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Ok this was so fun, I think we were both in good moods too haha! It's a bit unrealistic if you think about it, but let's just not think about it! I kind of like that he's not a super trained mega spy, but just like a cop with a lot of Heart! Cheesy, I know, but this had a lot of it and I was here for it!!

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[Full Reaction] Die Hard 2 (1990)



Ok ladies it's been over three months, time for the next one...Die Hard With A Vengeance.

TeenyStudio Flicks

So you can see how this is a movie for Christmas. It's for those not involved making the holiday dinner, setting the table or herding the youngsters out of the way. They will be sitting watching these movies yelling boo yah, fist bumping and saying yippee kai yay! Those little Christmas essentials like the holiday tree and festive songs make it a justifiable holiday flick too!

Ben Livingstone

The worst is being in a sleeping bag with one sock partly off, so you can't reach down and fix it.

David RedEagle

Yeah, old Bruce is great no matter what. 3 and 4 are still entertaining, 5 is meh. Kinda sad for what he is going through. I look forward to one last hurrah with the Detective Knight films.

Richard Bourne

LOL, yes Cassie you are right. This is one of those don't think about the particulars of the plot too hard movies, just with it and enjoy the ride. As a guy, great action, cool guns, great explosions.

Philip Alan

Hahaha! Planes cannot hover. Well, at least these ones. They do have to circle. :)

David Freese

On one ? I'm that psycho who wears socks in bed but only in winter ( cold weather). Another cool movie where you don't have to think much but is entertaining. Speaking of Terminator the guy who shot the SWAT team member in the head at the Skywalk was Robert Patrick, the T 1000 from T2. Finally when you decide to watch 3 and 4 they are more summer early fall movies so you don't have to wait for Christmas to watch them.

Gábor Árki

Wow, it was a perfect timing to re-watch the first one yesterday. It was a great reaction even the second time. So far I'm really loving these action movie reactions. I think they are on a fine line to take Cassie and Carly out of their comfort zone, getting shocked a few times but overall still be fun an entertaining for them. So really looking forward to watching this one tonight. Although I do consider this one to be a weaker entry by all means now, it will always be special for me. This was the first Die Hard movie I've seen and it is also among the ones I still remember seeing for the first time. I think it was 1995 and we were on a summer vacation in the bath town Hajdúszoboszló when this was airing in television. For the record, I was 11 at the time. Ratings were not really a thing to consider here back then. 😃 Cassie, I think you should consider scheduling the third one, Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995), to 2023's summer reaction schedule. Not just was it a summer release (May 1995) and a blockbuster box office hit, but it is also a true summer movie to be watched on a hot day. 😉 PS: no socks in bed. I just can't. It feels so weird and too hot.


Great Reaction :) Planes can't hover by the way Cassie, they have to keep going forward, at a certain speed or they crash. There are fighter jet planes like the f-35 that hover though, which is pretty cool.

Guy Gordon

I gotta admit that I was kinda stunned while listening to the "planes can hover" bit. I thought for SURE that Carly was intentionally trolling. I mean...... :)


Die Hard 3 is my favorite in the franchise.

tiny baby kitty man

If you thought 2 was better than 1, I cannot wait for the reaction to 3.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Eee, no my dear, planes are like sharks, they need to keep moving or they die/fall out of the sky. Helicopters and "Harrier" style attack jets can hover, but not passenger planes, they have to maintain a certain air speed to stay in the air.

Brad P

Cassie, you figured out McClane's ultimate solution to landing the planes (fire on the runway) long before he did.

Brad P

And Carly picked up on the last minute personnel change right away too.

Just Plain Bob

The air flight director was played by Fred Thompson, a prominent southern attorney and Senator from Tennessee that ran unsuccessfully for President in 2008. He was also an actor in quite a few movies and played the District Attorney on Law & Order for a couple of seasons. He first came to prominence during the Watergate hearings, at which time he was counsel to the committee conducting the hearings, when he asked the famous question “What did the President know and when did he know it?” He passed away in 2015.

Stick Figure Studios

Cassie probably recognized him from IN THE LINE OF FIRE. She thought he maybe played the president, but it was actually his chief of staff.

