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It seems so many of you love the Pierce Brosnan era of James Bond movies, and he is who I remember my dad watching growing up.  We'll be watching the top two winners of this poll, and then we’re on the final leg of this trip, the Daniel Craig movies!

I'm pretty sure some of you bet your lives on knowing what would win this poll so vote carefully, stay alive! ;)

Poll will end Friday night!


Matthew Jaszyn

The winner is gonna be Goldeneye. It's the only one of his that's legitimately good, and because of the video game tie-in.


People are romantic about the Brosnan era primarily due the Goldneye game, which came out two years after the movie.

Patrick Egan

I wish we could vote for two

Nathan Steele

I'm totally fine with whichever gets 2nd in this poll between TND and TWINE. Both will be good reactions, I think. And obviously, Die Another Day has no chance Im sure lmao


Goldeneye should win because it’s the best of the Brosnan era but I’m curious to see which will win 2nd!

Peter MacColeman

Cassie, I’m going to suggest you do three films from this era. Die Another Day was an anniversary film that references moments and items from the full era. The World is Not enough is a transition era film for Bond and Desmond Lewellyn’s last outing, as he died in a car accident after it came out. Tomorrow Never Dies is notable for recent Oscar Winner Michelle Yeoh being in it. And frankly GoldenEye is invincible!

Steven Perez

Everyone will (rightly) say GOLDENEYE, but if you're looking for a movie where the Bond Girl gave as good as she got, then TOMORROW NEVER DIES is your pick.

Matt Rose

Cassie: GOLDENEYE will win this, easily. TOMORROW NEVER DIES and THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH are about even in terms of quality so I think you'll be happy with the second place film regardless of which one emerges victorious. DIE ANOTHER DAY has virtually no shot at winning...for a good reason.


I’d have to say Die Another Day was a fun one. Can’t take them all serious. Goldeneye is good and I liked it but that might be because of my other fave actor Sean Bean

Gabriel L.

Goldeneye will of course be the number one winner. I am interested to see which will win between Tomorrow Never Dies and The World Is Not Enough. IMHO TND > TWINE as the former has a villain who feels relevant to today and Yeoh as one of the most kickass "Bond girls". But TWINE has some interesting twists and turns and more of a spy feel rather than TND's 90s action vibe. Die Another Day will obviously come in last place, but I kind of almost wish it wouldn't. Yes, it is supremely silly and has bad VFX. But that's part of the appeal. Especially as a contrast to Casino Royale. It's the Moonraker of Brosnan's run, and I mean that mostly in a fond way.

Brad P

I actually voted for my second choice (Tomorrow Never Dies) because Goldeneye is going to be number one by a landslide.

Marko T.

The first two are the best. Die Another Day is not good but I recommed watching it at some point so you see why the reboot was necessary.

Richard Bourne

Goldeneye hands down. PB hit the ground running with this great movie which also introduced the long strong run of Judi Dench as M. I forgot that Izabella Scorupco was also in Reign of Fire. I think Carrie and Carly are going to like her as a Bond Girl.


Goldeneye is the best, but I’ve voted for the world is not enough, as that’s my 2nd fav Brosnan bond film

Alex Gorell

You can’t go wrong with 3/4 they are all very enjoyable. Die another day however is horrible, possibly one of the worst Bond films.


Definitely expect GoldenEye to dominate this poll, but fingers crossed the Tomorrow Never Dies fans show up and get that voted second 🤞

Alex Lee

Goldeneye will win this hands down. And rightly so!

Matt Rose

The first act of DAD is actually pretty great. The film really goes off of the rails once he gets the invisible car (groan) and goes to Iceland.

Bryan Erickson

Brosnin definitely looks the part, but some of the quips in his movies are big time eye-roll material. i.e.; “I thought Xmas comes only once a year” Or “JB: I’m an Ornathologist HalleB: (looks at his crotch) now that’s a mouthful” I’m here for whatever wins though.

