All Units Stand By (Patreon)
"Operations to commence in 5 minutes. Understood m'am. Over"
Rarity listened to Coco Pommel confirm her orders then the unicorn switched another channel and continued to verify her assets were in place and ready to move at the correct time. One by one her and her staff prepared to initiate the operation that they'd spent the last few weeks planning. Finally it was a matter of waiting for the start time.
The mare looked up from her paperwork and looked around at her staff. This operation was taking place in the back office of a boutique about 3 blocks from where the actual operation would take place. When Royal Equestria Security Forces (RESF) discovered this cell Celestia had selected Rarity to run the operation. The Element of Generosity had shown herself to be a meticulous planner and she was able to run the operation under the guise of being a fashion boutique.
Under the guise of being part of her growing umbrella of shops a failing boutique had been purchased by the Crown and reopened. However to reduce suspicions the boutique needed to be open for business while the Crown planned for the removal of the cell. That meant the store had to be staffed and open for business.
Since there was always the possibility that the operation's cover could be blown the Royal Sisters decided to reduce the chance of any innocent ponies being caught in any potential crossfire. Therefore all of the staff working at the boutique would be RESF personnel. However to be convincing they would have to know their chops when it came to the world fashion.
So all of the RESF stallions and mares working there had been run through a hasty retail/fashion boot camp that Rarity had set up. Fortunately some of her team had some experience with retail, and a couple had some knowledge of the world of fashion. Using them as her core violet-blue maned mare had been able to throw together a pretty convincing team of personal shoppers for the actual customers who came through the doors of boutique looking for answers to their fashion needs. However for today the boutique was closed. A hastily written sign taped to the front door apologized to customers for being closed. A ruptured water pipe was cited as the reason for the closure, and the water stained carpet visible through the store windows helped create a convincing situation.
The mare sighed. The boutique was in a good location. It had only been bad luck that had doomed the original store. She could turn this location into a real fashion dynamo if she had a year to build it up, but she knew that as soon as this operation was over they'd be closing the operation down. There were rumors starting to rumble in the ranks that the Royal Sisters were going to finally take out the main portal in Fillydelphia, and they'd be shipped out to there immediately after this operation over to help with that one.
The white unicorn sighed. She hoped those rumors were true and that this would finally bring this war to a close. She looked down at the PP2000 submachine gun hanging from a 1 point sling that was slung around her neck. She was tired of this war and wanted to get back to what she was truly passionate about.
But that would be another day. Right now they were at T-minus 3 minutes. Toggling her encrypted radio, Rarity checked in with her troops one last time.