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This one felt like Mission Impossible 1 again for the fact I was always 2 steps behind?  Haha, but I did enjoy the espionage and trying to figure it all out! Some classic Bond stuff that is almost comforting to see in every one now-the girl, the gadgets, the car chases! I liked Timothy Dalton a lot actually-maybe more serious? Less swagger? Idk but I'd want him to be the one in charge of saving my life!

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[Full Reaction] The Living Daylights (1987)



I was having a really bad night and now it’s looking brighter. Thank you.


Dalton was always underrated. A great bond. Has done some sterling TV work with Penny Dreadful and Doom Patrol. Was excellent as the villain in The Rocketeer. The man still looks good at 77 years old. Oh and a cracking theme song from a-ha!


Yes! My fave bond movie. Can’t wait to watch this reaction!! Been looking forwards to it for weeks :D


Dalton remains my absolute favourite Bond, even above Connery. Gone is Roger Moore's camp cosiness. This is far far closer to the books. Dalton gives him a vicious intensity which, let's face it, you'd have to have. The character is basically bordering on being a psychopath and Dalton really brings this across. It's such a shame he only got the two movies. He deserved a lot more. If you want to see him stretching his acting chops even more, he gives two *very* different performances in "The Lion In Winter" and "Hot Fuzz". Cracking actor.

James UK

The most under appreciated Bond in one of the more underrated Bond movies imo. Perhaps the shift from the Moore era was a bit too jarring at the time. 30+ years later they’re getting some of the credit they deserve. Dalton’s portrayal of Bond is probably the closest to the Bond of the original Fleming novels and a forerunner of Craig’s Bond 20 years later.

Gábor Árki

Well, we have reached the Bond era of my lifetime. Actually, the first one would have been A View to a Kill from 1985. There is something uniquely great about 80s and early 90s movies. But that might just be nostalgia. 😀 From here on I think you will start to recognize more and more faces in the cast. Really looking forward to watching this reaction. My hunch was that you would enjoy it but I was really curious about your take on Dalton. He was probably the most underappreciated Bond during his tenure. After 14 years of Moore, the more realistic and gritty edge he brought to the role was probably not what audiences wanted or expected from Bond. I suppose this contrast is even more noticeable coming directly from The Spy Who Loved Me. Even though he has gained a lot of recognition since then, I feel he is still often somewhat forgotten and discarded as the "others" with Lazenby.

Marko T.

The next movie License to Kill is even better.


Darn, still processing

Christopher Smith

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Jonny Kerr (JK)

Cassie i know you’re going a different route and expanding your horizons lately. But if you haven’t seen The Town with Jeremy Renner and Ben Affleck I think you’d like it. Or you and your sis would. Very cool movie that got nominated for an Academy Award.


I think this is an underrated Bond movie. Dalton is a good and underrated Bond. I do wish he was able to do a third movie. He is the closest Bond to the books. I like that it is a little more serious like the Connery movies were. My ideal Bond movie is a combination of all the classic Bond elements with a mix of serious and some humor. Ironically enough they offered Dalton the role of James Bond for On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, but he declined because he felt he was to young for the role. In fact they actually wanted to cast Pierce Brosnan in this one, but he couldn’t get out of his contract for Remington Steele once the show was renewed. Funny how all the runner ups seem to get cast eventually.

Gábor Árki

I believe they also approached Dalton after Moonraker, when Moore's initial contact expired and he was considering to hang his Walther PPK and quit the franchise. But he eventually signed on for 3 more movies.


And wasn’t a 3rd Dalton movie in a very early stage with a very bad script and story so it got cancelled?

Gábor Árki

There was a script at least partially prepared for his third installment. He was fully onboard to return (and EON wanted him back as well). But the franchise ended up in legal limbo for years due to the international distribution rights so the production was never greenlit. Eventually, Dalton decided not to wait any longer (probably it limited his other options too having to stay in standby) and quit. Shortly after the legal issues have been resolved and they continued with a new script and actor. But his third script might have been reworked as (or the basis of) Tomorrow Never Dies.

Mike LL

Cassie, Carly: Now that we have you paying attention to the main title credit song, it might be fun for the two of you to try to guess who is singing the song, in the beginning in the credits it tells you who wrote and performs the title song.

