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Is it just me or is that a GOOD lineup this week!? I feel like now that we are having warm weather I want to frolic and sing in flower fields like Maria in Sound of Music, its crazy the effect that sunshine can have on you!

All my children seemed to have started like 17 sports each this week, so nights have been very run-a-round-ie but it is one of my favorite parts of parenting so far is watching them in their activities! Can you imagine Grogu in 3 year old soccer!?

It's time for another BOND POLL!!! Go VOTE HERE! We are having a blast with Bond, pun intended. Car and I always look forward to them (pun intended) They really are to die for (pun intended)!

Thanks for Steven A for reminding me, its almost time for a horse movie poll with the Derby coming up! Look forward to that next week!  What other polls should we do next?

One more thing, I have to change the time of the LIVE this SATURDAY, because of said 17 sports. It will be at 1pm MST! Can't wait!

You guys are all the bees knees, hope you are having a great day!




Love all the Patreon picks and I think you’ll enjoy them all for different reasons!

nick bell

Open Range will become a favorite of yours


Crimson Tide…YES! One of my favorite Denzel movies!

Marko T.

Movie suggestion: Prospect (2018). Its a great scifi movie starring Pedro Pascal and Sophie Thatcher.

Steven Perez

So happy you're doing OPEN RANGE.


MST or MDT??? I'm in AZ so we don't deal with DST. lol.

Jon Johns

Yeah for earlier Livestream! More Euro attendees!!! Hey folks, did you like the "Blockbusters of Summers past" last year? Want more of those polls? Any feedback? Search this Patreon for, "Summer Blockbuster" and see the 3 polls from last year.


Yay!!! So excited for Crimson Tide!!

Odd Thomas

That is a GREAT line-up

Shehab Dawoud

Here's a thought: With the NBA Playoffs tipped off, how about a Basketball movie poll? I mean, we've had a movie reaction to pretty much every sport other than the two undisputed greatest sports (Fútbol and Basketball). I think it's long overdue. Some great ones: White Men Can't Jump Blue Chips Above The Rim He Got Game The Way Back Hustle You got different kinds of settings in these ones. You got High School ball, College ball, Street Ball, the pros. You got different themes in some of them. You got recruitment, corruption, substance abuse, relationships, to name a few. Lots of things to explore. A lot of them feature big names and even actual Basketball players who put in great acting performances.

Miles E Coburn

"Open Range" Cool! Finally, a reactor channel is going to do this one! Just a note, Robert Duvall has top billing above Kevin Costner. Even though Costner was Director, he knew to give props to Duvall. Probably my most favorite modern western. You should also do "Silverado" (1985). It's got a young, young Kevin Costner.

Robert da Spruce

It’s not just you Cassie. I also think this is a great lineup of movies! I’m looking forward to all three! Almost makes me feel like frolicking through the fields! 😉 Well, maybe not. But I’m very excited about this week’s lineup! I always forget about your live shows. But I’ll also try to catch that as well!


My choice for another poll would be an oscar one. If that is already in the planning, a thriller poll would be nice.

Robert Jewell

Love the Popcorn Pick of the Month! Yay!

Uncle Phoenix

It’s amazing how I stopped caring about Bond after The Bourne series started coming out with their new style of spy thriller.

Ian Hunter (NewbieInOttawa)

Glad the neck's feeling better, Cassie, and hope your wee ones are enjoying the various sports! ❤👍 That's a great selection of films!!! We all know you ❤ Costner (who doesn't?) and Westerns (again, who doesn't lol?), so I'll put in the possibly-now-irksome entry for "Silverado" 😁

Jon Johns

Heist Movie Poll?

Jonny Kerr (JK)

There’s SO many Bond movies. Not the rabbit hole I’d personally go down. The legend and the idea is great. But there’s definitely better films out there. I’d go with Bourne. The modern day Bond. It’s more relevant to our generation.


Open Range! My wait is over- I don't know what I am going to do with myself now that you (and hopefully Carly) have seen it. I'll have nothing more to do around here, lol. A trivia nugget for you - Kevin Costner was suffering from a nearly burst appendix during the filming of Open Range - misdiagnosed as dehydration. A good group of films this week for sure- you are the best!


