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At this point in my Equestria dreamscape my subconscious started tracking several dream arcs/plot threads at once. So the viewpoint will be changing a bit more for awhile.

  Twilight galloped through the halls of the Royal Palace. She’d shown up for her Advanced Spell Energy Management class only to be informed that she had an unexpected appointment with Princess Celestia. 

 Twilight’s school panniers flapped against the barrel of her chest as she ran up the stairs. The she’d been informed of the appointment only ten minutes before she was expected to be there. What puzzled the young violet mare was the fact she was not meeting Celestia in the throne room or even the conference room; instead she was being sent to Celestia’s private wing of the palace. 

 After being cleared entrance by two Royal Guard members she was escorted by one of Celestia’s mares-in-waiting to the Princess’s private library. As the strolled down the hallway Twilight frantically tried to tidy her self up for the meeting, the gallop across the palace grounds had left her mane and tail in a rather disheveled state and her lungs burning. 

 The mare-in-waiting tapped twice gently on the closed library door then waited the prescribed three seconds before opening it. Twilight remained standing in the hall as the mare took two steps into the room and then stopped and bowed.

 “Princess, Twilight Sparkle is here for her appointment.” Said the mare with a clear, pleasant voice. 

 “Thank you Silver Breeze.” Twilight immediately recognized the voice of her mentor, tutor and role model. “Please let her in.”

 Silver Breeze turned and looked back at Twilight who had remained motionless in the hallway. 

   “Please come in Twilight Sparkle.” Said the mare. Twilight had known Silver Breeze for years but this was all part of the protocol in the Royal Palace. 

 Twilight took four steps into the room and then bowed. “Princess Celestia. I, Twilight Sparkle have arrived for my appointment with your Royal Highness.” Twilight remained bowed, as custom stated one should remain until the Princess acknowledged one’s presence.   “Please rise Twilight Sparkle.” The unicorn mare rose and stared at the princess. Celestia was standing by one of the great bay windows in the library. It was glorious day and the morning’s sunlight was pouring into the room bathing the Princess of Sun in its light. The Ruler of Equestria strolled toward her star pupil. Twilight was always impressed by how soft the princess’s hoof steps were. Although she twice as large as any pony Twilight had ever met the Celestia’s steps were almost silent as walked across the wooden floor. 

 Celestia stopped in front her pupil and then slowly leaned over and gently nuzzled Twilight’s mane. Twilight felt a slight electrical tingling sensation race through her body. It was true that she had now known the princess for years now, but she often felt torn by conflicting emotions. Part of her cherished the fact that her relationship was now so close with the princess and that Celestia was willing to be so casual with her, and at the same time she often felt that she not worthy of the attention that Celestia bestowed upon her. 

 Celestia smiled down at her. “Thank you, for coming so promptly Twilight. I realize that my appointment was made rather abruptly but once I was made aware of a certain deficiency in your education I decided that it should be addressed immediately.”  

 Celestia led the young mare out of the library and down the hall. Twilight was rather baffled since this direction led to only one place that she knew of, Celestia’s bedroom. 

 Celestia opened the door and gestured with a front hoof for Twilight to enter. Slowly the violet mare stepped into the room. She’d never been in Celestia’s private sleeping quarters and she felt like she was entering some forbidden inner sanctum. 

 There were no lamps on in the dimly lit room; the only source illumination came a couple slivers of sunlight that sneaked past gaps in the curtains. Celestia followed her star pupil into the room and closed the doors behind her. The violet unicorn slowly looked around the room and then looked back at her mentor. Confusion and just a hint of fear showed in her eyes.  

 “So um, your highness what exactly did you want to talk to me about?” The young mare said in rather meek voice. 

 Celestia smiled and strolled over to the East windows, magically she swept a couple of the curtains aside. With this task completed she turned faced her student.  

 “Twilight, you are one of the best students I have ever had the honor of teaching. You’re the top of your class and your commitment to academic learning is unrivaled.”  

 Celestia closed her eyes. “However in your headlong rush to learn all my libraries have to offer you have let certain other facets of your life wither and waste away. You have grown from a little filly into a fine young mare and it is time you learned some lessons every mare should know.” 