Matt Rose

My absolute favorite Bond car: the Aston Martin V8 Vantage. Remember it...it appears again in a much later film. :)


It's in my top three Bond films, with a top five soundtrack, and one of the most beautiful Bond girls...Maryam D'Abo (just adorable and also breathtaking). I simply love this movie. An old fashioned late Cold War thriller with great locales. Why it's so underrated these days I have no idea. It's got almost everything packed into 2 hours. Also, you asked how Afghanistan played into this... The Soviets controlled Afghanistan during this time. They were engaged in a war there from '79 to '89.


The Living Daylights theme is by A-ha and correct all Bond themes are created for the film with lyrics relating to the themes of the film. For Your Eyes Only is the first Bond film of the 1980s releasing in 1981. Followed by Octopussy in 1983 and A View to a Kill in 1985 this being Roger Moores final Bond film. But to me Dalton is the Bond of the 1980s from The Living Daylights to Licence to Kill from 1989 it's whole I picture when I think of Bond in the 1980s. But Moores later Bond films are pretty 1980s as well with A View to a Kill from 1985 having a theme by Duran Duran, can't get anymore 80s than that lol That's how I see Bond just one person throughout maybe a decade worth of events from Dr. No 1962 to Die Another Day in 2002. That's 40 years gap between the films but Bonds stories depicted in these films are much closer together spanning a decades worth of adventures. It's kind of like how Spider-Man was introduced in 1962 as a 15 year old but by the 2000s he's only in his 20s in the comics. Marvel can't have there mainline universe comic characters aging in real time as they'd get old. So these characters don't age in real time while history changes around them jumping into new decades. Bond is kind of the same they just recast him once and a while so he remains pretty young between the time it takes studios to create these films. But the overall timeline of his history remains the same from all the past movies. I do like how Desmond Llewelyn who plays Q is just aging in the background while everyone else remains young being recast by different actors. Daniel Craig Bond is an exception acting as one big connected series of movies with a Beginning and an End featuring one actor as Bond developing over the course of Five Bond Films. Hopefully I answered some of you're questions as it does get a little complex if you overthink it.

Aaron Ritchie

Dalton is my favourite Bond and one of my favourite actors. You might recognize him as the voice of Mr. Pricklepants the hedgehog from Toy Story 3 and 4.

Richard Bourne

Why would they do a daylight exercise on Gibraltar? TD did a more serious take on Bond and wasn't as much of a womanizer.

Celeste McAllister

I like TD he could have stayed on for more JB movies..nice car! a sexy lady and her Cello! Good bad guy's I have to admit I like Timothy Dalton as much as dashing RM..


Question for the fans; Was the parrot in the kitchen fight scene suppose to be Max from For Your Eyes Only?


Cassie, Carly. I'm glad you enjoyed Timothy Dalton's portrayal of Bond. Hugely underrated and I can't wait for your reaction to Licence To Kill. Timothy really goes all out with the darkest side of Bond ever. It's also my 3rd favourite Bond film behind Goldeneye and Skyfall!!!


I've always thought so. I don't know for sure though. A quick Google shows that it's the same parrot that was in FYEO (named Chrome). So I am sure that it's meant to be Max from the earlier film. Otherwise I don't think they would have gone out of their way to show him.


If the runner-up thing holds true, then it's Henry Cavill's turn now, since he auditioned back in 2004 and lost out to Craig. But they might want to go even younger this time, and ironically, Henry might be too old. We'll see.

Odd Thomas

Sweet! Can't wait for Licence to Kill; it was the first Bond film I saw at the cinema and it has some CRAZY stunts. (I was 8 yrs old! Good old irresponsible parenting! You'll see what I mean)

Night King01

I’m surprised you didn’t recognize john rhyse Davies as Pushkin aka golly from lord of the rings.


She did. It just took her a while. She recognized him as Sallah and Gimli.