Steven Perez

I'm almost glad that Michelle Yeoh didn't show up in that film. That movie had such an egregious error in the story that that same plot point managed to get referenced in TAKEN as a classic mistake.

Marko T.

If you voted GoldenEye then I would change it because its clearly going to win. :) I voted for my second favorite.


I hope I don't anger anyone by saying this but I much prefer Pierce Brosnan over Daniel Craig. This is an interesting BBC clip of Quentin Tarantino saying he persuaded the James Bond producers to do Casino Royale and adds that he would not have cast Daniel Craig, he would have kept Pierce Brosnan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdNBDkUjero

Zane From Canada

Goldeneye has the funniest Q scene of all the Bonds. I laugh everytime! 😄


Goldeneye was the only good Pierce Brosnan Bond movie. Sean Connery was the original Bond and Daniel Craig truly gave us some great Bond movies as well!

William Bryan

Well one was huge on N64. Wonder which lol

Joseph Voigt

This isn't even close, Goldeneye is simply the best Brosnan Bond film.

Brad P

Pierce genuinely looks pained by some of the puns he had to deliver in his films.


GoldenEye is the pick, but I'm sure that will win the poll. I picked The World is not Enough. For Desmond Llewelyn / Q.

Brad P

They'll definitely appreciate seeing Michelle Yeoh kick ass since they took notice of how little Barbara Bach was given to do as a secret agent in TSWLM.

Odd Thomas

The one guy voting for DAD. You know who you are.


While Sean Connery is my favorite Bond Goldeneye with Pierce Brosnan was the first Bond I ever saw. He is probably my second favorite. I think his first three movies are solid Bond entries. Kind of wish he got a 5th to make up for Die Another Day

Jimmie V

I voted for The World is Not Enough just because it has my favorite Bond theme performed by one of my favorite bands, Garbage.

Edgar Gonzalez

the world is not enough was the fist pierce brosnan oo7 movie that i ever watched, so its my first pick even tho goldeneye is SUPER famous. They even made a video game out of it and everything!


Goldeneye's the obvious winner here, as it should be. The other three are nowhere near as good, but the second one, Tomorrow Never Dies, is definitely the least embarrassing one.

Rick Moreno

Realistically, Goldeneye is pretty much Brosnan’s only good Bond film. Some fair points to be made here about Llewelyn’s last bond film, though.

Burrito Jimmy

The girl I dated in college the longest only wanted me for my N64. :(

Robert da Spruce

I think Goldeneye has a fairly comfortable lead. So I voted for Die Another Day. Didn’t want Halle Berry to feel bad! 😉

Bubba Fett

I feel like goldeneye is a must for the PB series, introduces judy Dench, one of qs best scenes, and Janus... oh yeah, (spoiler free IYKYK) strangling a cat 🤣, but TND is still my favorite of all of his.


Reboot was not necessary at all. Honestly they could’ve just reset the tone like they did from Moore to Dalton without throwing out 40 years of movies.


Out of all the Bonds who did more than one movie Craig is my least favorite

Jon Johns

Cassie, you could consider doing a Bond film reaction video Collab with Jen Murray, your fellow Canadian reactor, she is doing all the bond films, and if Carly is on a biz trip, Jen could substitute in?

Friendly Trumpet

I've long been a believer the Brosnan era is a bit special for every movie being worse than the one before it, DAD obviously being the worst he was in but more than that one of the worst in the entire franchise (THE worst if not including the 60s Casino Royale).


I’m with you on that. I think Craig was a bad Bond and his movie story arc was very weak

Shawn Kildal

I remember the Brosnan Bond video games. Especially Everything or Nothing. One of my favorite games ever! Can't wait fir the Goldeneye reaction!!

