South of the Border, Part 5 (Mexican Twin Sisters TFTG) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
A Story Tier Prompt
When a group of college students go south of the border to Mexico for spring break, best friends Angus and Jared decide to party a little too hard. Their insensitivity to local custom annoys a local bruja, who decides to transform them into a pair of Mexican twin sisters who can’t even understand English anymore. They can only turn back if they help her with the household chores, but things take an unexpected turn for all three.
Part 5: The Travel North
The twin sisters simply couldn’t get rid of their two admirers. Despite the fact that they were travelling all the way up to Connecticut, which would require a lot of hitchhiking and travel by freight train hobo-style, both Miguel and Marco were adamant that they travel with the two former men. It wasn’t hard to see why, particularly if they viewed it from the perspective of their once-male selves. Amarissa and Gabriella were hot. Ten out of ten hot. They had ripe E-cup chest melons that always had a wonderfully pert bounce to them, as well as curvaceously wide hips and delightfully full derrieres. Coupled with their beautiful looks and the fact that they were twins meant that they were practically walking male fantasies. It didn’t hurt either that their compulsions meant that they were always dressing to show off said cleavage, as well as their midriffs and legs. Two-piece outfits were their norm, and their movements were those of sensual sashays unless they were thinking really hard about not doing so. Even Amarissa, who had been a previous Casanova when she’d been Angus, would have followed such a pair to the ends of the earth. Josefina as Jared too, particularly since they still knew how to party, which was her life’s meaning until now. So who could blame charming and romantic Miguel and the younger, more reflective Marco from following the girls all the way north across the entire country of the United States of America.
“You don’t even know me, or my hermana,” Amarissa said several days after their arrival in America. “Why are you helping us?”
“Well, I don’t mean any offence,” Miguel said. “But I am absolutely captivated by you. Not to mention you are exciting, you have a mission, and it is a little mysterious. It is the kind of thing that adventures are born from, and opportunities.”
His eyes roamed her form just briefly. Again, that stare made her shiver. Made her feel wanted. Her dark nipples stiffened in her crop top.
“Also, you would potentially be in danger,” Marco said a bit flatly. “You are both very, well, nice girls, and many others would notice this and take advantage of it. Better to have two protectors.”
Josefina swallowed. She was sitting beside him on the freight train’s bed. It hadn’t yet taken off. She liked the way he said ‘protector.’ And also the cute way he called them ‘nice girls’ as if they weren’t the hottest pair of women he’d ever seen. He had managed to acquire some paper and ordinary pencils, and was drawing her. It made her heart sing, which was deeply fucking annoying to her since as Jared she had always shied away from genuine meaning and moments of sincerity because they were weird and confronting to deal with. Now here was a quiet young man slowly doodling away, depicting her smile in careful lead strokes.
“True, I should have considered that,” Amarissa said, eyeing Miguel up and down too. He had nice, lean, yet strong arms. “But are you really sure? Connecticut is way, way up north. It will take a while for us to reach it. And we have very little money to get us through. Plus, we’re illegal immigrants.”
And, she thought, they would be transformed back into white men at the end, leaving these two poor, lovely, charismatic schmucks empty-handed. It almost made her want to give him a sympathy bang, but that was her annoyingly horny brain talking. In the last few days of travel across her home country, she had started to have more and more sex dreams. She was still Angus, even if female, which meant that sex and seduction were on her mind quite a lot. Only now instead of getting hard, she got wet.
“I’m sure I’m sure,” Miguel said easily. “Besides, I can’t turn down a couple of beautiful damsels in distress now can I?”
He gave a warm smile, and she couldn’t help but give one in return.
“Thank you. The bruja - I mean, old woman we are looking for can hopefully help us. I’m sure she can help you as well.”
“She can get us identities?” Marco asked, his voice contemplative.
“I’m hoping so,” she said, looking out of the train car and into the distant afternoon horizon. “Or we might be stuck like this forever.”
Miguel gave a dismissive gesture. “No, we’ll be fine, chica. We have each other. I’ll find a way to get my brother citizenship and a path to university admission, just like I’ll start my own business.”
“And what business is that exactly?” Amarissa asked.