Night King01

Great casting with Timothy dalton. If you read the books he actually is the closest to what bond is described as looking like except he doesn’t have a scar like bond in the books

John Drake

"Who kills a milkman" classic Cassie line. The blond KGB guy was also the first henchman in die hard that Mcclane kills (Karls brother), and he was one of the goons that worked for Max(ine) in the first mission impossible. And the actor playing Koskov is also the sleazy doctor in The Fugitive who betrays Dr Kimble. Fine actor, Dutch I believe, but he frequently ended up being cast as a two faced creep.

Matt Rose

This is definitely one of the 'good' films. Dalton is solid and the opening sequence with the Connery/Moore 'lookalike' 00 agents is fun. Good plot, decent action, and a very solid henchman with Necros (the actor also appears in DIE HARD and MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1 and 4). If you like Dalton's take on Bond, you'll probably like Craig's run of films. Dalton was kinda the prototype for Craig's version of the character in many ways...ahead of his time. I'm definitely curious what you think of the next film, LICENSE TO KILL. It's one of the polarizing films in the Bond run of films...lots of 'love it', lots of 'hate it'.

Bubba Fett

No multiverse, it's just a bit disjointed and out of order. Mostly based on a series of books, the first book was Casino Royale, where as the first movie was Dr No. Other than a few returning supporting stories and characters such as Felix there isn't much of a continuing story, and is mostly just varieous "adventures" in the same universe. There are small exceptions but Craig's run is probabaly the only set of movies that really has a serial flow and follows bonds career from start to finish.

Jesus F Christ

“James Lazer” This theme song by A-Ha has always been one of my faves. If you’ve heard of them it’s probably from their biggest hit song Take On Me, that had an excellent, award winning, music video.

Mike LL

Agree with everything you said. And as for recognizing more actors, Cassie did very well by instantly spotting the great John Rhys-Davies from both Indiana Jones and Lord of the Rings, even saying both of his characters names from those franchises!

Mike LL

You could hardly blame them or anyone who has gotten confused on this point. While as you say there are the returning characters, you must admit it can get confusing as this is the fourth actor they've seen play Bond, the second Moneypenney, and while this is the third Felix Leiter they've seen in the movies so far, in this movie Felix Leiter is played by a sixth different actor. But you can tell Cassie has read our comments and understands that this is not a "multiverse Bond", Carly still needs convincing as she is holding to her own "each Bond has her own series of adventures" theory! Cassie tried to tell her!

Mike LL

I for one am hoping Henry Cavill does not get the part, and am hoping they go for a younger actor in his thirties, the more unknown the better, so long as he is good! 😏


Timothy Dalton plays a great bad guy too. I loved him in "The Rocketeer"(1991). Marvel hired Joe Johnson the director of The Rocketeer to direct the first Captain American movie because they wanted the feel/style of The Rocketeer for Cap.

Bubba Fett

Yep, Judy Dench's M illustrates it perfectly. She was a new M under an established bond in goldeneye but presided over Bonds beginning in Casino Royale. If you try to make too much sense it can make your head spin.


Watched him recently in 1923. Still has tremendous presence.


It is good, but if they are expecting the usual Bond fun and craziness...


A different female generation were very aware of Morten Market.

Odd Thomas

Title card on screen: 'The Living Daylights sung by A-Ha'. Cassie ten seconds later: "Who sung this? David Bowie?"


I'm happy that you enjoyed this one, I think it gets even better with the next one. To the question of diamonds/opium/guns: The diamonds are used to buy opium, the opium is to buy the weapons and lastly the opium is then sold in major cities to make a huge profit.

