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 Another scene moment from the anthro MLP/dream that Petina and I watched in the Staging Area of my dreamscape one night. To defeat the invaders from the Realm of Shadows most ponies did something to help drive back the enemy. This help to many forms. Sometimes it meant hunting down ponies who were willing to betray their own to the enemy.

  Red Tail watched the pegasus mare undress in the mirror above the bar.The unicorn poured a couple of highballs for them. The chiffon-yellow mare struggled with clasp hooks on the front of her black bra for a couple seconds; finally she undid them and she removed the garment. Carefully she folded it and set it on the small hoof-stool at the foot of the bed along with the rest of the garments. She still had her hoses and garter belt on. Red Tail smiled. The mare was trying to play it cool but she could see little traces of nervousness and uncertainty.  

  "Care for a cherry in your drink dear?" Red Tail asked in a sing-song voice as she looked back over her shoulder. The other mare blushed a little. 

  The mare blushed a little."Um, none in mine please." She said softly.   

  The unicorn smiled as the other mare started to fumbled around for something in her purse. The unicorn had met her at a club she frequented. The pegasus had all the signs of being new in the big city. Another young mare who'd come in drifting into town looking to find a new start. Red Tail pegged her as being from one of the many smaller rural communities that made up the breadbasket of the kingdom. Simple, sweet, with a rocking body, and utterly naive to how dangerous the big city could be. 

  Time for her first lesson. Thought the pale pink mare as she discreetly dropped a small tablet into the other mare's drink. The tablet dissolved almost instantaneously in the drink.   

  Red Tail smirked a little. Now for a little fun. It won't take effect for about 45 minutes. Long enough for us to have a good time. Then it'll be lights out for you. By the time you wake up I'll have already left and you'll be on your way to whatever fate awaits you.

  For most ponies the opening of the portal to the Realm of Shadows and the ensuing war had wreaked havoc on their lives and livelihood. For Red Tail she had taken it as an opportunity to make a pile of bits. Through various connections she'd come into contact with other ponies who thought the same way. Soon they'd made contact with these new beings, and had found that one could to do business with strange, new beings. One just had to be not that picky or ask too many questions.

  These new neighbors seemed to be very interested in mares. Young ones were best, and they paid very well for them. So Red Tail along with her business partners had set up a little enterprise that was turning them a tidy profit. She didn't know what her customer was doing with them, and she didn't care to know. It was all just business.  

  Red Tail picked the two drinks from the bar. Like the pink-maned pegasus mare sitting on the bed. She was more or less undress now. As she turned around she spoke.  

  "Here you go dear. Here's your—" 

  Three loud pops were punctuated by the sensation of an equal number of stinging, splattering blows against her bare chests. The mare on the bed was sitting with a strange-looking pistol pointed at Red Tail. It was compact thing but had a surprisingly large caliber to it. It was easily 13mm in bore size. Obviously the pegasus had kept it in her purse. The mare stared coldly at Red Tail. 

  "Why you son of a bitch! If you...." Red Tail suddenly felt a strange cold, tingling sensation start to spread across her chest. She turned and grab her own pistol that she kept in the interior pocket of her leather jacket that was hanging on the chair beside her. However as she began to turn she found her torso refused to move. Glancing down in alarm she could see the pale pink of her coat quickly changing to a dull light grey. 

  "You maybe wondering what's happening to you?" Red Tail looked back at the mare who had risen from the bed and was now slowly walking toward her. The nervous, uncertain pony she'd met in club had been replaced with a surprisingly calm, assured mare. 

  The pegasus mare stopped a few paces from her. By this time the unicorn's arms and most of her legs had succumbed to the transformation. Her attacker crossed her arms and stared coldly at her. 

  "Your body is succumbing to the effect of cockatrice venom. Most ponies think um, that a cockatrice petrifies its victim with just a stare, and they can but its a very slow process. Normally they only use their stare to, uh stun their victim. Then they administer their venom to the victim, which is much faster."

  The yellow mare started pacing around Red Tail. As she did she continued her lecture. "It took a lot of time for me to learn how safely extract the venom and then stabilize it. Almost as difficult was refining a reliable antidote. However in the process I was very happy to learn the venom worked as effectively with just skin contact as it did in the bloodstream. What I shot you with is 3 projectile filled with that venom."  

  By this time everything from the neck down was rigid in immobile. Red Tail wanted to yell, or at least curse at this damn mare but she found her vocal chords had gone silent. Even her horn didn't even want to respond. Her assailant came around and once again stopped in front of her.   

  "Of course cockatrice are not the only beings who can stun their opponents by staring."  

  The mare closed her eyes for a second; when she opened them her gaze was like a slap in the face for Red Tail. If it she wasn't already mostly petrified the mare's stare probably would've knocked her off her hooves. The mare stepped forward. Her stare never left the unicorn's. Finally she stopped with her muzzle almost touching the unicorn's. 

  "My name is Fluttershy, and by the powers vested in me by the Crown I am taking you into custody Red Tail for crimes against the kingdom. You will be transported back to Canterlot and when the Royal Sisters decide it is appropriate they will give you the anti-venom. You will not enjoy this experience, but in light of what the mares you've handed over to the enemy have experienced I find it hard to extend you much sympathy."

  By this time Red Tail was completely petrified. Fluttershy stared at her for a second then turned around and walked back to the bed and began dressing again. The Red Tail was still aware of her surroundings but everything had a muffled/muted quality to it. Still as she watched the mare walk away she finally noticed her cutie-mark. 3 butterflies on her haunches. Suddenly Red Tail remembered various rumors and whispers she'd heard of a mare who was systematically hunting those who aided the enemy. This hunter had earned herself a specific title. Killer Butterfly.   




Fluttershy the Hunter... almost sounds like a contradiction of terms. Things must be truly f*** up if even Fluttershy has no sympathy.

Dorian Inman

I was wondering when Shy was going to show up. Not surprised she uses a non-lethal method. As always she looks good! Incorporating her cutie mark in the garter belt and stocking tops is a lovely touch.


So traitors are not allowed the mercy of death? I like that.


The gun Fluttershy is using kinda reminds me of the Pistols used by Clone Officers in The Clone Wars.

Terri Mouse

Nice to see that Fluttershy ended up with the badass setup that she so deserves to have. I ALWAYS root for Fluttershy. ALWAYS.