“Isn’t it obvious from my perfect moustache?” he asked, teasing it with his fingers. “I’m going to open up a barbershop. The best in America. And I will teach this godforsaken land why the moustache simply must return.”
She giggled. She’d been doing a lot of that lately, despite the dire straits. Just like how Josefina had been biting her lip in the presence of the calm, thoughtful Marco. She didn’t want to dwell on why that was - her body was insisting on being attracted to the pair, which was why she’d already spent too much personal money on damn makeup and clothing so she always looked good in front of them. Josefina had done the same, and bought an old iPod to share her favourite music with Marco.
They were both finding their new male companions far too . . . enticing.
The train started, signalling the next leg of many of their journeys. The four of them found comfortable spots and readied for the long travel. Miguel sat down next to Amarissa, his shoulder touching hers. Like Josefina with Marco, she didn’t move away.
The days passed, and the steps of their journey were intermittent. The brothers had accrued their own money to help themselves settle, but they were cleverly frugal about it in the way that Amarissa and Josefina were not. They were not accustomed to having to be so careful with their money, after all. Thankfully, they were all able to take care of each other, and that also meant that they were able to eventually find a used car dealer who didn’t have many qualms about selling an old beat-up Ford Transit to four undocumented Mexicans in their twenties. All Miguel had to do was sweet-talk him, since he had the best English of the group.
“I wish I still knew inglesa,” Josefina said, folding her arms beneath her breasts.
“I can teach you, if you wish,” Marco said. “Miguel knows it best, but I am the best teacher.”
“I have a feeling I’ll get it back pretty soon.”
“Get it back? Did you lose it?”
“Something like that,” Amarissa said, chuckling. “And with this car, we’ll be able to do a lot better getting to our great-aunt’s place. This is really starting to feel like we’ll succeed.”
“You are very pretty when you smile, you know,” Miguel said, driving at the wheel.
“Keep your eyes forward, pendejo,” she said playfully.
He chuckled. “Hard to do so when a body like yours is in the passenger seat! You are a danger to us - what if someone going the other way sees you? They will be like a moth drawn to the flame!”
The girls giggled, only to exchange a glance. Josefina was in the back chatting with Marcos, enjoying his thoughts on art and music, which were so much more developed than her own had ever been. Still, it also amused her to tease him.
“So you’ve never been to a real club?”
“Never. Well, I had a family concert I went to-”
“That doesn’t count. Dios mio, you have missed out on an experience!”
“It can’t be that amazing. All the loud sounds, the press of bodies. It seems it would be far too much to actually enjoy anything.”
“Oh, chico tonto, it’s the exact opposite. The lights, the sound, all the people around you swaying and dancing. The romance and sex and drinking, it all adds to it. You don’t have to say anything, but you are all together. You’re all, I don’t know, one. Like you were saying before about oneness of humanity or whatever. In a good club, when the vibe is right, that’s what people are. All together with the vibe of it. It can lead to great things.”
“Even drunk off your face?”
“Especially drunk off your face!”
Marco smiled slightly. “Perhaps I was wrong then. You described that like an artist capturing a moment in time.”
“Well, maybe I’m your muse,” she said, and it sounded much more like a flirtatious statement than she intended. She also didn’t undermine it by walking back, even when Marco blushed obviously and tried to change the subject. Miguel smirked in the front seat, winking knowingly in Amarissa’s direction.
“The young ones are bonding,” he mused.
“She’s younger than me by like twenty minutes or something,” she said.
“Well, I always liked older women.”
Amarissa snorted. It set her tits jiggling, and he also noticed that.
“Hey, eyes on the road, charmer! You can look later!”
That too had an element of flirtatiousness about it. And like her friend-turned-sister, she didn’t walk back on it either. They continued along the long highway through America’s middle states, shifting ever closer to their ultimate goal, though it was still days away by their speed. Days, plural. It suddenly seemed all too short to the women, even though their manhood depended on getting to their destination.
They blamed it on their compulsions, and the fact that their new male companions were too damn charming.