Stick Figure Studios

It's one of those films where it all seems perfectly logical in the moment and that's all that really matters. It's only afterwards when you start reflecting on it that you realize how absurd it all is.

Brian McGovern

You liked this one more than the first? I may have to think twice about renewing my subscription. 😄 To each, their own.

thomas king

The great thing about the John McLane character is that he comes off as a regular guy. He is simply a cop that won't give up. He gets hurt and bleeds. He looks like someone put him in a blender by the end of the movie. Also he talks to himself the whole time. Besides the movies being great what endears him to the audience is that he is a normal guy who gets beat up and bleeds especially after a decade of Arnold, Stallone, Seagal, Van Damme and Chuck Norris movies.

Steven Ashford

I didn’t care for this one as much but Die Hard 3 is my favorite. You two will love the 3rd one. Summer before it’ll be on the docket?


far-fetched but fun is how I would describe this sequel, yippee-ki-yay!


While not the classic that the original Die Hard is this movie is still a lot of fun. It’s one of those turn your brain off an enjoy kind of action movies. Is it realistic? No. Is it entertaining and an enjoyable experience? Yes. And really that’s all I ask for in a movie.

Alex Gorell

This may be an unpopular opinion but after the first 4th is my very close 2nd favorite. Then 3 which I didn’t much care for then 5 which we do not talk about.

Odd Thomas

3 is my favourite but honestly all 4 are good (let's not mention 5)

Odd Thomas

I sleep in socks in winter, because England.

David Crabtree

Really looking forward to this! I've always loved Die Hard 2!

Jason Dolan

"They're gonna make hundreds of people die because he didn't get into congress or something?" Sounds accurate.

Jason Dolan

This movie has such a great twist and the reaction to said twist didn't not disappoint, lol

Art of Free Speech

No, commercial planes can't hover. There are one or two military airplanes in the world that can (the Osprey, the Harrier jump jet). Helicopters hover. Airplanes fall out of the sky if they're not moving fast enough to generate lift over their wings.

Stick Figure Studios

To be fair, I liked 2 more than 1 for a while as well because it had more action. I now realize after multiple rewatches of both that 1 is the vastly superior film.

Bubba Fett

Die hard is literally a Hallmark Christmas movie, man estranged from his wife, travels across country to join her at a Christmas party to reconnect, adventure ensues and they reconcile in the end, top it off he makes a new best friend on his travels.

Mike LL

I think Cassie has seen too many Star Wars shows/movies. Because in that world, space crafts just hover and glide to and from a planets surface, defying all laws of gravity. That's where she got it from 😆

Mike LL

Big debates going on here. First off, socks all the time. Die Hard 3 they will love, because which ever Die Hard film is the best, 3 is much better than 2. 3 is a summer time movie. And finally, at this time of year around my house we don't say "Yippee Kay-Yay, Moth** ****er!", we say in the same cadence "Yippee Kay-Yay, Merry Christmas!" Give it a try!


No to the socks part. Never sleep with them on. I think my Die Hard ranks are in order of release. 1-4. 5 doesn’t exist to me lol.

Björn Von Knorring

To add to the discussion last year about Christmas movies. Die Hard is definitely a christmas movie (even if you didn't agree) while Die Hard II is a movie that takes place during christmas but doesn't, IMHO, add up to a true christmas movie.

Matt Rose

DIE HARD is totally a Christmas movie. Not a question.

Matt Rose

He was also in DAYS OF THUNDER, having fun chewing the scenery.


Nice reaction. And just to be clear, planes can NOT hover in the air. They need to move forward in order to stay in the air, otherwise they turn into heavy paperweights.

Matt Rose

The fifth one is absolute pants. Just a terrible movie.


It was funny to see you two talk about Colonel Stuart like he was a Terminator only for Robert Patrick, the T-1000 to show up. And I can definitely, like so many others, recommend Die Hard With a Vengeance. For me it's the best one of the series. I'm sure you two will love it.