Crimson Tide, excited for this reaction; Open Range, add another Costner to your collection; 3:10 to Yuma, Oscar winners Russell Crowe and Christian Bale, how can you go wrong?


open range with Robert Duval, which Robert Duval was in the original True Grit


Wait so all the westerns APART from the Magnificent Seven are being watched? I'm feeling sad.

Robert da Spruce

+1 for a Heist Poll! And since we’re about to get into some Pierce Brosnan films, may I suggest The Thomas Crowne Affair (1999).

Steven Ashford

Yes great line up. I hope Carly watches horse racing movie with you and I really really hope you all wear a derby hat. I know going all out and wearing a derby dress might be a bit much. Don’t forget to make your Mint Julep. You can just tell everyone on YouTube you’re drinking apple juice.🤣

Mike Lemon

Shakespeare poll- Hamlet (1990) with Mel Gibson, Merchant of Venice (2004) with Al Pacino, Romeo and Juliet (1968) by Zeffirelli ...

Michael Lynch

Thank you so much Cassie for watching open Range. That’s the main one I can’t wait for.

Shehab Dawoud

I haven't seen that one tbh. But I've heard good things and I do love Don Cheadle, so sure!


maybe some nature survival movies? dicaprio poll? heist poll? foreign movie poll? hostage/kidnapped scenarios.. horror movies.. no? ok ill wait.

Phil Stubblefield

"Can you imagine Grogu in 3 year old soccer!?" That is indeed quite an image! 🤣

Joseph Rardin

Well, since Open Range and Butch Cassidy made it perhaps I can get The Magnificent Seven next time 😜

Chad Bailey

WHAT AN AMAZING LINEUP! This is what keeps me coming back each week. Cassie knows what the people wannnnnt! 🤩

Jon Johns

Omg, Yes! Double feature with the Steve McQueen version! Compare / Contrast week!

Robert da Spruce

I’m a little embarrassed to say that I’ve never seen the original version. 😊 But I hear good things. So if Cassie ever decides to react to it. It’ll be a first time watch for me as well.

Gábor Árki

Poor THE MAGNIFICIENT SEVEN. 😢 Some poll ideas: European movie poll I think the last and only one was Amélie so far, would be nice to see some more. Also, May 9 in Europe Day, which could be a good opportunity to organize this around. Movies about making movies poll For example, ED WOOD, BOWFINGER, THE ARTIST, THE PLAYER, etc. Lastly: inspiring and motivational movies poll For example, INVICTUS, AWAKENINGS, BILLY ELLIOT, CHARIOTS OF FIRE, etc.


Firstly, she is watching two of each Bond prior to the Daniel Craig series. She is well along that path now and it's not really a rabbit hole. Secondly, the fact there are better films out there is meaningless - Cassie watches a range of movies and watching them does not preclude her from also watching others. Thirdly, she has already seen the Bourne movies. Fourthly, Bourne is not the modern day Bond, Daniel Craig is the modern day Bond. Finally, why does anything have to be "relevant to our generation"?

Terdell Ferguson

LOVE this lineup! Lotta Popcorn to be had this week!

Gábor Árki

And RONIN (1998), also maybe A FISH CALLED WANDA (1988) could fit into this category too.

Jon Johns

Both of these!!! Wanda would be a great lead-in to any of the Python films, too...


What rabbit hole? They're just going to watch two Pierce Brosnan films after Dalton and then the 5 Daniel Craigs and they're done with Bond.

Björn Karlsson

Fyi, there are (I think) seven non-english movies from Europe on top 1000 on popcorn request. 3 german, 3 swedish and 1 Italian. 🙂

Bill Maurer

Open Range: filmed in Alberta. Now what else was partially filmed in Alberta?? The Searchers !!!!

Bill Maurer

Hoosiers, best basketball movie and one of the best sports movies of all time

Mike LL

THANK YOU for putting Open Range on the schedule! That about makes my YEAR! And please consider having Carly watch it with you, even if that makes a delay in watching it, in that Carly would LOVE this movie as much as you!

