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Woah these last two episodes were jam packed!! There were a few really special moments in this season... I'll say it again, I really enjoyed this series, making Obi Wan up there with Han Solo for me as far as characters go! Hope you guys enjoy the reaction and have a great start to your week!

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[Full Reaction] Obi-Wan Kenobi Part V & VI


Clay F

I know there is a lot of hate out there for this series, but I liked the series. Not as good as The Mandalorian or Andor, but entertaining. Ewan McGregor's charisma helped carry the series.

Mr Trick

Glad you liked it Cassie but this series is the epitome of “results may vary”. As for me, I think I’m done with Star Wars after this.

Jason Chirevas

I had modest excitement going into Obi-Wan, I feel I gave it every chance but, gee whiz, there are six episodes and two of them have the exact same plot. I won’t bother to go into too much more detail — although I’m surprised logic didn’t file an anti-defamation lawsuit against episode 5 — suffice to say I thought the whole thing was pretty pointless. I liked Baby Leia (until they overused her), I liked that Owen and Beru were dedicated guardians for Luke (would like to have seen much more of them) but that’s about it. And the less said about Obi-Wan’s colossally terrible choice vis a vis Vader at the end of episode 6 — and the fact he was even in the position to make it — the better.


Oh no, is Cassie crawfishing on watching the Mandalorian? Looks like we're in for a long wait to see Mando. 😰

Marty McGee

I enjoyed this as well. A few parts defied logic and were terrible writing choices. But, overall the nostalgia of seeing more Obi-Wan and Darth Vader was worth it! Also, I don't know that I've heard anyone criticize the child who played Leia's acting. She did awesome in my opinion and had such a great dynamic with Ewan. The weakest part was the Reva story. Her motivations and choices were part of the logic-defying I mentioned earlier. In the end, I just didn't care. The final episode landed so well emotionally. It was a very satisfying "conclusion" to the prequel story. It also not really retconned, but filled in a few holes or enhanced the original trilogy as well. I say it's up to you on The Mandalorian. I do believe you'll enjoy it, but I also understand if you need a break from Star Wars. Have a wonderful rest of your vacation and safe travels home!

Jason Chirevas

My two bits on The Mandalorian… It’s the best Disney+ original series period and as fun a western as you’re likely to see. Definitely watch it, Cass.

Ramzi M. A. Ramzi

The Force is strong with you, Cassie. My favorite bit: "Let's hope I never see you again" LOL :) Once you start the Mandalorian, you will not want to stop. I hope you decide to watch Seasons 1 and 2 before 3 comes out so you can live the excitement with the rest of us in real-time. This is the way. Wonderful reaction...still laughing at your comment...that was great :) P.S. I'm of the "Enjoyed Obi-Wan Kenobi Camp". It's Star Wars; there's always something there that I'm gonna love, even in the ones that I absolutely loath (AKA, the recent godawful Sequel Trilogy).

Michael Threapleton

Two big takeaways from this show: 1. Being run through by a light saber is not considered a death blow. To guarantee a kill I suggest following the run through with a vertical withdrawal upwards exiting through the top of the head. 2. Leia was a ten-year-old that looked like a seven-year-old and ran like a three-year-old. Can't watch that chase sequence through the woods without hearing the Benny Hill chase music playing in my head.

Ramzi M. A. Ramzi

Check this take on the original dual between these two from Ep. IV: "https://youtu.be/to2SMng4u1k"

James M

"That's Star Wars!" YES! You know your Star Wars! And please watch The Mandalorian. Of course, it's up to you, but with "baby Yoda" becoming more unavoidable in pop culture, it will be tougher to avoid spoilers. Also, it's SO GOOD!

Robert da Spruce

Not sure if you already knew this, but Roken is played by O'Shea Jackson Jr. Who’s father is O'Shea Jackson (a.k.a. Ice Cube). Jr. also played his father in the biopic Straight Outta Compton. Which is about the rise of rap group N.W.A.

Mr. Writhms

Quigon: "WTF?! Everyone else gets stabbed with a lightsaber and lives??"


“Okay Mordor” Hahaha!! Oh my Cassie… impressive. Huh… when I just typed impressive, I heard Vader’s voice in my head. Finally at the end we get Vader’s theme, but thank you for humming it earlier when he is walking down the platform of his ship. I think someone mentioned this, but Obi-Wan gave Luke a toy ship and we see Luke playing with it in episode IV after they buy R2 and 3PO and he’s cleaning them. 🍿


Vader was ready to tear the entire galaxy apart to search for Obi Wan, until his master hinted at his obsession bordering on weakness, and he changed his tune immediately. The power of the dark side is real, as he warns Luke many years later saying how he must obey his master