Stick Figure Studios

And here we are. As everyone says, GOLDENEYE is easily Brosnan's best (and DIE ANOTHER DAY easily his worst), but the runner-up will be between TOMORROW NEVER DIES and THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH. Many consider them about equal in terms of quality but I've never been a big fan of TND, So I hope TWINE wins. In fact, since it looks (oddly) like we can only vote for one, and I'm certain GOLDENEYE will win, I'm voting for TWINE. I think you girls will enjoy that one more.... not least of all because it features Desmond Llewellyn's performance as Q (he died right after the film's premiere).

Friendly Trumpet

Goldeneye isn't just Brosnan's best Bond outing, it's one of the best Bond movies regardless of lead actor. After that ... each is worse than the one before it. Tomorrow Never Dies while still a lot of fun is a really big step down from Goldeneye, then The World Is Not Enough is ALMOST as good as TND and can easily be chalked up to preference (I much prefer Jonathon Pryce chewing the heck out of any and all scenery in Tomorrow Never Dies), and Die Another Day isn't just worse again it's arguably the worst movie in the franchise.

Stick Figure Studios

I voted for it as well. Partly because of the song, partly because of the slightly more serious/dramatic story (that gives M quite a bit more to do), partly for Sophie Marceau (one of the more complex Bond girls), partly for the return of a Great Bond Ally in a previous Brosnan film, partly for the pretitle sequence and partly for Desmond Llewellyn's last turn as Q.

Jonny Kerr (JK)

The only Bond good enough for an amazing video game. The game of my teenage after school days.


I think you'll love his first three films so those are all a great watch, Die Another Day is mixed for Bond fans. Fun fact Pierce was meant to play Bond 7 years before Goldeneye in The Living Daylights. Brosnan successfully signed for the role, but his contract to the television programme Remington Steele forced him to withdraw. The program was cancelled not long after which is a masive clap in the face forcing him to pull out and then the show gets cancelled anyways. He then returned 7 years later for Goldeneye where he of course got the role of James Bond. You can find screen testing's of Brosnan for The Living Daylights and he looks amazing as Bond. In some alternate timeline I imagine you're alternate self's just watched The Living Daylights with Pierce Brosnan as James Bond.

Andrew Hogan

I mean Goldeneye has to be watched, the others are a coin toss.

Shawn Kildal

I think this is the one Bond poll where we could just declare one movie will win in a landslide and just leave it out and concentrate our vote on the runner-up


No offence, but I think Tomorrow Never Dies is an utter mess of a film. Apparently it was a very troubled production shoot with a lot of script rewrites. I have voted for The World is Not Enough but I'll be happy if Tomorrow Never Dies wins 2nd place. As long as Die Another Day doesn't win 2nd place!


Can't believe they made a movie about the N64 game.


without even seeing the results, I assumed Goldeneye would take the top spot


Goldeneye of course, but The World is not Enough is very, very good. An excellent intro in Bilbao, Spain and then the best speed boat chase scene on the Thames in London after the MI5 building in Vauxhall is blown up. Has some really great shots of London and I think it's my favourite chase along with the intro in Craigs Casino Royale. Pretty sure it was Q's last movie as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nH1DwQP2Xs


Goldeneye 🙏


And that's what I love about these polls, we get to see the difference of opinions for different types of media. Everyone has their creative differences! Pierce wasn't my favorite Bond, but definitely not the worst. Possibly due to the Directors viewpoint of how they filmed them.


Goldeneye is the choice but they are all enjoyable, and Brosnan is my fav!

Steve Barrett

IMO - Pierce is the best and all his films were fun to watch, Goldeneye being the best!

Christopher Campbell

Goldeneye is a must but I'm throwing my vote to TND since it's my favorite Bond film after From Russia With Love.

Patrick Flanagan

DIE ANOTHER DAY is disliked by many because some of the FX are dodgy, but it's probably the best throwback to Classic Bond since Moore left the role. Unfortunately that style is now mistakenly called "campy" by modern fans who seem to be embarrassed that these movies should be fun. DAD came out the same year as the first BOURNE movie; that series, along with television's 24, captured the public mood post-9/11 and that's why we got stuck with Daniel Craig's glum, humorless, traumatized Bond for 15 years, unfortunately.