Stick Figure Studios

Excellent reaction, ladies. I've been looking forward to this one for a while. As I mentioned elsewhere, this was not only my favorite Bond film, but it was my all-time favorite film there for a period of a few years. I was 11 at the time it came out and it was the first new Bond in my lifetime (Moore was my introduction to the character). Timothy Dalton was actually offered the role of 007 back when Connery first left, but he felt he was too young. He was also considered later in Moore's run, but again couldn't do it. When Moore finally retired they went to Tim a third time, but he was tied up with another project, so they approached Pierce Brosnan (whom producer Cubby Broccoli had met on the set of Moore's FOR YOUR EYES ONLY because Brosnan's first wife Cassandra played a Bond girl in that film ) and he had been a Bond film ever since he saw GOLDFINGER in the theater as a kid so he leapt at the opportunity. The problem was that his contract with the TV show REMINGTON STEELE he was doing at the time exercised an option that forbid him from doing it, so he lost his initial chance to play Bond and the extra time in between Brosnan's casting and the TV producers exercising their option allowed for Dalton's schedule to free up, so he could do it after all. I agree with you about Maryam D'Abo. I think she's one of the lovelier Bond girls. All women in the Bond movies are gorgeous, but there's a sweetness about her that is special and Bond does seem to be more taken with her than usual . It's what makes Dalton one of the more romantic Bonds (I have to disagree with Carly about Bond actually loving all these female conquests; sometimes yes, but most of the time they're just pleasures for him to use and dispose of... he doesn't love women, but he enjoys them and I don't think he usually completely trusts them either). Years later D'abo wrote a book called BOND GIRLS ARE FOREVER which eventually became a documentary where she goes around and interviews many of the actresses who played former Bond girls. Definitely worth a look if you get a chance. I also have to disagree with Carly again about the different Bonds having self-contained stories throughout their runs. Before craig, each Bond movie is essentially a standalone adventure with some loose continuity connecting them. You are right, Cassie. These are not multiverse Bonds. These are all the exact same Bond in the same continuity (good job picking up on the reference to his wife in SPY WHO LOVE ME). The first Bond that can legitimately be called a *different* Bond (as in a Bond and a different continuity) is Daniel craig. His movies all tell one self-contained story, but you'll see when you get there. Dalton's take on Bond, as you observed, is quite different from Roger Moore, and even to some degree Sean Connery, in that he is colder, tougher, grittier. It's closer to the way Ian Fleming actually describes him in the original books and for that reason he is my personal favorite Bond. This movie was a great debut but it's his next one that really leans in to the more unsavory side of Bond's personality. I'm actually a little nervous now about how you girls will respond to that one. It's still a Bond film and it still has humor and action and spectacle and gadgets and whatnot, but it is a much more intense product than they usually give us. LICENCE TO KILL was the first Bond film to get a PG-13 rating (all the previous ones were PG) and it earns it with what is easily the darkest, most violent and, not to spoil anything about the story, most gruesome moments of the whole franchise. Consequently, it is one of the most polarizing Bond movies with people either loving it or hating it, but nowhere in between. Personally, I love it, but I get why many people don't. I am going to be very interested to see your reaction to it. Couple final tidbits of trivia. Good job spotting the new Moneypenny but recognizing the same old Q (and you're right: he will continue to get older while Bond stays essentially the same age, which doesn't really seem fair). Also good job recognizing John Rhys-Davies as Pushkin, but you didn't catch that Koskov was played by Jeroen Krabbe who was the bad doctor that betrayed Harrison Ford's Richard Kimball in THE FUGITIVE. Oh, and that Opera that Bond and Kara attended in Vienna is THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO which you might remember, Cassie, as the one Mozart had to work very hard to convince the emperor to allow him to stage in the movie AMADEUS. I'm sorry. That was a long comment. I just have a lot to say about this film because I love it so much. So glad you got a chance to watch it and even more glad that you enjoyed it. Keep up the good work. :-)


Dalton was great. I hope they bring back Soviet in future movies.

Damion Nightfire

He also plays the villain in Disney’s The Rocketeer which, Cassie & Carly, if you haven’t seen yet it is such an awesome film (one of my all time favorites) that I know you both would have a lot of fun watching!!

Stick Figure Studios

I also wondered if Cassie or Carly had ever watched the movies THE BEAUTICIAN AND THE BEAST or LOONEY TUNES BACK IN ACTION because he's in both of those (in the latter clearly playing a James Bond-like secret agent character)

Stick Figure Studios

It it been a long time since she watched THE FUGITIVE though, so it's understandable that she didn't recognize Koskov as the bad doctor who betrayed Harrison Ford.


Dalton was bought in to play bond very close to shooting. Pierce Brosnan had been hired to play 007, but TV execs wouldn’t allow him to be released early from his Remington Steele contract, so they held him hostage until that deal expired.