They finally got to stay overnight in a hotel. It was the doing of Miguel, who insisted on a cheap place they could stay with two bedrooms, all so they could finally freshen up and not look like shit once they got to Connecticut. The girls were desperate for a good shower after a couple of days not having one. They would have cared as men too, but as beautiful women, the urge to always look sexy for the male gaze was imprinted on them, thanks to Senora Maria Lopez’s magic. So despite the place being quite shabby, and the doors being squeaky, and the springs on the mattresses making a loud sound, the twins were just happy to have a place to finally flop. They both did so as soon as they arrived, straight onto the bed they planned to share. Their tits flopped about as well, giving quite a sight to the brothers. Both went a little slack-jawed, though Miguel recovered himself.
“Well, looks like you’ve chosen your bed. My brother and I will share the other one.”
It was an agreed upon arrangement that worked for all parties, except for their raging libidos. Because the twin sisters now had a space where they could dress down to their bras and panties in the hot weather (the apartment wasn’t exactly running the best air conditioning system), and finally also could use that same space to gossip with one another, without the boys overhearing anything.
“We have to ditch them!” Amarissa said, doing up her nails expertly.
“Stop doing your nails,” Josefina said, despite working on her toes. “We said we wouldn’t fully give in to the bruja’s curse, even if she sorta became our grandma.”
Amarissa kept going. “I’m nearly done. It’s the stupid hex. Besides, I get a headache if I don’t look right. It’s like not showing off all this ridiculous cleavage!”
Josefina sighed, knowing exactly what her sister was talking about. “Si, you’re not wrong. I can’t even cover up my bellybutton around Marcos.”
“That’s why we need to ditch them, somehow. I’m . . . feeling things, hermana.”
“Me too, hermana. Marcos’ soft voice . . . hmmm, it does things to this horny body. Really hot things. I do not want to keep getting my pussy wet every time he draws an amazing picture of how hot I am in his eyes. Even the way he draws my eyes. Mhmm.”
“Snap out of it,” Amarissa said, poking her sister in her big boob. It left a momentary indent in the flesh before it filled back out. “We need to think straight. We’re meant to be men!”
“I know! Dios mio, it’s not fair! We were only meant to be like this for a little bit. A week! Long enough to do some chores and be embarrassed. Now . . . I’m thinking of you like my hermana more and more easily. And I even get excited to dress up! Not just because of the stupid compulsions, but because I’m getting used to wearing bras and panties and crop tops and short shorts!”
Amarissa nodded. She knew what her twin sister meant. They even wore matching outfits often, with a colour variation and some hairstyle changes so they wouldn’t be mixed up too much . . . except when it was fun to mess with Miguel. Somehow, Marco was analytical enough to always know, which made Josefina rather amused.
“Maybe we just enjoy those bits, and accept that, so we don’t enjoy . . . other bits.”
“Sex bits, you mean.”
“Yes, hermana, sex bits. Because I don’t know about you, but if I were still a man, travelling with two girls that look like us, I’d want to be squeezing these big tits and ploughing into this fine Mexican pussy as much as possible!”
Josefina looked down at herself, wearing just her lingerie. “You’re not wrong,” she said. “Fuck, I’m fine. So very, very fine. Like Marcos . . .”
She went dreamy for a moment, until Amarissa poked her in the boob.
“Hey! Stop that! They’re sensitive!”
“They would be, from how you keep thinking about him. Just stop it!”
“Fine! I will! But you better stop it as well, Amarissa, because I see how that charming Miguel looks at you, and how you look at him. Him and that moustache of his.”
Amarissa rolled her eyes. “I can control myself. You were always the party goer. You’re the one that always lost control.”
“Sure. Well, let’s just keep an eye on each other, and we’ll be just fine.”
The two folded their arms, sitting on the bed beside one another, both utterly eager to prove that they were still men deep down, and certainly not going to do anything silly that night.
Unfortunately for the pair of them, something new was introduced to complicate things that very night.
“Rum and coke, seriously?”
Amarissa couldn’t believe it. Neither could Josefina, though she was much more ecstatic. Miguel just grinned.
“And some nice but cheap whiskey. Okay, mainly cheap. But the thought counts too, right? Besides, we never got to celebrate our successful border crossing properly, so I say we all drink a new American toast to ourselves. To us, as Americans!”
He passed them each a glass. Josefina took hers far too quickly, but Amarissa likewise could not quite resist the call of celebrating, particularly since their own entertainment had been cut short in Cancun.
“Fine, fine, I’ll drink a little,” she said. “So long as Marco joins us.”