Victor Garcia

Happy to see 3:10 is getting a reaction

Mike LL

Yes! Loved the Summer Blockbuster polls last year. Though do have to say, DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE is a summer blockbuster should not need a poll win to be seen, it just should naturally have a reaction this summer! Plus, COMING TO AMERICA! We sort of expected a watch when she saw Trading Places. She might have waited too long to "get" it when she sees it. This movie also deserves a watch!

Mark Vaderr

Can't wait for your reaction to Crimson Tide! Any chance that you can get Carly to watch with you? It's a "Carly Safe" movie.

Mike LL

Speaking of basketball and movies, how about the winner submitting 5 movies to Cassie from the recent NCAA March Madness Tournament bracket compettiion?

Stuart Guthrie Jr.

I'm glad you're are enjoying your warm weather.

Mike LL

I second Carly seeing Open Range with Cassie. A real missed opportunity if this doesn't happen.

Chris Davis

Finally!!!! Two of my favorite movies, "Open Range" and "The Living Daylights" are going to be reacted to!! I can't wait!

Uncle Phoenix

Yes, Crimson Tide. I nearly forgot what it was I was trying to remember to look forward to seeing next on this channel. (Thumbs up emoji)

Mike LL

Cary Grant poll! Hitchcock poll! (and either or both could get me much closer to seeing a NORTH BY NORTHWEST (1959) reaction!)

Uncle Phoenix

I wonder if Silverado was filmed in Alberta? (Another Kevin Costner favorite.)

Bill Maurer

New Mexico territory. Around Santa Fe area I believe. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090022/locations


Looking forward to Open Range. Not my favorite Western but a darned good one. May I suggest having a chocolate bar handy for a snack at an appropriate point in the film as well as a good cigar if you're into those.

Morgan A. Colbert

a horse movie poll will be great, I'll probably cry.

Cole Jennett

Bring back the Courtroom Drama poll too! Runaway Jury, The Rainmaker, The Hurricane. Still so many good ones left!

Scott Nelson

Suggestion for the horse poll is Phar Lap. Australian race horse movie that is a real tear jerker.

'Pappy' Johnston

When I first joined this channel my ultimate goal / hope was that Cassie would watch Open Range AND The Long Kiss Good Night,( Geena Davis/Samuel L Jackson). I am SO HAPPY right now at seeing open range on the lineup I can barely speak. SO THANK YOU CASSIE FOR WATCHING IT. 🙂👍🏻 (BTW, I agree with others in saying that Carly would also LOVE this movie.)

Mike LL

This! Courtroom Drama poll! Great idea! The Rainmaker is just about my favorite Matt Damon movie! I read the novel which was great also! Witness for the Prosecution (1957), The Verdict (1982) with Paul Newman, Primal Fear (1996) with Richard Gere, besides the ones Cole mentioned.



Mike Lemon

How about a "Movies I've (Cassie) seen in other movies poll"? The two that come to the top of my head are Top Hat (1935) in The Green Mile and Gilda (1946) in Shawshank, and Superman (Interview With A Vampire) but she's already seen that.

Johnny Liu

Can I nominate Jordan Peele's "Nope" (2022) for horse movie poll?

Scott Nelson

Another good horse movie is Man From Snowy River

Stick Figure Studios

I'd still like to see a Bruce Willis poll. As for this week, a mostly decent lineup. I think you will love OPEN RANGE and CRIMSON TIDE (two very good movies). Not sure about 3:10 TO YUMA. It's well made in many respects, but I do not much like it myself for a very specific reason... a reason that I suspect will also frustrate you. If you are ever so inclined, I recommend the original film. It's very similar to this remake, but with a major difference that I think makes it a vastly superior version of the story.

