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Finally Luna's astronomy lesson came to a conclusion in my Equestria dreamscape. It had not been one of her best lessons, and based on what she'd observed during the lesson the Princess of the Night and Dreams realized that her responsibilities to keep an eye on the foals would not end when they went to sleep.

     Luna still wasn't sure what exactly Applebloom had done to Stone Mane during the lesson Link , and as a general rule the princess trusted the filly. However her student knew how to leave her own dream fabric and then navigate across the Dream Realm to the colt's dream fabric.

     So her Highness suspected that there was a fifty-fifty chance the filly would try that tonight. Especially after she caught Applebloom accidentally starting to zip her sleep bag together with Stone Mane's. Therefore the Defender of Dreams figured she had 2 options for dealing with this problem:

     1. She could stakeout the filly's dream fabric and catch her if she did trying sneaking out.

     2. Or she could cut the filly off before she even thought of doing it by taking her and the rest of the foals on a little field trip into the Dream Realm. Luna settled on this course of action. Besides she knew just the place to take them.

     So as the foals started climbing into their own sleeping bags Luna made her proclamation.

     "Before we all go to sleep I have surprise for you. To commemorate this most august of events I wish to take everypony on a little excursion into the Dream Realm. I think you'll all find this a most fun and memorable adventure!"

     Luna paused for dramatic effect before continuing. "Now Applebloom, Stone Mane. Outside of me you two have the most experience out in the Dream Realm so I will be counting on you two to help your friends on this journey. Do you two think you're up for the job?"

     Stone Mane perked up in his sleeping bag. "Um. I don't have nearly as much experience as Applebloom, but I'll do my best!"

     For the briefest instant Luna caught a look of frustration in Applebloom's eyes confirming the alicorn's suspicion before it was replaced with a smile. "Ya can count on me fer the job!"

     Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were thrilled and excited at the idea of an adventure with Luna out into the Dream Realm. So excited that Luna decided it best to cast a sleep spell on the foals gathered there; just so she could get this show on the road.

     Within a few minutes all 4 of the foals had entered into REM sleep. The Prussian Blue alicorn then plunged herself into her realm. The mare's first stop was her protege's own dream fabric. Luna found the filly in a most unusual place. Perched way up on top of the wind vane on balancing on one of her hooves. Then the buttercream yellow filly would do a high kick with one of her rear legs. As Luna approached her student she noticed that when the filly did the kicks there appeared to be a flash of yellow green light materialized around the hoof doing the kicking that disappeared as quickly as it appeared. The princess watched her for a moment before speaking.

     "I see Zecora's lessons are starting to pay dividends Little Bloom shall we on our way?"

     The filly tossed her mane and grinned at the princess. "Yep! I was just waiting fer ya ta show up! Let git this show on the road!" Then in a burst of speed that caught the princess off guard the filly rocketed straight up into the late afternoon sky. Luna had to speed off herself to catch up with the filly. She found Applebloom floating just outside her own dream fabric admiring the shimmering veils of color that danced across the realm.

     The alicorn floated up alongside her protege, for a second she said nothing. Finally Luna spoke. "You seem to be developing your skills here in the Dream Realm very well Little Bloom. I'm very impressed."

     The filly shrugged her shoulders and looked over at Luna. Once again the alicorn caught what appeared to be a tiny bit yellow-green glow from the filly. This time from her caramel brown eyes. "Well if ya do sumthin enuff ya should git the hang of it soon or later." Said the filly.

     The princess intently watched the filly as she asked her next question. "So do things seem easier to do since you received Ladon's Gift?" Link

     The filly seemed to ponder the question for a moment before launching into a series of rapid, precise, and complex flying maneuvers. The likes Luna had never seen the filly do before. She came to halt in front of the princess. "Maybe. I mean ya have given me a heap of lessons yer Highness, and I've been doin Zecora's drills every day when I can, so I can't tell if that's it or that apple I ate."

     In her mind Luna thought. She has often exhibited an impressive ability to learn and developed skills in the Dream Realm in months or even weeks when I expected her to take years to master them. But her growth seems to be accelerating even more and that excites and terrifies me at the same time. I constantly feel as if I am galloping just to keep up with her growth. Never mind getting ahead of her.

     I have heard only ancient legends and stories of those who were bestowed with Ladon's Gift, but those distant, ancient tales that speak of those receivers of the gift possessing terrifying powers that often destroyed themselves eventually, and often everything around them. If she's truly has been bestowed what am I to do? How will I be able guide her? I need to speak with King Trafalgar soon!

     Applebloom looked out Dream Realm then back over at Princess. On previous occasions the filly always looked upon the Dream Realm with a combination of wonder tempered with apprehension. Now the earth pony viewed realm with a confidence that Luna had never seen in her before. Cocking her head a little Applebloom spoke.

     "Shall we mosey off and git our friends yer Highness?"

     Luna silently nodded her head and then they embarked to pick up the other members of tonight's adventure.

To be continued.




Their little sleeping bags are so adorable. 🥰

Chris Teet

And here I thought we had another appearance of AB's doppelganger.


i wonder how old Luna's dream-life is compared to her waking-life.


Luna's virgin alarm is programmed to go off before you do


Well AB is slowly taking on many of her doppelganger's abilities and traits, and that's on purpose.

Chris Teet

Almost starting to think it might be some kind of "future" version of AB trying to ensure her past self becomes her.