Thanks ladies that was a lot of fun watching along this afternoon on my day off it's cool as can be here up in the great White North. Of all of the diehards this is the one I've watched probably the least so it was kind of fresh to me in some regards. Really looking forward to your reaction hopefully in the summer to the third one and actually the fourth one is what is worth watching as well although the fifth one you can Skip it's just garbage. I honestly thought that you guys were doing a gag when you were talking about planes being able to hover 😄🤯😂 p.s #teamsocks did I mention it's cold here.

Stick Figure Studios

DIE HARD 2 was actually ny first DIE HARD. My dad took me to see it at age 14 and it blew me away. I subsequently watched the first one on video and actually didn't like it as much. I thought the sequel was more exciting, more action-packed, more spectacular. It took me many years and multiple rewatches to realize how vastly superior the original DIE HARD is, but I still like it's follow-up. I am glad that you both enjoyed it and it makes sense that Carly joined in on this reaction as she was there for the first one too, but I would have cautioned her about it as this one increases the violence quotient considerably. Yes, the original one was violent, but it was really more suspenseful with much of the violence being only implied (relatively speaking, it's pretty restrained for the action genre) and the worst thing that happened to anyone in the film was they got shot. This movie not only has shootings aplenty, but a head getting crushed in a baggage device, an icicle in the eyeball, a throat getting slit open and a bad guy getting sucked into a jet engine. Also, to communicate how much of a threat the terrorists were in the first film, they were shown casually executing two hostages (one of whom we actually liked). In this film, to demonstrate the pure evil of the bad guys, they callously crash a plane filled with hundreds of innocent people. As Cassie would say, that escalated quickly. I think of this heightened fetishization of the violence is due to a different director: Finnish filmmaker Renny Harlin (who also did CLIFFHANGER, CUTTHROAT ISLAND, MINDHUNTERS, LONG KISS GOODNIGHT, the EXORCIST prequel and one of the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET sequels). This movie also marks the beginning of John McClane's ascent (or maybe it's decent) into invulnerability. While Bruce Willis still puts a very human, fallible face on the character, his courage and athleticism approaches almost superhuman levels here (a similar thing was done with Sylvester Stallone's John Rambo character). This will only increase in subsequent sequels. In spite of all this, I do like this movie. Though the shoehorning into the narrative of some of the beloved supporting characters from the first one does feel a little cynical, the movie is stylish and packs a hell of a wallop. It is thrilling and immensely entertaining. It is one of those cinematic roller coaster rides that really works in the moment when you're watching it (it's only upon further reflection that you realize how absurd at all is). I would say it is the third best DIE HARD (the best being, of course, the classic original). The next one, DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE, is I think the second best in the series (and it brings back the original's director John McTiernan), but it is definitely not a Christmas movie. It is a summer movie so if I were you, I would wait 6 months and then also experience that one together. I think you will both enjoy it as well.

Jonathan Hall

Since this movie isn't getting the franchise love I'll say I think this one is my favorite too. The first one was great but I like that the story is a little more complex in this one. The first 2 are the only ones I really like though. The other ones were disappointing to me.

David Patterson

Die Hard 1 and 2 A Christmas tradition. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Hans Gruber falling to his death...

Eric Wallace

Planes cannot hover lol.

Robert da Spruce

I wouldn’t go so far as to say people that wear socks to bed are “Psychopaths”. But yeah, no socks for me either. I have worn socks a couple times when staying at a cabin with no heating. But when I woke in the morning, I found I had removed them in the middle of the night. Even though I can’t remember doing so. So even my unconscious self doesn’t like it! 😂 That was a fun reaction! A nice popcorn movie. Don’t over analyze it. Just enjoy the ride! As others have pointed out Carly, planes can’t hover. At least not commercial jets. There are a couple like the Harrier and F-35 that can. But it requires tremendous amounts of fuel to do so. I was impressed you guys recognized the T-1000 terminator actor. You guys should definitely watch Die Hard 3 when you get a chance. Hopefully before next Christmas! 😉

Erik Daniel

And are we in agreement we should ask her to watch the unrated cut? Which is really just an R rating that Willis and Len Wiseman decided to make when the studio forced them into a PG-13.