When this film was made, the world is in full blown panic about the spread of AIDS which was still a new and fairly unknown disease. Because of that, there is far less casual sex in this Bond as opposed to the earlier ones and more emphasis on a romantic story. You might have noted that we never even see anything approaching a sex scene. It's all romantic. Dalton actually comes closest to the Bond from the novels. I think it's a shame he only got to do two of the films. Loved your reactions.

Stick Figure Studios

Cavill won't get it. I'm confident of that. They'll definitely go with an actor in his mid 30s because they want someone to be able to commit to multiple movies over about a 15-year span.

Rick Williams

Fun movie. Great reaction, Ladies.


And a wonderfully comedic turn on "Chuck", playing a kind of Bond villain.

Gábor Árki

I was lucky to have seen the Bond movies in order. It was an unsanctioned material on this side of the Iron Curtain, so its official debut was only shortly before GOLDENEYE hit theaters in 1995, the first one to have a theatrical release in Hungary. Then during the late 90s the public broadcast network was airing all of them in order, up to LICENCE TO KILL, I think. It was probably the perfect time for a boy in his mid-teens to become fond of the franchise. 😀 So Connery and DR. NO will always be my first exposure to and original Bond, but I've always regarded Dalton's very highly. Dalton has a distinctive style and charisma as well, which is present in all his roles. I think in the case of Bond, he managed to capture a sweet spot: he has the looks and the physicality required by the role, a dry sense of humor and a sharp wit, combined with a bit darker and more realistic portrayal. He is also the first actor in the role whom you would actually believe to have had some military/special forces background. This is also greatly helped by the fact that he actually did a large portion of the stunts himself! From his two movies THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS is definitely the most formulaic one, and more reminiscent of the later Moore entries you skipped. The movie has everything you want from a 007 adventure: action, romance, humor, gadgets, an actual espionage story with some twists, a great title song (this and A VIEW TO A KILL from Duran Duran are the ones I'm most keen on listening to), and a good score from John Berry. Also, I think Dalton has the best Bond reveal with that dramatic turn in the wind since Connery's appearance in DR. NO, followed by a great action-packed pre-title sequence. Overall, I think it's among my top 5(-ish) Bond movies. There were a few actor changes indeed. Bernard Lee, who played M from the beginning, had his last appearance in 1979's MOONRAKER. He was diagnosed with cancer in 1980 and died before he could film his scenes for 1981's FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Out of respect his role was not recast in that movie. Starting from 1983's OCTOPUSSY Robert Brown took over. Lois Maxwell portrayed Moneypenny until 1985's A VIEW TO A KILL and Caroline Bliss took over her role starting with this movie. Felix Leiter's character is notorious for having been recast for almost every of his appearances. The only exception will be Licence to Kill, where David Hedison will be reprising the role, who played Leiter in LIVE AND LET DIE. This was a fun reaction, Carly one step ahead of the story, Cassie one step behind. 😀

Gábor Árki

THE ROCKETEER is such a fun movie. And Dalton seems to have so much fun in his role. I hope it will get a reaction one day.


Is anyone else shouting at the TV telling Cassie that “That’s Gimli” whenever Pushkin was on screen!

Alberto Blanco

They are all the same Bond except Daniel Craig & in my opinion ..Daniel Craig is alternate universe Bond. Connery had his adventures except On Her majesty's Secret Service... George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, and Pierce Brosnan are the same Bond from Connery til Brosnan.


I don't get this "alternate universe" thing. Surely the producers just decided to hire a new actor and wrote a story about James Bond in his early 007 years.


I honestly don't remember much about license to kill. I've only seen it twice and the last time I saw it was a long time ago. I just remember Talisa Soto being GORGEOUS and the Central American setting.... Topical for the late '80s I guess. So I'll be interested to watch it again myself.

Matt Rose

Both Talisa Soto and Carey Lowell are gorgeous but neither of them can act. To be fair, 'great acting' has never really been a hallmark of the Bond series as a whole (apart from the Craig run), but the acting in LTK is particularly bad. Distractingly bad. Dalton is fine (even if he looks like he's always trying to solve a complicated calculus problem in his head) and Robert Davi is effective as the bad guy, but everyone else is strictly amateur hour.