Little known fact: Pierce Brosnan's first wife Cassandra Harris acted in a Roger Moore Bond film For Your Eyes Only (1981). Tragically she died of cancer in 1991, three years before Pierce Brosnan won the role of James Bond.

Damion Nightfire

GoldenEye is a given so I’ll probably cast my vote for the runner up which is an even tougher decision because TND and TWINE also hold a very special place in my childhood. I might give the edge to TWINE though, but any one of these (even Die Another Day) would be an absolute blast to rewatch with you two! 😄

James UK

Goldeneye is rightly the clear leader here. A genuine gold standard Bond film. My slight preference for second would be The World Is Not Enough but Tomorrow Never Dies is entertaining enough. The less said about Die Another Day the better! My hope is, at some point, you’ll go back and watch the 3rd placed film in each of the Bond polls.


I love Pierce Brosnan as James Bond but I'm happy that Timothy Dalton got the chance to do The Living Daylights and Licence To Kill.

Jerrod Acree

Goldeneye!! Great video game!!

Phil Stubblefield

Wow, I could not disagree more strongly with this sentiment! I think Daniel Craig was a *far* better Bond. To me, Pierce Brosnan brought down the franchise to the level of the silly Roger Moore era. And before you assume that I like the Daniel Craig era because I'm so young enough that he was my first Bond, it's actually the opposite: I was born only a year after Dr. No premiered!

Michael Moody

Goldeneye because that is when Judi Dench first appeared as M. Epic choice.


Ppl are voting in terms of quality and I get it trust me...but in terms of sheer absurdity I think they'd have a blast watching die another day lol. Shame it won't win lmao

Ronja Greger

I wrote my A levels paper on Tomorrow Never Dies (comparing the characterization of Bond throughout three different eras of Bond actors, the other movies I analyzed were "From Russia with Love" and "Casino Royale"), and it still holds a special place in my heart. Michelle Yeoh is my favourite Bond Girl, period <3.


Anyone who votes Die Another Day needs to sit in the corner and think about what they've done. Also, a wasted vote as surely their aren't that many nutters out there?!

Stick Figure Studios

Whichever one wins second place, I'm sure they'll enjoy it, but I think they'll have an overall more satisfying experience with TWINE.. plus, I think it's the much better movie.

Stick Figure Studios

Her death from cancer is why Pierce Brosnan's Bond never smoked cigarettes. (though he does smoke a cigar in DIE ANOTHER DAY)


I could never take to Brosnan.for some reason. Makes me cringe a little. The Brosnan films are the only ones I don't rewatch - I think I've only seen them once!


So the poll is really about the second place vote... good to know.


The poll is really about the second movie. Vote your conscience!

Jason Chirevas

Patrick is correct on all counts. DIE ANOTHER DAY was the best, most fun Bond in years. GOLDENEYE was a good start for Brosnan, so I could see voting for that, but DAD is, by far, the most enjoyable Bond he did.

Bill Maurer

that's probably the ONLY reason to watch DAD. Bad movie and Madonna in it made it even worse

Brian's Dog

I voted Goldeneye, but immediately went to listen to Madonna's Die Another Day song.


That could backfire big time! There are no automatic winners. It only takes a few people assuming Goldeneye will win and voting for Die Another Day for the unspeakable to happen.


Unless everyone assumes that and votes for something else.

Jason Chirevas

When Cassie watches GOLDENEYE, you’re going to get a lot of “I remember this being better” comments here for that reason.

diego kontarovsky

goldeneye was the foregone conclusion, but die another day would've been the most fun second feature


GoldenEye is a must-see of course. It's one of the best of the entire franchise. The other one? I genuinely don't know. It's between tomorrow and never dies and the world is not enough because dying another day is trash. Considering how attached they are to Desmond Llewellyn though.... I think it should be The world is not enough.