Shawn Kildal

Die Hard 2 tagline was Die Harder. Die Hard 3 was Die Hard with a Vengeance

Shawn Kildal

Just think how much easier it would be to land a plane if it could indeed hover. We wouldn't need such long landing strips

Shawn Kildal

If it's a chilly night I will sometimes wear socks to bed. As long as they are loose fit and cozy socks. Not the standard athletic socks. Call me crazy.

Erik Daniel

"If they can do it, so can we. Yay!" lol, I love watching movies with you guys. Now here's how I would break it down. Socks in bed is ok if it's cold and your feet are freezing. But the second your feet warm up and now you're just wearing socks in bed, they gotta go. Now sleeping with socks? Absolute madness. Waking up after falling asleep with socks on is just unsettling. That intro had me laughing. Although no one was killed by a falling Christmas tree, a large Christmas tree did fall. So, it's not like you pulled it out of nowhere Carly lol. Then as Cassie asks her where the first movie took place and is about to explain about Carly's movie amnesia..."New York!!!" lol right on cue. But I think that was just Carly getting ready for the 3rd one. I got my money on that being the favorite. The original is my favorite with the 3rd behind it, but every time I watch the 3rd it closes the gap a bit. It's so much fun. I wish Die Hard wasn't a Christmas movie because I'd like to watch it more than once a year, but it doesn't feel right lol. The fact that the whole movie takes place on Christmas eve makes it a perfect Christmas eve watch. Dec. 24th it's Die Hard and It's a Wonderful Life!


Are we dropping the f bomb? Lolololol


"Adventure ensues" is one way to put it lol

Dean Holt

Die Hard 2: Bad guys don’t wear yoga pants lol. It’s been a while since I’ve watched this as I normally just watch the first and third movies, but I’d forgotten how good it is I still think 1 & 3 are better films. But I thought this had a few more cheesy one liners which you have to have in classic action films also some of the characters are more fun like Marvin the Janitor. Also no socks in bed 😂😂

Mike LL

Not exactly. The Die Harder was so prominent in the advertising for Die Hard 2 that I was surprised in the theater that it was not the name of the move, Die Hard: With A Vengeance is the actual title of the third movie, like in the credits.


Growing up this was my least favorite one of the series (until the 5th came out lol) but over the years I've grown fonder of what it offers and try not to look at it too seriously.

Patrick Egan

I like this movie, but it always makes me shake my head. I live pretty close to Dulles Airport, where this movie takes place, and the airport in the movie looks NOTHING like the real Dulles. Plus, why would an airport on the East Coast have PACIFIC BELL pay phones? They couldn't have slapped some Bell Atlantic stickers on them? :)

Matt Rose

yeah, the payphone thing is a continuity error that's been pointed out before. Nowadays, that'd be fixed in post production via CGI.

Rick Williams

I have not seen this movie in a long time. And I only saw it a couple of times. It will be good to check it out again. I've seen the first one more times than I can remember. Hopefully you ladies will like it and give a good reaction. I don't know if I could handle another Batman reaction.😖 I still have flash backs. 🙃


These movies always remind of the PS1 Die Hard Trilogy game. The Die Hard 2 level was the most fun.

Rick Williams

Great reaction Ladies. Except you left us hanging when you didn't drop the F-Bomb. 😁 No, civilian fixed wing aircraft cannot hover. That movie was better than I remember. You to work well together reacting to movies. You to are gems. I am glad I found you last January, Cassie. And I am glad you got Carly to drop and watch with you sometimes. Carly you need to move closer to your sister so you can drop by more to watch movies and you can baby sit sometimes to.😉

Rick Williams

No socks in bed. No socks by themselves. I either wear socks and shoes or go barefoot.


If you thought this one was unbelievable, hoo boy, the rest (especially the next one) are gonna make you shake your heads, big time. It only gets more ridiculous from here.


Really? I thought that Die Hard with a Vengeance felt relatively believable next to DH2. Maybe it's because John McTiernan is back directing, and he just makes everything feel grounded. I also think the screenplay of Vengeance makes it more plausible that McClane would be at the center of the action again, whereas in DH, the viewer is constantly asking themselves why he's inserting himself into every situation.