I think the convertible tuxedo in the sniper scene is one of the most subtly cool things in the whole series.


The weird thing about the Daniel Craig movies is that in the first one he is a young 00 just starting out and then only two films later they are playing on him getting too old for the job and should be looking to retire. Not many adventures!


I guess Melina does travel a lot and felt Bond would give Max a better home

Ben Livingstone

About Afghanistan--somebody needs to watch CHARLIE WILSON'S WAR!

Stick Figure Studios

But those early years don't lead into the previous 007 adventures, so it's not a prequel like Star Wars episodes 1-3 are. It's a new continuity set in the present. In this "MCU/multiverse/timeline " age, that's the kind of language most people tend to understand better than "rebooted continuity."

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, were getting into the decades now where Cassie is going to start recognizing other actors in these films.

Stick Figure Studios

I watch it every couple years. It's one of my favorites and one of the most underrated entries in the series.

Matt Rose

I know a lot of people like it and that's fine. Again, it'd be a boring world if we all liked the same things.

Sean Stuart

Why didn’t he make anymore? My first Bond experience was renting Goldeneye when it first came out. I think I was 10 and then seeing TND in theater was so cool. Dalton is my favorite portrayal of Bond but those movies were my favorites til Craig era.

Stick Figure Studios

The series ran into legal troubles right after LICENCE TO KILL. Kept it tied up for 6 years (the longest gap between movies in the history of the franchise). When they finally got it straightened out, Dalton had basically moved on, so they got Brosnan.

Larry Darrell

I'd say Licence to Kill is the Most Unique Bond Film since On Her Majesty's Secret Service. (-; Wink, Wink ;-)

Larry Darrell

Inside The Living Daylights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbXAOnBD8yY

Larry Darrell

Licence to Kill is about as close to a Direct Sequel to On Her Majesty's Secret Service that we get. Watch Thunderball before either of them, and get even more Character Arc payoffs.

Robert da Spruce

Fun reaction! I remember not giving Timothy his props back when I first saw this movie. Maybe I was used to Roger Moore. Not sure. But seeing it now, I admit, he makes a pretty good Bond. Perhaps a little more serious. But overall I think he did a good job. Looking forward to the next one!

Larry Darrell

The Plots, Stories and Missions of Each Film are not what carry over from Film to Film. The Character, James Bond, is what Carries from Film to Film. The Plots, Stories, Missions, and Most of All, Bond Girls affect James Bond and Change his Attitude and Demeanor over Time. Especially the Death of His Wife.

Larry Darrell

The Plots, Stories and Missions of Each Film are not what carry over from Film to Film. The Character, James Bond, is what Carries from Film to Film. The Plots, Stories, Missions, and Most of All, Bond Girls affect James Bond and Change his Attitude and Demeanor over Time. The Death of his Wife, Tracy, had the Largest Effect on him. This caused Bond to Not really Care about Anyone, for a Long, Long time. From Diamonds are Forever through a View to a Kill, James Bond didn't take much of anything too seriously. He slept with as many women as he could, just about. With Humor, Seduction and an Overall Indifference to Others, James Bond Masked his True Sadness over Tracy's Death. Starting with For Your Eyes Only, He begins to gain some of his Humanity back and this leads to Bond getting closer to those Long Hidden Feelings. By the Time we meet Bond in The Living Daylights, the Jokes Have Stopped. He is Darker and Brooding. The Rage that he has been hiding since his Wedding Day is getting Closer to the Surface. This also means that his Romantic side is getting Closer. He is no longer trying to seduce every woman just because they're there. Bond tells Moneypenny in regards to Kara, "Believe me, my interest in her is purely professional." We see nothing that goes against this statement, until after James Bond meets Kara and gets to know her. As part of the Mission, Bond Befriends Kara and eventually Wines and Dines her with Opera and Fair Rides. As Bond gets Closer to her, he begins to Soften even More. He is Tender and Sincere with her. After Saunders is Murdered, its clear to Bond that he can't allow his Feelings for Kara to go on. She is a Mission and that's it. But that's Not it. No matter how hard Bond tries his Old Romantic Feelings are coming out. Just watch the Look James Bond gives Kara when she is undoing his handcuffs in the jail, when she is not looking. That is a Real Moment of Affection. Cut to the scene where James Bond is saying Goodbye to Kara and she calls him "the Back-End of a Horse." This is the most Sincere and Romantic we have seen James Bond be since He and Tracy spent the Night in the Barn. I swear there are Almost Tears in His Eyes. That Mask of Indifference is Breaking Away and James Bond is Once Again Allowing Himself to Truly Have Feelings for Another. James Bond Sneaking Away from a Mission to come see a Girl, whom he normally would have dropped after a couple weeks, says A Lot for His Character Growth and Gives Hope for His Future.