Stick Figure Studios

That's a clever idea. TOP HAT is one of my favorites. She's also seen the climax of A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS in BACK TO THE FUTURE PART II. I'd vote for a reaction to that.

james flack

To all my good YouTube friends, I want to apologize for any and all transgressions that I may have inadvertently committed. Please forgive me for any inconvenience that I may have caused anyone who took my opinions personally. Now, can we end this? 🙏😌


I like a good legal drama. Presumed Innocent, And Justice For All are a couple good ones too


Hi James! Cassie was the one who invited Ashleigh to present for The Poppies. Putting down another reactor does not elevate Cassie or compliment her. Not liking another reactor is your preference, but you do not need to continue to blast this within the community. As for why you are no longer able to make comments in the live premieres on YouTube, it's because of your consistent misbehaviour with the moderation team. We gave you plenty of opportunities to correct this, but unfortunately your behaviour continued to be disruptive. Perhaps after some time, we'll bring you back to the live chats.

Jon Johns

James, your personal opinions about other content creators is not why your comments are now hidden on YouTube, your behavior towards all of us, your rude and disrespectful comments, and your disruptive discourse is why. And if you think we operate in a bubble, without consulting Cassie & Ben, you are mistaken. You have been a long time supporter, and generous contributer for years to this channel, but that does not 'purchase' your right to say or type whatever you what, whenever you want. If you are allowed back, you will continue to be moderated.

Larry Darrell

Now this is a LINEUP. Awesome Selection. Ya'll are Going to Have FUN. I get why some don't like the New 3:10 to Yuma, but I feel Both have Merit. Quentin Tarantino said something once that I think is true, “One of the things that is actually really exciting about the Western Genre is that, probably more than any other genre there is, even though they all take place 100 or something years ago, Westerns reflect the decade in which they were made, more than musicals, more than period dramas, more than even comedies.” The Original 3:10 to Yuma and the New 3:10 to Yuma are a great example of this. They Both use the Same Story and Same Plot, to Say Something Different. There will probably be things you Like and Don't Like in Both Films, and that's OK. There is Absolutely Something to Gain from Both. The Sun Rises and the Sun Sets. The Action is the Same..... however Each will leave Their Own Unique Impression on the viewer, and produce separate emotions.

Jon Johns

One more thing, James, if you were to come over to Discord, you could express your thoughts about whatever you want to, the moderation there is a lot less strict. Cassie joins us there to discuss movies and you have direct access to her, as well as Ben.

Jonny Kerr (JK)

Which is why I said “personally”. And relevant to our generation, because this is all about views, likes, and keeping subscribers while gaining new ones, isn’t it? Not to burst your bubble. But the reason she does this, is for money. I “personally” haven’t watched any of these. But the departed, and a couple other things were enough to keep the subscription. I didn’t leave my comment to argue on the Internet though lol. You asked for an explanation, I gave one. Go look at the views on YouTube and the likes on Patreon and compare them to things from our generation. I’m sure it’s night and day. That’s all I’m saying. I’m glad the films get you excited though…. obviously

Richard Maurer

A horror poll of any kind outside of october? I think that would qualify as a miracle. I've repeatedly asked for a classic horror poll, figuring that might have a better chance since the movies are less scary but it's gone nowhere. But then my requests for a martial arts movie poll hasn't gone anywhere either, so who knows?

Richard Maurer

I will once again request a Classic Horror poll and a Asian Martial Arts poll. And keep my fingers crossed.


For horse movie poll: The Black Stallion (1979) / Phar Lap (1983) - that is a tearjerker / Hidalgo (2004)

Coleton B.

Furthermore, James it is in poor form to petition others on your behalf to berate and belittle the moderation team in live chats, on patreon or elsewhere for your resultant exclusion. This 'foot stomping' is unnecessary and will not result in leniency for your exponentially inappropriate behaviour. Please reflect on what Jon and KL have explained and take stock of the multitude of comments you've made directly and indirectly to myself, KL, Jon, Cassie and any/all parts of the PiB community. We, as a team take no pleasure in this sort of action, we tried our best to act diplomatically with you, but you chose to disregard those opportunities for change for a significant amount of time; These incidents were by no means isolated.

Jon Johns

I'll gladly send you $4.99 -- Venmo, PayPal, cash app, whatever. BTW, COLETON beat me to the response to your inappropriate comment about the wildly successful and very popular guest presenter.


Huge Rogers-Astaire fan here so I’m waiting for that “Top Hat” reaction … and “Swing Time”!