Night King01

I think you should watch the first three to be honest. Goldeneye is amazing the next are really good. Just sad what pierce finished on and he was at the mercy of bad scripts


Plus.... Should we take into account Desmond Llewellyn? Maybe so. So it's TWINE for me.

Jason Dolan

Goldeneye is a MUST but I'm guessing Michelle Yeoh's Bond comes in second place

Tej Shah

Why not all, if they were your dad's favourites?


I‘d like to swap for Timothy Dalton‘s License to Kill.

Tim Raths

Die Another Day should be automatically eliminated.

Shawn Kildal

I was saying leave Goldeneye out of the poll all together and have it as the automatic winner. Then vote for the second winner out of the remaining 3 movies


Honestly this should just be a pole for 2nd since we know Goldeneye will win


You think so Jason? I think Goldeneye holds up really well.

Mike LL

You are very correct. It will be Goldeney for a landslide. That was always a given with this poll. So it will be a very small minority who will choose the runner up movie. That is the only important decision in this poll. I predict a lot of changing of votes.


"Goldeneye isn't just Brosnan's best Bond outing, it's one of the best Bond movies regardless of lead actor." +1

Jason Dolan

Just a heads up with regards to DANIEL CRAIG - I'd say that you guys should watch all 5 of his movies because unlike the previous Bonds, they tell one cohesive story and missing even the two lesser installments will be confusing and make the story hard to follow.


There is a 2010 interview with Pierce Brosnan where he makes it clear that he wasn't happy that they didn't do a 5th Bond film with him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUJwB1RiI4w


Same here it all worked out in the end anyways.

Mike LL

I vote for my second place favorite, but I will change my vote again if the wrong movie looks to win.

Brian Lowery

Goldeneye is a top ten Bond film, period.

Brian Lowery

100% agree. The Daniel Craig Bond films are like the Mission Impossible series. You can’t miss one, and they need to be watched in order.


Goldeneye should be selected by default (i.e. it's Goldeneye + we get to chose the other one for the PB ones).

Steve Slatten

Goldeneye is definitely one of the pre-Craig best in the franchise. IMO, the franchise changed dramatically for the better once Craig took over. Bond moved from being a cartoon character to being a human being with actual problems. That said, Casino Royale is not just a great Bond movie; it’s also a great film that happens to be a Bond movie.


Goldeneye feels like a Dalton film. More grit, more sex appeal, but the next 3 after that feel like they’re from a different Bond.


every PB Bond movie is great high action. I like all of them

Chris Davis

I'd have to say, the Brosnan Era, while not my favorite, does have interesting story ideas for each of it's movies, which alone make me re-watch them...


Probably didn’t want Die Another Day to be his last movie as Bond

Aaron Ritchie

Damn, I was REALLY hoping the community would vote for TWINE as #2. Are people voting TND just for Michelle Yeoh?


and if you do like Michelle Yeoh, a great intro to Jackie Chan would be when they team up in Supercop.

Steve Colletti

When you watch the intro to Goldeneye, pay attention to the terrain/geography... It's fascinating to see what was accepted.

Stick Figure Studios

I was hoping the same thing. I much prefer TWINE to TND. Michelle Yeoh is awesome. I just wish the movie were better.

Chris Bode

Goldeneye. Top 3 Bond movie for me.


You might want to throw The Thomas crown affair in there, if you know then you know

Sean Stuart

Respects for defending your take. Did you also like Moonraker? I think DAD is good enough even since first viewing in high school in theaters. But can’t pinpoint anything

Shawn Kildal

Tomorrow Never Dies had the unfortunate experience of being released the same weekend as Titanic. Would have been much more successful if it would have been released earlier in the year.

