the kimbap at dongne in lakeview! (highly recommend the soondubu, too)


hwi hyun must've been stressed about those exams, because he was not paying attention AT ALL😭


AHHH i was thinking the same thing. i had to pause the episode


The pegging comment had me screaming 😂😂

Lynn Pratt

Dongjin flirts and responds to flirting like a shy teenage boy bc the last time he had to do it he was literally a teenage boy....I don't know whether that's endearing or heartbreaking.

Lynn Pratt

I don't know if it's bc of my general "ugh men" attitude or that the other women in this cast are so honest and perceptive, and I don't mean to cast too much shade at Kwangtae, but I reeeally didn't expect to be on his side after his ex reveal. It sounds like he was so refreshingly up-front about his feelings from the start while still giving her space to figure hers out. Yet she seemed to be treating the simple act of saying "I love you" when you mean it as if it were a ball and chain dooming her to domestic servitude before she was ready. Which, I know we only get part of the story on the show, maybe he did put too much pressure on her to commit before she was ready bc they were at different life stages w/ different levels of responsibility. And I'm not saying everyone should be able to say "I love you" within 6 months of dating. But...like....the vast majority of ppl should know by then whether they are in love or not, right? Plus she asked him to do the show, so clearly she did actually love him to some degree and was lying in her denial when they broke up. I haven't seen the next ep so maybe this'll change w/ Saengjong's ex story, but so far this is the only one where I'm really struggling to empathize with both sides of it. Though I'll also admit that she has an unfair disadvantage bc we didn't have any chance to get to know her before the ex reveal, so no time to build up an understanding first.

Lisa H

I'm guessing they introduced the doctors last because they don't have a lot of free time to film and must have hectic work hours. I also instantly thought of SHINee Minho when Minyoung walked in!! He has a handsome face.


To me it seemed as though he was constantly hounding her to say 'I love you' back. I don't think he gave her any space at all. And for some people, getting to the stage of loving someone, when you will do anything for them, takes a long time. And remember, he told her 'I love you' the moment they started dating which to me is sooo soon and I would question if this person even knew what love is. Plus the constant pressure and being guilted into saying it back would make me break up with them as well, even if I did care for them a lot.

Sarah Figueras

Seong Jeong is giving Ariel in the blue dress 👗