It's just you haha. I'm with you on the weather though- I've had it with this winter crap. I don't have any ideas for new polls though I'm not sure you need new ones. The Popcornrequest polls are the movies we here want to see. I say just do more of them.

Larry Darrell

Maybe there's a Pill for that. Have you checked into it? Although, if it were me, I'd prefer something along the lines of Meditation. I suggest playing all of John Barry's James Bond Film Scores while doing this.


James, you can't just edit your two comments to say "It's over" and pretend that's what we were replying to all along. 🤣

Myles Away

My favourite "horse movie" from memory is 'Hidalgo' (2004) starring Viggo Mortensen aka Aragorn from 'Lord of the Rings'.

Mr Trick

Glad to see westerns getting their due. Now you need to dive into some of the classics, to counter-balance the modern westerns. (I know everybody suggests “The Searchers”, but you might want to build up to that one.

Matt S

Hello Everyone, I’m new here but have been enjoying PIB for some time. Thanks Cassie, it’s been Great Fun. Really a Great lineup, Super Picks. I can’t wait for you to get to the Craig Bond movies. With The Kentucky Derby coming up I vote for Secretariat winning the Horse poll by two and a half lengths.


So glad you are going to watch the rest of the western movies. Thanks so much. Crimson Tide is awesome also.

nick bell

I'm guessing in the next western poll we'll get a Silverado / Magnificent 7 showdown. And she'll watch both.

David Collins

I feel guilty to be getting my top three westerns from the poll choices. Thanks, Cassie! As for polls, I really do hope someday we might see a John Wayne poll similar to the Bond polls for each of the Bond actors. He has soo many great westerns - even some great war movies. John Wayne of course isn't like Bond in that he was a real guy, in fact. But his influence on pop culture is very similar and very real.

Jon Johns

Welcome buddy! Saw you on discord, so happy you're here 🥰

Jon Johns

One disgusting display of gaslighting, pal. Validates everything we've ever thought about you.

Cole Jennett

Well you did good job endearing yourself to me with your Secretariat comment😊

Matt S

Thanks Jon, I have been enjoying your comments for several months on YT premieres. I got to admit I’m Hooked on PIB and of course Cassie. She has reminded me why I enjoy these classic movies we grew up watching. REALLY GLAD TO BE HERE. THANKS AGAIN

Mike Lemon

Just an outside observer enjoying the show- if you are going to a board to throw bombs and get something off your chest, at least have the testicular fortitude to stand by the accusations. The multiple edits to completely change the message is bad form.

nick bell

Can't remember if it was James that did something like this last summer. Insulting people then deleting comments.


I just watched the OG because of the poll. Holy crap Glen Ford! What screen presence! I'm going to seek out more of his movies now. He'll always be the best Pa Kent.


A martial arts poll will end with one movie. "Enter the Dragon"(1973). A classic horror poll for sure. Cassie watched Frankenstein but not The Bride of Frankenstein(1935). The Bride of Frankenstein is a must! Have you seen the 1973 3 hour tv movie Frankenstein:The True Story?


Yes all 3 of these movies are great horse movies! I would like to add "The Man From Snowy River"(1982) as well. Which has the coolest horse stunt and a beautiful love story. It stars Tom Burlinson the star of Phar Lap. He did 2 horse movies in a row.


Cassie should do the OG Western "Stagecoach"(1939). Then "The Searchers", "Rio Bravo"(1959), "True Grit"(1969), "The Cowboys"(1972).


The Duke was the number one movie hero for decades.

Richard Maurer

@ mikethemotormouth a classic horror poll would technically be silent era through the early 70's - but mostly Universal through Hammer.

Richard Maurer

@Tommy.J - Why would a martial arts poll end with EtD? What about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Hero, House of the Flying Daggers, to name a few. I saw Frankenstein:The True Story back when it came out - I was a youngster and I honestly barely remember it.

Richard Maurer

You can, but doubt if it would win. I might vote for though, just to be different.


I used to watch The Man From Snowy River on repeat as a kid. Yes, there’s a beautiful love story as well! I thought the second film was pretty good, too.