Larry Darrell

Remakes and Reboots. That's all I had when I was Growing Up and I turned out just Fine.


Great reaction. But beware the next film, License to Kill. It's technically the first R-rated Bond, and very dark.

Gábor Árki

It was a bit more nuanced and wasn't just on the network. Dalton was the first choice for TLD, but he couldn't sign due to scheduling conflicts. That is why they decided to go with an alternate, Brosnan, who has also been on the short list for a while. Everyone expected that Remington Steele won't be renewed for a fifth season, but the network eventually did so just a few days before their final deadline. They most certainly wanted to capitalize on their lead becoming the next Bond and would have been more than happy to share his time with EON. But Broccoli said no to that. Meanwhile Dalton's scheduling conflicts have been resolved due to some production delays, so he was free to sign. Remington Steele continued for a few more episodes, but without the buzz of Brosnan becoming Bond the numbers didn't improve so it was cancelled shortly after.

Larry Darrell

I have to disagree on what you said about Bond Loving Women. James Bond Does Love Women. His Job has never allowed him to get close to a Woman for too long, which is why they don't last long. As early as Dr. No, we see just how Sensitive James Bond Can Be with Women. In Thunderball, Bond had his deepest Feelings so far for Domino, but he kept Them at Bay (Sunglasses come in Handy). We obviously know that he Truly Loved One Woman and Married Her. Tracy was the Type of Woman James Bond was most attracted to. Smart, Strong, Capable, and Sensitive. He was ready to give it all up for her and He Did. Her Death Broke Him and he had to Bury his Feelings Deep Down in order to Continue On. Bond Was Never Going to Allow Something Like That to Happen Again. James Bond Kept his Feelings Buried from Diamonds are Forever through A View to a Kill. This is the Period, I believe, fits best how you described, "just pleasures for him to use and dispose of." James Bond was Hiding his Feelings behind a Mask of Seduction and Indifference. However, His Sensitive Side starts to show signs of resurgence in For Your Eyes Only, but in The Living Daylights, it is Bubbling up. His Old Rage is Bubbling up along with them as well. They are in Conflict with each other. He knows from Past Experience, they cannot work together. But by the End, His Romantic Feelings are Winning. The Last Scene in Kara's Dressing Room proves this. However, James Bond and Kara will most likely not last for the reasons of 1) James Bond still keeping some of those Feelings Buried Deep, and still Not Completely having Dealt with the Death of Tracy; 2) Kara not quite fitting James Bond's Type. Kara made a Great Impact on James Bond's Wall, though. An Impact which carries through to Licence to Kill.

Stick Figure Studios

That's totally fine if you disagree, Larry. I can tell you're also a big Bond fan and, as I've said before, I do like your theory (even if I don't totally share it).


Hence, "technically". Cuts were made to give it a PG-13 rating. And this is 80s PG-13.

Mark Harrell

Timothy Dalton WORST bond

Sean Novack

I wish they would have left it alone and stayed with the title "License Revoked"!

Sean Novack

Dalton was an AMAZING Bond if you've ever actually read the books. People who loved Roger Moore don't like him, and fans of Flemming's actual novels can't stand Roger Moore.

Stick Figure Studios

Why would they do a daylight exercise on Gibraltar? Well, the movie is called THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS after all. ;-)

Richard Bourne

Clever but not the reason. For a daylight raid, the parachutes should have been transparent so one could not see them so easily. Certainly Q could have done that.