David Collins

Obviously Goldeneye is the best Brosnan bond film, but no idea how The World is Not Enough isn't running away with #2. One of the best Bond girls of all (Sophie Marceau who was the French Princess married to the weakling English prince in Braveheart) and hands down my favorite Bond theme song.

Stick Figure Studios

I think Michelle Yeoh's recent Oscar win is motivating people to vote for it. Don't get me wrong. She's fantastic... I just don't think the movie is worthy of her. TWINE is a much better film imo.

Stick Figure Studios

And this is the debate that will go on and on forever. It will be argued, but it will never be resolved. Everyone's got their pick for best/worst Bond and every Bond actor has at one time been celebrated and despised (sometimes simultaneously). Personally, I love them all (some more than others of course) and don't think any of them are bad. Each one contributed something significant to the character/franchise and deserves our respect for it.

James Keller

Honestly, I kind of wish Goldeneye wasn't in this poll. Obviously that's the best Brosnan film by far and I would like to see fans focus on voting for what they consider to be their number 2 Brosnan film. BC there's an actual debate to be had there. Do you prefer Tomorrow Never Dies or The Word is Not Enough. I honestly go back and forth on that myself. While I think TND is a better film overall, I think TWINE has more interesting ideas.


I'm enjoying Carly's reactions with Cassie, definitely wait for her to get back. They started this franchise together they should end it together!!! Even if we have to wait a little longer!!!

Mr Trick

I’m partly torn. Obviously Goldeneye will take the top spot and it should, but the second Brosnan Bond is a harder question. Tomorrow Never Dies is leaps and bounds beyond the his final two appearances, but I almost think you should watch his last one, so when you revisit Bond, you’ll have another great Pierce Brosnan movie to enjoy. Watching the last one will give you a better sense of the contrast between this and the Daniel Craig movies.


TND is a technically great Bond flick, just like FYEO. But is it as entertaining as TWINE or Moonraker? And more importantly, will Cassie enjoy it? Vote yer conshiance!


Thomas Crown is a big must see for Cassie. It's like a romance/suspense equivalent of chicken cordon-bleu. Much like Dead Again... hint, hint

Andrew Rose

I would like to see them react to Moonraker just so they get the rest of the Jaws story lol.

David Collins

I agree. I think most of the people qualified to have an opinion on TND or TWINE know that Goldeneye is the best and are voting accordingly. I would be very curious to see the results of a poll between just those two.

Jesus F Christ

Goldeneye is an obvious choice and will certainly win, so I put mine on Tomorrow Never Dies. To be honest, none of the rest of the Brosnan movies are as good as Goldeneye but at least TND has Michelle Yeoh (and doesn't have Christmas Jones).

Steve Sanders

I really hope you're planning to do all of the Daniel Craig ones. His are the only ones that are their own saga with a beginning, middle, and end

Alex Villarreal

Can't we do all the Pierce Brosnan ones, you know, minus the last one?

Steve Colletti

I read the books as a kid, first, then started watching the films at the end of the Connery era. None of the film Bonds really capture the same character from the books.


Yeah, since Goldeneye is the clear runaway favorite, I think it’d be cool to just do another poll with the other 3

Gabriel L.

TND and TWINE historically have always run neck-and-neck in polls, reviews (RT for example), etc. They are different movies with different fans who like or dislike them, each with pros and cons. Personally I'm split between which I think is better. Neither is great.

Dave Sees Movies

I'm probably in the minority, but I think you should skip the Pierce Brosnan Bond movies. They're all just so wretched. Even Halle Berry and Michelle Yeoh can't help things.

Wes Stewart

Knowing that Goldeneye would be the clear winner I voted for Die Another Day for the simple reason of seeing “how far we done fell”, to quote Bunk Moreland, before the Daniel Craig soft reboot. I recently rewatched all the Brosnan Bond movies and enjoyed the silliness of Die Another Day more than I remember. I think maybe because I knew Craig’s movies “saved” the franchise somewhat.