Dean Holt

Looking forward to the Crimson Tide reaction, also for next poll how about a Sci-Fi one as you don’t seem to watch many. Another poll idea 80s comedy classics, Uncle Buck Beverly Hills Cop Twins Coming to American Big Trouble in Little China Stripes Crocodile Dundee The Goonies Ferris Bueller Brewsters Millions Also I don’t think you needed to do a poll on the next James Bond film 😂 as GoldenEye in my opinion is the best Bond film.

Dean Holt

White Men Can’t Jump is an excellent choice also really liked Coach Carter


For poll ideas that aren't just genre/decade/actor specific... - A Ben's Pick poll - he picks the movies - A "Filmed in Alberta" poll (or Canada) - A "C-A-S-S-I-E" poll - the movies in the poll all start with the letters in your name (and can do a C-A-R-L-Y poll for a sisters reaction) - for these you could consult top requests for films starting with those letters in the Popcorn Requests app? - I'm also gonna add a +1 to the idea commented earlier about having a "Movies Shown In Other Movies" poll. I remember you saying you didn't recognize the movie that was playing in Jackson in Ep 6 of The Last of Us. That is a rom-com called The Goodbye Girl from 1977. This poll could give us a fun wide variety of options to pick from.

Celeste McAllister

For the horse poll I have 'Black Beauty' 1991..


How about "Modern films shot deliberately in Black and White"? there are some great examples out there where the lack of colour has been used as a deliberate artistic choice,

David Collins

Almost forgot, for the Horse movie poll, Hidalgo and Secretariat have been mentioned, a couple of others that are pretty solid choices. I enjoyed Seabiscuit quite a bit, another true story about an actual race horse. But I would also throw out a couple of less obvious ones. The Horse Whisperer with Robert Redford is fantastic. All The Pretty Horses with Matt Damon and Penelope Cruz is incredibly well done, and very underrated.

Ian Hunter (NewbieInOttawa)

Jon, I like you more everyday lol. Sneakers!!!! I saw that back in 1992 and I think that was my first Redford movie. And a heckavu cast too boot. I also like Gabor's picks too, so I'll second Ronin and A Fish Called Wanda. Actually, since I'm here, perhaps a shout out to Grand Canyon from 1991 (I think) - good movie, lots of familiar faces, I think Cassie would dig it.

Rick Williams

Those are some of the great ones. Cassie couldn't go wrong with any of these.

Rick Williams

You have to watch John Wayne movies. With over 50 years in the movies. He was in over 200 movies. Some of the greatest movies.

Rick Williams

I agree. 3:10 to Yuma is a well made movie. But, it is frustrating. The original is better.

Larry Darrell

Absolutely! He Stole the Show, from Van Heflin. From Beginning to End. And Glenn Ford’s Pa Kent is the only one that makes sense to me. Recommend: Gilda (1946), The Big Heat (1953), Jubal (1956), and one of my favorites , The Rounders (1965), a modern Western comedy.


Cassie would love The Electric Horseman.

Will C

Skip Mando episode 6 and go straight to 7,8. You’re welcome 😂


Agreed! I think The Black Stallion is the greatest horse movie. This is such a special and magical film. It even inspired me to learn horseback riding. The soundtrack is stunning and that final race is legendary. Pure cinema! Kelly Reno was an incredible rider but he also gave a beautifully understated performance.

Richard Higgs

For your next Western poll, please add The Outlaw Josey Wales, my favorite western ever.

Will C

Hi Rich. I have an animatronic bear as my profile Pic and my username is a play on words. You’re welcome

Will C

Still don’t understand tho. Like I said, I’m an idiot with a bear avatar. You’ve wasted enough of your perfectly good time

Jon Hess

If you wanted to do a poll with both Hitchcock and Grant these are the films:Suspicion (1941) Notorious (1946) To Catch a Thief (1955) North by Northwest (1959)

Will C

Well, In my opinion it was time well spent and a job well done. By you, and Larry who remembered the Chuck E Cheese bear by name.

Mike LL

Good list, Jon. And each of those films are worth a watch!