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As promised, here's the second game I wrote this summer, for your personal viewing! It's called White Dirt Red Rain, and it's about post-apocalyptic jungles and a crazed rush for survival using an immersive mechanic based around sand. It's high-octane and crazed, and I hope it inspires your own creative work!


White Dirt Red Rain 2019

STORY ABSTRACT Personal Information Storywriter(s) name(s): Jay Dragon, Kal Muste, Jack Warren Age(s): 22, 20, 21 Number of camps attended: a bunch Contact email: jdragsky@gmail.com, kmuste1171@gmail.com, jackwarrenwrites@gmail.com Contact phone: 845-802-3599, 914-388-3388, 845-663-8464 Stor...


John Contarino

This is very creative and imaginative!