John Cranberry

LMAO, Cassie: Do planes hover? Carly: Yes they do, until they are told they can land. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Priceless. 🤦‍♀️


Hey Cassie, interesting that you guys mentioned The Terminator when you saw the bad guy naked at the beginning because the Terminator who could change shape was one of the bad guys. You also said you recognized the main bad guy, Colonel Stuart, he was one of the prisoners in The Shawshank Redemption and also played the father of the two blonde girls in The Green Mile. Also, this movie was before 9/11 so the security at the airport wasn’t as strict as now. You were right about the reporter on the plane. He did go to their house in the first movie and John’s wife punched him at the end of movie for screwing everything up.


Ladies, if planes could hover that's how they'd land and there would be no need for runways. :)

Larry Darrell

After the Bad Guy shoots the Church Caretaker, he gets on the radio and reports, "This is Buckwheat, the Clubhouse is open." Cassie: "Oh They are going to H-E-Double." My thoughts exactly. You can't sully the name of "Buckwheat" and get away with it. One of the things that I like about this movie, that others sometimes don't, is that almost the exact same thing from the first movie happens to him again. You could say that's one of the things that sends the character of John McClane into the absurdity, which is a fair point, but doesn't happen until the 4th film, I think. But, since McClane acknowledges this point within the movie, ("Another basement, Another elevator. How could the same shit happen to the same guy, twice?"), I think it validates the absurdity within the film, and makes it more interesting and certainly more comical. John McClane was just a normal, ordinary person in the first Die Hard. Yes, a cop, but a normal, ordinary cop, not a "super-cop." Die Hard is one of the best versions of an "ordinary person in an extraordinary situation" story. The odds that the same extraordinary situation would happen to the same person again are slim, but crazier things have happened. A Virginian Park Ranger by the name of Roy Sullivan was struck by lightning Seven times between the years of 1942 and 1977, and survived. I mean, imagine the craziest incident that has ever happened to you. Then imagine the exact same crazy thing happening to you again years down the road. For anyone on the outside looking in, it might be pretty entertaining to watch. Obviously not for you though. The Third film has the change that a lot of people wanted in the second, which is why I think most people prefer it over the second film. I certainly do. The Third film adds new dynamics and obstacles that I won't mention, but I will say makes for a very fun time. After two movies of the same, you get something different and it's well worth the wait, character-arc-wise. Another note, I've always liked Fred Thompson as an actor. He always seemed genuine and natural in the roles he played, and you believed his authority. Not being a traditional actor probably helped that. As a real life Attorney, Lobbyist and Politician, Fred Thompson was very comfortable at commanding others. His acting career began in 1985, in the film Marie, where he played himself. The film is about the true story of Marie Ragghianti, who worked on the Tennessee Board of Pardons and Paroles in the 1970s. Marie, with the assistance of her attorney, Fred Thompson, worked together to expose the corruption in the Parole Board that went as high as the Governor of Tennessee, Ray Blanton. The director of Marie, Roger Donaldson, while doing research for the film, liked Fred Thompson so much that he offered him the chance to play himself. A couple years later, Donaldson cast Thompson in the role of CIA Director, in his next film No Way Out (1987), starring Kevin Costner and Gene Hackman. From then on, it was steady work, until he was elected United States Senator for Tennessee in 1994 and served until early 2003. Then it was back to a little acting, among other things.


“Yes, planes can definitely hover”

Steve H

Fun watching your reaction, This oldie of a movie was one of first DVDs I've

Steve H


'Pappy' Johnston

So enjoyed this reaction. But I have to admit that when you two were actually thinking.....AIRLINERS....HOVER....I actually GRONED, ROLLED MY EYES, AND said OUT LOUD, "You two are SO adorable and SO blonde!" before laughing profusely. I'm glad you guy figured out that AIRLINERS...DO.....NOT.....EVER.....HOVER.. HAHAHAHAHAHA! GREAT movie! GREAT reaction. Keep it up Ladies! You are AWESOME.