  Celestia’s alicorn flared again and the curtains of her canopy were thrown aside. Lying on a bed big enough for at least a dozen ponies was Petina. The white unicorn mare was staring silently at Twilight with a rather impish grin on her face. Long stockings of deep green satin sheathed her legs. Celestia looked at Twilight. 

 “Twilight this is Petina, she is an expert in intimate relationships and sexual customs and techniques. She will be personally overseeing your instructions on this subject from now on.”

 “Bwaaaah!” Exclaimed Twilight. “She’s going to be instructing me on what?” 

 “Sex.” Said the princess in a chirper voice. “You are coming of an age when you should acquire some knowledge on the subject. Petina is one of the most knowledgeable ponies in all of Equestria and will be showing you the ropes.” 

 Petina slowly got out of bed and started to saunter over to Twilight. 

 “But, but, but I don’t know anything about it!” Said Twilight. “And even if I did I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with her!”

 Celestia smiled at her favorite student. “Oh you won’t be in a relationship with Petina. You’ll just be having sex with her; that way when that special pony comes into your life you'll know what to do with them!”

 The princess gestured toward a large divan-style couch over in one corner and smiled. “Now I won’t be directly participating in your initial lessons, but I will be observing and monitoring your progress from over here. Make me proud!” 

 Celestia then turned and strolled away leaving Twilight standing dumbstruck there in the room. Petina having now strolled up to violet unicorn reached out with a front hoof and turned Twilight’s head toward her.  

 “Now Twilight.” Purred Petina. “Let’s start with the basics.”
 Before she could think of a response Petina learned forward and kissed her.  

 Twilight suddenly sat upright in her bed. She was panting and her heart was racing in her chest. Ponyville’s librarian was sitting alone in her own bed; silver-blue moonlight spilled across her bedspread. Spike was snoring away in his bed basket beyond that the library was quiet and still. 

 Twilight lay back down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. What had she just experienced? Why would she believe that Princess Celestia would make her do such a horrible thing? Slowly her heart rate subsided and she gathered her wits. 

 It had been just a dream. Princess Celestia would never force her to have sex with another pony. Especially Petina! No it was just a dream and nothing more. She then rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, sleep did not come quickly. 

To be continued.   




What dreams may come. I'm surprised she didn't have to change the sheets.😁

Major Matt Mason

Certainly hope Applebloom wasn't peeking in...


It was just a dream? Bummer and here i have the Whipped cream, jello and the flying helmet all ready!

Webster Leone

An amusing tale for sure, though I feel rather bad for Twilight.


This could be just her repressed sexual tensions coming to the surface in her dreams or something is messing with her dreams deliberately.


Or Twilight's subconscious forcing her to consciously acknowledge that there's at least one subject Petina knows better than her -- and that it's something she'll eventually want to learn.

Dorian Inman

Repressed feelings for mentor beyond academic. Petina is a safe unknown, though. I'm sure Twi knows her through Dash. And I'm guessing that little miss Dash has probably slipped about how good she feels when she's with Petina. So, I'm getting a mixed hint of longing for a close relationship as well as a little jealousy. As scientifically as Twi approaches everything she is most likely flying blind in a gale to have a dream like this. I feel sorry for the little lady. Also curious if Luna caught that one. Probably not, didn't really qualify as a nightmare.


Oh Twilight knows Petina. She's been instructed by Celestia to teach her magic, and this is just the start of a long dream arc that plays out over several other arcs. As far as Luna goes I will say nothing to avoid spoilers.

Dorian Inman

Oh my! This will certainly get interesting! Wait... Twi is teaching? Interesting... As for Luna; anticipation is annoying, the way she reacts in your dreamscape pushes my patience to find out more. Yet, I am well mannered, so I shall say I eagerly await the next piece.


Nothing - NOTHING involving Petina is simple. Everything is confusing exotic and at some point erotic.


When Applebloom hits puberty things will get really confusing and exciting!


Since these sequence dreamscape postings are several years behind what is currently going on in my dreamscape I can safely say yes things will getting exciting and little surreal.


Yep just as Rainbow Dash had to teach me to fly, Twilight has been tasked by Princess Celestia to teach Petina magic theory. So twice a week Twilight either comes out to our place or Petina goes into town for lessons.