Stick Figure Studios

If we were able to vote for two titles on this poll, I really wonder what all those people voting for GOLDENEYE would choose as their second pick.

Larry Darrell

Stick just brought up a Good Point. Why are So Many People still voting for Goldeneye? Half the people voting for it could change their vote to another, and Goldeneye would still be in the Lead. The majority is agreed that Goldeneye is going to win. Let’s Spread the Love around a bit. If Goldeneye gets too low, we can always change back.


Yeah, I was surprised we couldn't vote for 2, so I just voted for TND (Michelle Yeoh!) since GOLDENEYE is going to win anyway.

Joe M

Personally I prefer Tomorrow Never Dies and The World is not Enough over Golden Eye. Die Another Day is just garbage 🗑️.

Marty McGee

But TWINE has Sophie Marceau who I STILL have a major crush on. Not only that but her character is one of the best as well. Michelle Yeoh is a bad ass no doubt, but I can't really remember much else about TND.

Alex Villarreal

Voted for TWINE. While TND is a personal favorite, I realize that TWINE is objectively the better Bond film. (I still say the first three should be covered, tho.)

Al Swearengen

I'm rooting for the one with Sophie Marceau. I forget which one, but she is stunning.


Who got this poor girl watching James Bond? It’s like punishment. So many good movies could have been covered. The Abyss


The Abyss. Tears of the Sun. McClintock

Mike LL

They were interested in watching James Bond after watching the entire Mission: Impossible film series. And they are not watching all the James Bond movies.

Ryan Barry

I did the same as tragicmike although I honestly wish they would cover all four Brosnan films and skip Quantum of Solace if that adds too many films to their list (I would take Die Another Day over Quantum without hesitation).

Ryan Barry

I wish they would cover all four of them. Die Another Day has plenty of issues but the practical effects (not the CGI) are amazing in that film and I have a feeling they would enjoy Die Another Day more than most Bond fans.

Ryan Barry

My all time favorite Bond is Casino Royale but I also enjoy Die Another Day. It's dumb, silly fun. Halle Berry is gorgeous and if you can ignore the couple of scenes with awful CGI...the practical effects are really damn impressive.

Stick Figure Studios

Nobody "got" her watching Bond. They wanted to watch the Bond movies and it's not at all like punishment, they are loving them. There may be plenty of other better movies out there to watch, but there are also quite a few worse ones. This is as good a series as any for a reaction Channel. Dony worry. They'll get to THE ABYSS eventually. In the meantime, try enjoying these movies as much as they are.

Stick Figure Studios

That's THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH. I'm voting for that one too, but I fear it is not going to come in second. :-(


The World is Not Enough is way underrated, and I think way better than Tomorrow Never Dies. Die Another Day is pretty eh, some cool scenery but thats about it. World is Not Enough has gained some relevancy, I think, with the current oil situation in Europe. Plus it's just got better action, better acting, etc. Tomorrow Never Dies goes a bit over the top with its action scenes, I think the most over the top and exaggerated in potentially the entire Bond series. Which kinda says something? I dunno. They'll all be good reactions either way

Hondo the Cat

The World Is Not Enough has the best Bond theme of all time. And I will not budge on this. Video that Shirley Manson did for it was creepy as Hell, too!

Larry Darrell

I just want to take a Knife and cut through the “y” in Goldeneye, and watch where the Fall Off Votes Land. *Edit* I was looking at my phone earlier, and now on the desktop, I see the scale is different. So, in that case, make that Cut straight up from between "Dies and (1997)"

Alberto Blanco

The Pierce Brosnan movies are bizarrely in order of their quality....first to worst...first three are solid with quibbles..last one is drug induced insanity.


Brosnan makes Die Another Day watchable though. He gave it his all there. And to be honest, I love the first half of the Die Another Day! Up until the Ice Hotel, it's very good. Then it loses all credibility which is a damn shame.