Marco took a glass and raised his in a toast. “I may be a bit more serious, but I still know how to drink. He downed his rum and coke in one go, and Josefina took this as a challenge.
“Please, that’s watered down stuff. Look at this.”
Before Amarissa could warn her, she’d filled up with more than a shot of whiskey and let it burn down her throat. She gave a satisfied rasp.
“Ahhh, now that’s the stuff, ha!”
“Well, I’d call that a challenge,” Miguel noted to his brother. “But I’ll take things slower. We’ve come far, and are nearly to our destination. Where will things go after that? Will we stay together? Do our journeys part? I sincerely hope not. I have come to very much enjoy your company. Yours especially, Amarissa.”
She blushed, looked away.
“Well, who knows how things will go?” she said. “But things may change quite a lot, Miguel. You might not recognise us.”
“I would recognise you anywhere . . . unless I were looking at your sister.”
She laughed, and drank a little more. “You are such a charmer,” she said. “I hope you aren’t trying to get me drunk.”
He paused, looking a little shocked. “I would never! I just feel we should have some fun.”
Fun with Miguel meant something very different to her new, horny body. She pushed down those feelings, and instead gave him an accidentally flirtatious smile.
“Well, let’s have fun then. Just for tonight.”
They did. The four of them swapped stories and talked about their lives. The girls had to improvise, but did well to discuss amusing pranks and classic party situations that had gone wrong or right for them, all based on real events. They simply swapped the genders of partners or lovers or friends and, of course, themselves as they told it. Soon the four were drinking much more readily, Josefina most of all, and laughing quite loudly. Miguel talked of the time he had to rescue Marco from a river, a tale that involved the world’s most devious cat and their own bruja of a grandmother, though her evil magic was more in the delivery of a well-placed hit from a sandal when misbehaviour struck. It left Amarissa howling, touching his arm and leg more often than she should have as she bent over in laughter, which also gave him a sight of her cleavage. The mood in the air was getting intense, particularly as inhibitions were lowered. The quartet had shifted into their usual new arrangement, Josefina pressing her body up against the increasingly confident Marco, while Amarissa was lying back, her head in Miguel’s lap, trying desperately not to think about the bulge she could feel there.
“This is the most fun I’ve had in a while,” she admitted out loud, after an hour of this behaviour has passed.
“Same for me,” Miguel said. “You girls really are something. You are really something, Amarissa.”
She stared into her eyes, and some form of resistance in her snapped. She looked over to her sister, hoping that Josefina, despite her own lack of self-control, would be able to rescue her. But to her astonishment, Josefina was already kissing Marco, pulling back his lip seductively before letting it go. She took his hand and helped him upwards, and began dragging him back to their bedroom. She was by far the tipsiest one present, but not so drunk she didn’t know what she was doing.
“Damn her,” Amarissa said.
“Well, it seems my brother is getting very lucky,” Miguel said. “Good on him.”
In a fit of absolute daring, he traced his hand over her hip, over the flat of her bare stomach, and then over her chest. She moaned subtly as he traced a finger over her nipples.
“Stop me if I’m going too far,” he said.
“Mhmmm,” she moaned, and she did not stop him, no matter how much she knew she should. “That’s n-nice.”
“We could have our own lucky night, you know,” he said. “Only if you want it, Amarissa. I’ve been wanting it for some time, but I’ll respect your wishes.”
She moaned again as he traced over her other nipple. It was heaven, but she wanted even more. More flesh, more feeling, more groping and squeezing and caressing. Her body was on fire, her pussy growing damp. Her compulsions were up, and though she suspected she could fight them, she was already annoyed that Josefina had given in. If she got to experience such pleasures with Marco, why not her with Miguel? It was only fair, after all!
“Stop tormenting me,” she said, pushing away his hands suddenly and standing up.
For a moment, Miguel looked disappointed, but willing to respect her wishes. But then she extended a hand to him.
“Hurry up and take me to your room so you can fuck my brains out already.”
Miguel shot to his legs so fast she was worried he would leave the earth’s orbit. He took her hand and together they entered the bedroom he and his brother were sharing. Were sharing.
It was her and Miguel’s space now. She was as nervous as she was excited.
To Be Continued . . .