Stick Figure Studios

I actually like the title LICENCE TO KILL better because I feel like it's more impactful, symbolic and actually has a double meaning. LICENSE REVOKED may be what literally happens to him in the movie, but one could argue that even though his official license has been taken away, he has more *license* (i.e. moral justification) to kill these characters than he typically does.


Dalton is in Hot Fuzz as well xD

Steve Holton

Great read! Dalton does look like he could qualify for the work. However, the James Bond actor with military service most apt for 007 is actually David Niven. Niven served with distinction as a British commando behind enemy lines in World War 2. Niven took incredible chances, taking part in many daring raids, hoping to live up to the memory of his father, who died heroically in battle in World War 1.

Patrick Egan

I'm not a fan of Dalton's next outing in License To Kill, but The Living Daylights remains one of my favorite Bond movies.


I think that they are very different films, but TLD is my favorite.

Joe M

I would watch “A View To A Kill”. Which was Roger Moores last appearance as Bond. It’s way over the top but definitely worth seeing. Plus it has Duran Duran doing the theme song for this one.

Clay F

Charlie was my US representative. I liked him. A liberal in SE Texas. Shook his hand once. Jen Murray reacted to the movie.

Clay F

Koskov was the doctor in The Fugitive (1993) who was initially thought to be a good friend of the Harrison Ford character, but ended up being an evil guy. In context of the Soviet's war in Afghanistan, the movie Charlie Wilson's War (2007) based on a true story stars Tom Hanks as US Representative Charlie Wilson in Texas (he was my representative) who along with a private citizen (played by Julia Roberts) pushed for US funding of the Afghan mujahidin against the invading Soviets. The Russians (Soviets) invaded Afghanistan in late 1979. The Soviets withdrew 10 years later in 1989. The Soviet's experience in the Soviet-Afghanistan war (1979-1989) was like America's experience in the American Vietnam war in the sense of withdrawing without victory. Charlie Wilson's War (2007) -Golden Globe nominations: Best Picture, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Aaron Sorkin. -Oscar nominee: Philip Seymour Hoffman

Clay F (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 20:06:20 s War
2024-01-26 10:32:01 Koskov was the doctor in The Fugitive (1993) who was initially thought to be a good friend of the Harrison Ford character, but ended up being an evil guy. In context of the Soviet's war in Afghanistan, the movie "Charlie Wilson's War" (2007) based on a true story stars Tom Hanks as US Representative Charlie Wilson in Texas (he was my representative) who along with a private citizen (played by Julia Roberts) pushed for US funding of the Afghan mujahidin against the invading Soviets. The Russians (Soviets) invaded Afghanistan in late 1979. The Soviets withdrew 10 years later in 1989. The Soviet's experience in the Soviet-Afghanistan war (1979-1989) was like America's experience in the Vietnam war in the sense of withdrawing without victory. "Charlie Wilson's War" (2007) -Golden Globe nominations: Best Picture, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Aaron Sorkin. -Oscar nominee: Philip Seymour Hoffman

Koskov was the doctor in The Fugitive (1993) who was initially thought to be a good friend of the Harrison Ford character, but ended up being an evil guy. In context of the Soviet's war in Afghanistan, the movie "Charlie Wilson's War" (2007) based on a true story stars Tom Hanks as US Representative Charlie Wilson in Texas (he was my representative) who along with a private citizen (played by Julia Roberts) pushed for US funding of the Afghan mujahidin against the invading Soviets. The Russians (Soviets) invaded Afghanistan in late 1979. The Soviets withdrew 10 years later in 1989. The Soviet's experience in the Soviet-Afghanistan war (1979-1989) was like America's experience in the Vietnam war in the sense of withdrawing without victory. "Charlie Wilson's War" (2007) -Golden Globe nominations: Best Picture, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Aaron Sorkin. -Oscar nominee: Philip Seymour Hoffman


Interesting tidbit about Timothy Dalton, he was initially approached to play James Bond in 1968, for 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service', but he declined because he didn't want to replace Sean Connery, and he felt, at 24, 25, he was too young for the role. He was approached again, in 1980, during pre-production for 'For Your Eyes Only', he declined again because he felt the producers weren't really looking for a replacement and he didn't like the direction they were going with the movie.